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DoJG intermediate reference

㊥べきだ㊥ないことも/ はない㊥そうになる
㊥ことによる㊥っぱなし㊥得る (うる・える)
㊥く㊥来㊥Vmasu as a Noun
㊥くせに㊥Relative Clause㊥は言うまでもなく
㊥までもない㊥Rhetorical Question㊥わけだ

Intermediate Page 3

㊥ あまり

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A conjunction which marks a cause that involves excessive action. Because of too much~; because~ too much; so~ that~
【Related Expression: 過ぎる】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私はその晩興奮のあまり寝られなかった。

I was so excited that I couldn't sleep that night.

(ksb). この教科書は文法を重視するあまり面白くないものになってしまった。

This textbook has turned out to be an uninteresting one because it stressed grammar too much.


(i)Noun のあまり  
  心配のあまり Because of too much anxiety
(ii)Vinformal あまり  
  用心するあまり Someone is so cautious that


(a). 秋子は恐怖のあまり声も出なかった。

Akiko was so frightened that she couldn't even make a sound.

(b). 私は喜びのあまり思わず隣の人に抱きついてしまった。

I was so happy that I hugged the person beside me without thinking.

(c). 日本の英語教育は文法が強調されるあまり会話力の養成が疎かになっているようだ。

As for English education in Japan, it seems that because grammar is emphasized too much, the development of conversational skills is neglected.

(d). 今度の会合は形式を重んずるあまり内容が乏しくなってしまった。

The last meeting ended up having little content because it focused too much on formalities.


1. Clauses and phrases involving the conjunction あまり can be rephrased using the adverb あまり and the conjunction ので or ために, as in (1).

(⇨ あまり㊦)

2. Adjective い and Adjective な cannot precede あまり, as seen in (2) and (3).

3. Verb informal can be either past or nonoast when it represents a past action or event, as in (4), although the nonpast form is more common.

【Related Expression】

The auxiliary verb 過ぎる expresses a similar idea. For example, Key Sentence (A) and (B) can be rephrased using 過ぎる, as in[1].


However, there are some differences between あまり and 過ぎる. First, あまり is always a part of an adverbial clause or phrase which expresses a cause. 過ぎる, however, does not always express cause and can be in the predicate of a main clause. Second, あまり is used only when the verb or noun represents a psychological action or state. Thus, the following sentences are unacceptable.



Third, 過ぎる is used in both spoken and written Japanese while あまり is limited in use to formal written Japanese.

(⇨ 過ぎる㊦)

Intermediate Page 6

㊥ ~ば~ほど


A structure indicating that something happens in proportion to the increase of extent/degree of action or state. The~, the~
【Related Expression: ほど】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本語は勉強すれ (勉強)するほど面白くなります。

The harder you study Japanese, the more interesting it will become.

(ksb). パーティーは人が多けれ多いほど楽しい。

At a party the more the merrier.

(ksc). 機械は簡単{であれある/なら簡単な}ほど壊れにくい。

A machine is harder to break, the simpler it is.


(i) V1 Conditional V2 Informal nonpast ほど Where Verb1=Verb2
  話せ話すほど The more someone talks, the more~
(ii)Adjective い1 conditional Adjective い2 informal nonpast ほど Where Adjective い1 = Adjective い2
  高けれ高いほど The more expensive something is, the more~
(iii)Adjective な1stem {であるばある なら Adjective な2 stem}ほど Where Adjective な1=Adjective な2
  {静かであるばある / 静かなら静か}ほど The quieter something/someone is, the more~


(a). この酒は飲め飲むほど美味しくなります。

The more you drink this sake, the tastier it becomes.

(b). 大学はよけれよいほど入るのが難しいです。

The better the university, the harder it is to get in.

(c). アパートは駅に近けれ近いほど(家賃が)高い。

The closer apartments are to the station, the more expensive they are (to rent).

(d). 普段元気なら元気なほど体に気を付けた方がいいですよ。

The healthier you are, the more careful you should be about your health.


1. The construction of ~ほど is very close in meaning to 'the more ~, the more ~' construction in English.

2. Other conditionals たら and と cannot be used in this construction. Thus, the following use of と and たら are ungrammatical.

3. When the verb is a する verb as in Key Sentence (A), it takes the form of either Noun すれ Noun するほど or Noun すれするほど as in Key Sentence (A). If the verb is not a する verb as in Example (a), it always takes the form of Verb conditional Verb informal nonpast ほど.

4. The conditional form なら is used only with Adjective な. So, the following sentences are ungrammatical.

Intermediate Page 8

㊥ ~ばかりか~(さえ)

Compound Particle/Conjunction

A compound particle/conjunction which is used to connect two nouns or two sentences, the first of which is something normally expected and the second of which is something normally unexpected. Not only~ but also
【Related Expression: ばかりで(は)なく~も; だけで(は)なく~も; どころか】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本では子供ばかりか大人さえ漫画を読んでいる。

In Japan not only children but even adults are reading comic books.

(ksb). あの人は絵を見て楽しむばかりか、自分でも絵を描く。

He not only enjoys looking at pictures; he also draws them.


(i){V/ Adjective い} informal ばかりか  
  {話す/話した}ばかりか Not only does/did someone speak
  {高い/高かった}ばかりか Not only is/was something high
(ii)Adjective な stem {だった}ばかりか  
  {静か/静かだった}ばかりか Not only is/was something/someone quiet
(iii){Noun /Nounだった} ばかりか  
  {先生/先生だった}ばかりか Not only is/was someone a teacher


(a). アメリカでは大学生ばかりか、中学生、高校生さえ日本語を勉強している。

In America not only college students but even junior and senior high school students are studying Japanese.

(b). 僕の寮の部屋は狭いばかりか、窓さえないんです。

My room in the dorm is not just small; it doesn't even have a window.

(c). トムは漢字が読めないばかりか、平仮名さえ読めない。

It's not just kanji that Tom cannot read; he cannot read even hiragana.

(d). 父は食べるのが大好きなばかりか、料理をするのも大好きです。

My father not only loves to eat, he also loves to cook.


1. Before ばかりか comes something/someone normally expected and after ばかりか comes something/someone normally unexpected. If the order of the two is reversed an unacceptable sentence like the following results.

2. The particle さえ can be replaced by the particle も especially in spoken Japanese.

【Related Expressions】

I. The pnrases ばかりで(は)なく~も and だけで(は)なく~も are very similar to ばかりか~(さえ). Among those three constructions ばかりか~(さえ) expresses the highest degree of unexpectedness between the content of Sentence1 and Sentence2. If such unexpectedness is missing, the ばかりか~(さえ) construction sounds awkward. Examples follow.



(⇨ だけで(は)なく~(も)㊦)

II. Sentence1 どころか Sentence2, a construction indicating that someone/something is very far from a/n (un)desirable state, is quite different from Sentence1 ばかりか Sentence2, when Sentence1 is affirmative and Sentence2 is negative or when Sentence1 is negative and Sentence2 is affirmative. Examples follow.



If both Sentence1 and Sentence2 are affirmative or negative, the two constructions are interchangeable.



Intermediate Page 11

㊥ べきだ


An auxiliary which expresses the speaker's judgment that someone/something should do something or should be in some state. Should; ought to
【Related Expression: はず; 方がいい; ものだ; なければならない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この論文は書き直すべきだ

This thesis should be rewritten.

(ksb). そんなことを人に言うべき{では/じゃ}ありません。

You shouldn't say that kind of thing to people.

(ksc). 君も来るべきでしたよ。

You should have come, too.

(ksd). 山田には話すべき{では/じゃ}なかった。

I shouldn't have told that to Yamada.

(kse). 話すべきことは全部話しました。

I told you everything I should tell you.


(i)Vinformal nonpast べきだ  
  行くべきだ Should go
Exception する→{する}べきだ Should do
(ii){Adjective な stem/Noun} であるべきだ  
  積極的であるべきだ Someone should be positive
  目的であるべきだ Something should be an objective


(a). 自分のことは自分です(る)べきだ

You should look after yourself. (literally: You should do your own business by yourself.)

(b). 今、家を買うべきじゃないよ。

You shouldn't buy a house now.

(c). それは課長にも言っておくべきだったね。

We should have told that to our boss, too, shouldn't we?

(d). 彼は結婚なんかす(る)べきじゃなかったんだ。

He shouldn't have married.

(e). 我々はもっと創造的であるべきだ

We should be more creative.

(f). この状態が現実であるべきだ

This state should be the reality.

(g). 調査の結果、驚くべきことが分かった。

As a result of the investigation, a surprising thing (literally: something one should be surprised at) was discovered.

(h). 田中は全く軽蔑すべきだ。

Tanaka is indeed a despicable man (literally: a man whom one should despise).

(i). あるべき所に記述がない。

There's no description where there should be one.


1. Tense and negation are expressed by conjugating べきだ. [See Key Sentences (A) - (D) and Examples (a) - (d).]

2. The prenominal form of べきだ (i.e., the form which modifies a noun) is べき. [See Key Sentence (E) and Examples (g) - (i).]

3. べきだ usually expresses the idea that someone/something should do something or be in some state because it is his/her responsibility or duty, because it is the right thing or a good thing to do, or because it is the right state or a good state to be in. [See Key Sentence (A) - (E), Examples (a) - (f) and (i).]

4. べきだ also expresses the idea that someone is expected to do s.t. [See Examples (g) and (h).]

5. Adjective い stem+くあるべきだ, as in (1), is a possible form but this form is not commonly used.

6. べきだ is not used when the speaker is younger than the hearer or lower than the hearer in status. For example, (2) is not appropriate in the given situation.

【Related Expressions】

I. ものだ also expresses the idea that one should do something as one's duty, as in [1].


However, ものだ is used only in a generic statement to express a social norm. Thus, in a specific situation, as in [2], it cannot be used.


(⇨ もの(だ)㊦)

II. In terms of forcefulness, べきだ is weaker than なければならない and stronger than たほうがいい, as in [3].


a. 君はもっと勉強しなければならな。 stronger
You must study harder
b. 君はもっと勉強すべきだ |
You should study harder. |
c. 君はもっと勉強した方がいい。
You'd better study harder. weaker

(⇨ なければならない㊦; ほうがいい

III. はず also expresses the idea of "should." However, はず is used when the speaker's expectation is involved. Compare the following sentences.



(⇨ はず㊦)

Intermediate Page 16

㊥ 分


A suffix which indicates the amount of something. For~; ~worth; amount equivalent to~; portion
【Related Expression: 前】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ガソリンを十ドル入れておきました。

I put in ten dollars worth of gas.

(ksb). 私は今日三日の仕事を片付けた。

Today I did three days worth of work.

(ksc). 現金の不足は小切手で払います。

I'll pay the remaining amount (literally: the amount for which cash is short) by check.


(i) Number+Counter (Noun)  
  五人分の食料 Food for five people
  減少 The amount by which something decreased


(a). 会議の資料を六人用意しておいて下さい。

Please get six sets of materials ready for the meeting.

(b). ここは後でサインをしますので二行あけておいて下さい。

Please leave two lines (of space) here because someone will sign there later.

(c). 私達は四か月のボーナスをまらった。

We were paid a bonus equivalent to four months pay.

(d). トラック三台のごみが出た。

Three trucks-full of garbage came out.

(e). 政府は十万人の食糧を被災地に送った。

The government sent food for 100,000 people to the disaster-stricken area.

(f). 学校当局は諸経費の増加を授業料の値上げでカバーしようとしている。

The school authorities are trying to cover the increase in expenses by raising tuition.


Either a number+counter or a noun precedes . When a number+counter precedes, it means something worth that amount (e.g., Key Sentence (A)) or equivalent to that amount (e.g., Key Sentence (B)). When a noun precedes , it means the amount or portion of something represented by the noun (e.g., Key Sentence (C)).

【Related Expression】

The suffix 前 also expresses a portion of something, as in [1], but this use is limited to food. A number+人 precedes 前.


Intermediate Page 18

㊥ だが

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A conjunction that expresses something that is contrasted with what is expressed in the previous sentence. But; however; yet; nevertheless
【Related Expression: だけど; でも; が; けれど(も); のに; しかし】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本の経済力は伸びている。だが、いつまで続くかは分からない。

Japanese economic power is growing, but we can't tell how long it will last.

(ksb). 都会の生活は便利だ。だが、ストレスが多すぎる。

Urban life is convenient. But there are too many stresses.


S1 informal だがS2 informal  
  あの人の話は面白い。だが、内容がない。 His talk is interesting, but there is no content


(a). 私は彼女とは初めて会った。だが、前から知っていたような親しみを感じた。

I met her for the first time; but I felt close to her as if I had known her for a long time.

(b). 山本は医者に何度も煙草を辞めるように言われた。だが、辞める気はないらしい。

Yamamoto was told by his doctor to quit smoking, but he doesn't seem to have any intention of quitting.

(c). あの人には才能がある。だが、その才能を使っていない。

He is talented, but he is not using his talents.

(d). 今日の試験のために寝ないで勉強した。だが、さっぱり出来なかった。

I studied hard for today's exam without sleeping, but I couldn't do it at all.

(e). 妹はよく勉強するし、頭もいい。だが、成績はなぜかよくない。

My younger sister studies hard and she is intelligent, but somehow her grades are not good.


だが is not used in spoken Japanese unless it is followed by ね as in (1).

In spoken Japanese it is usually replaced either by けれど(も) or by でも. The formal version ですが can be used in both spoken and written Japanese.

【Related Expression】

The first difference between だが and が/けれど(も) /のに/しかし/だけど/でも is the way they combine two sentences. だが, だけど, しかし and でも are always used as a sentence-initial conjunction, but が and のに are normally used as a non-sentence-initial conjunction, and けれど(も) is used either as a sentence-initial conjunction or a non-sentence-initial conjunction.

Sentence-initial conjunctions:

a. Sentence1。だがSentence2。 *Sentence1だがだが、Sentence2。
b. Sentence1。だけどSentence2。 *Sentence1だけど、Sentence2。
c. Sentence1。しかしSentence2。 *Sentence1しかし、Sentence2。
d. Sentence1。でもSentence2。 *Sentence1でも、Sentence2。

Non-sentence-initial conjunctions:

e. Sentence1が、Sentence2。 ???Sentence1。がSentence2。
f. Sentence1のに、Sentence2。 *Sentence1。のにSentence2。

(Non-)Sentence-initial conjunction:

g. Sentence1けれど(も)、Sentence2。 Sentence1。けれど(も)、Sentence2。

The second difference concerns semantic difference. が and けれど(も) can be used to in two senses of 'but' and 'and.'


For the difference between けれど(も) and のに, see のに. (⇨ のに㊦) Among the four sentence-initial conjunctions, the most colloquial is でも, followed by だけど and the least colloquial one is だが, followed by しかし.

Intermediate Page 21

㊥ だからと言って


A coordinate conjunction indicating that even if one accepts a premise expressed in the preceding sentence(s) one cannot jump to an expected conclusion from the premise. However, it doesn't follow from this that~; but it doesn't mean that~; because of that
【Related Expression: からと言って】

Key Sentences

(ksa). チェンさんは日本語が苦手だ。テストではいつも半分も出来ない。だからと言って、頭が悪いわけではない。

Mr. Cheng is not good at Japanese. On a test he cannot even finish half of it. But it doesn't follow from this that he is not smart.

(ksb). 吉田さんは日本人だ。しかも、小説家だ。だからと言って、日本語が教えられるとは限らない。

Ms. Yoshida is Japanese. And she is a novelist. But she may not be able to teach Japanese.


S1 (S2…)だからと言って Sn Where Sn often ends with わけではない or とは限らない
  彼は若い。経験も浅い。だからと言って教えられない {わけではない/とは限らない}。 He is young. He has little experience. But it doesn’t follow from this that he cannot teach


(a). ジョンは奥さんのことをちっとも褒めない。時々口をきかないこともある。だからと言って、奥さんを愛していないわけではない。

John does not praise his wife at all. Sometimes he doesn't talk with her. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't love her.

(b). 僕は毎日運動をしている。食べ物にも注意している。しかし、だからと言って、長生きする保証はない。

I am doing exercise every day. I am also paying attention to what I eat. But it doesn't guarantee that I will live long.

(c). 日本人は集団行動が好きだと言われる。何をするにも一緒にやる。しかし、だからと言って、個人行動が全くないわけではない。

They say that Japanese like group activities. Whatever they do, they do together. But it is not the case that there are no individual activities.

(d). 魚は健康にいい。しかし、だからと言って、魚ばかり食べていたら、体に悪いはずだ。

Fish is good for you. But if you ate nothing but fish, it would be bad for you.

(e). 日本語はよく難しい言語だと言われる。文法が複雑だし、漢字を覚えるのも大変だ。だからと言って、外国人が学べないわけではない。

Japanese is often said to be difficult. The grammar is complex and kanji are hard to memorize. But that doesn't mean foreigners cannot learn it.


1. だからと言って is a conjuction which indicates that while the speaker/writer accepts an assertion/fact in the preceding sentence, he argues that what is normally expected from the assertion/fact is not (necessarily) applicable. Thus, for example, Sentence1 and Sentence2 of Key Sentence (A) may lead to an assertion that Mr. Cheng is not smart. But the speaker denies that extrapolation in Sentence3. To paraphrase it, it is something like: 'Mr. Cheng is poor at Japanese and he can't even get half way through tests. So you probably think he is not smart, but I don't think that’s true.'

2. だからと言って often occurs with わけではない or とは限らない, as shown in all the examples except Example (d).

Intermediate Page 23

㊥ だけで


A phrase which expresses the idea that just doing something is enough for something. Just V-ing is enough; can just~; just by V-ing

Key Sentences

(ksa). 君はここに座っているだけでよい。

You can just sit (literally: be sitting) here.

(ksb). 私は筆跡を見ただけで誰が書いたか分かった。

I knew who wrote it just by looking at the handwriting.


V informal だけで  
  {読む/読んだ}だけで Just by reading


(a). この植木は二週間に一度水をやるだけでよい。

Watering just once every other week is enough for this plant.

(b). この用紙にサインしていただくだけで結構です。

It will be enough if you just sign this form.

(c). 本当に来るだけでいいんですか。

Are you sure that I don't have to do anything except attend?

(d). その会議では私はただ座っているだけでよかった。

At that meeting all I had to do was sit there.

(e). 村上君は一週間勉強しただけであの試験に通ったそうだ。

I heard that Murakami passed that exam just by studying for one week.

(f). お金を入れてボタンを押すだけで暖かいラーメンが出てくる自動販売機がある。

There is a vending machine which serves hot ramen (literally: from which hot ramen comes out) just by inserting coins and pushing a button.

(g). 頭金一万円を払うだけで品物をお届けします。

If you just pay 10,000 yen as deposit, we'll deliver the product.

(h). 聞くだけで胸が悪くなるような話だ。

Just hearing that story makes me sick. (literally: It is a story that makes me sick just by hearing it.)


The choice of the tense of the verb before だけ depends on (1) whether or not the action expressed by the verb (Action 1) was taken in the past, and (2) whether or not the action/event expressed by the verb (Action 1) precedes the action/event expressed by the main verbal (Action 2). If A1 precedes A2 and A1 is a past action, the verb must be in the past tense (example, Key Sentence (B) and Example (e)). If A1 precedes A2 and A1 is not a past action, the verb is commonly in the nonpast tense, although the past tense is also acceptable (example, Examples (f) - (h)). If A1 does not precede A2 and A1 is a past action, the verb is commonly in the nonpast, although the past tense is also acceptable (example, Example (d)). If A1 does not precede A2 and A1 is not a past action, the verb must be in the nonpast (example, Key Sentence (A) and Examples(a) - (c)).

(⇨ だけ㊦)

Intermediate Page 25

㊥ だらけ


A suffix that indicates that something/someone is covered or filled with something undesirable. Full of; filled with; covered with
【Related Expression: まみれ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). スミスさんはいつも泥だらけの靴を履いています。

Mr. Smith is always wearing shoes covered with mud.

(ksb). この作文は間違いだらけです。

This composition is full of mistakes.


(i)Noun1 だらけのNoun2  
  ごみだらけの部屋 A room filled with rubbish
(ii)Noun1はNoun2 だらけだ  
  部屋はごみだらけだ The room is full of rubbish


(a). 長いこと掃除をしていなかったらしく、床も机の上もほこりだらけだった。

Apparently they have not cleaned the room for a long time and the floor and the tables were covered with dust.

(b). 病院に担ぎ込んだ時、その男の顔は血だらけだった。

When we carried him into the hospital, the man's face was covered with blood.

(c). だらけの足で入って来ないで。

Don't come in with muddy feet.

(d). 借金だらけの生活をしています。

I am living a life with many debts.

(e). この貝は砂だらけで食べにくい。

This seashell contains a lot of sand, so eating is difficult.


だらけ is used when something is covered with something undesirable, but if something is covered with something desirable だらけ cannot be used.

【Related Expression】

The difference between だらけ and まみれ is that the latter means 'totally covered/mixed with dirty liquid/powder such as blood, sweat, mud or dust,' excluding intangible objects, whereas the former can be used not only with liquid/powder but also to cover holes/pimples, and intangible objects, as in Key Sentence (B) and Example (d). More examples to show the difference follow:





Intermediate Page 27

㊥ で


A particle which indicates a basic quantity, for each of which certain amount is associated. For; per
【Related Expression: につき】

Key Sentences

(ks). この翻訳は一ページ二千円お払いします。

We will pay 2.000 yen per page for this translation.


(a). このアルバイトは一時間千円払ってくれます。

They will pay me 1,000 yen per hour for this part-time job.

(b). 昨日は一日本を五百ページ読んだ。

Yesterday I read 500 pages in a day.

(c). 食べて飲んで、五人、七万ぐらいでした。

We ate and drank and it cost us about 70,000 yen for five persons.

(d). この林檎は一山二百円です。

These apples are 200 yen for one pile.


can be omitted if the relation between the basic amount and the associated amount is more or less fixed as in Key Sentence, Examples (a) and (d). In Example (b) five hundred pages for one day is not fixed, so it is impossible to say 一日五百ページ. The same is true of Example (c) in which the cost of 70,000 yen for five people is not fixed.

【Related Expression】

In the sense of 'per,' the particle can be replaced by につき, if the relation between the basic amount and the associated amount is fixed as in Key Sentence, Examples (a) and (d). There is also a stylistic difference: につき is more formal than .




Intermediate Page 29

㊥ であろう

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auziliary which indicates the writer's conjecture which is not based on any particular information or evidence. Probably
【Related Expression: だろう; まい】

Key Sentences

(ks). 日本経済は今後も成長を続けるであろう

The Japanese economy will probably still keep growing (literally: from now on, too).


Sinformal であろう  
  {話す/話した}であろう Will probably talk/probably talked
  {高い/高かった}であろう Is/was probably expensive
  {静か/静かだった}であろう Is/was probably quiet
  {先生/先生だった }であろう Is/was probably a teacher
Exception {Adjective stem/Noun}であろう  


(a). このようなブームはもう二度と起こらないであろう

Such a boom will probably not happen again.

(b). この次に起こる地震は非常に大きいであろうと予想される。

It is expected that the next earthquake will (probably) be very strong.

(c). その交渉は極めて困難であろう

That negotiation will probably be very difficult.

(d). この辺りは昔、湖だったであろうと思われる。

I think that this area was probably a lake a long time ago.

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Intermediate Page 31

㊥ である

Copula (used in writing and formal speech only)

A copula which is used in formal writing and formal speech. Be
【Related Expression: だ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 「坊っちゃん」は漱石の初期の代表作である

Botchan is representative of Soseki's early work.

(ksb). 今年の水不足は極めて深刻である

The water shortage this year is extremely serious.


(i)Noun である  
  先生である Be a teacher
(ii)Adjective な stem である  
  静かである Be quiet


(a). 人間は考える葦である

“Man is a thinking reed.”

(b). 日本語があいまいな言語であるというのは誤りである

(The idea) that Japanese is an ambiguous language is wrong.

(c). 大型車に一人で乗るのは不経済である

Using a big car for one person is uneconomical.

(d). 彼に何度も手紙を書いたが無駄であった

I wrote him many letters but it was useless.

(e). 日本語では文脈から分かることは原則として言わないのである

In principle, in Japanese we do not say what is understood from context.

(f). 彼らが出来ないのは練習していないからである

It is because they haven't practiced that they can't do it.

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Intermediate Page 34

㊥ どころか


A conjunction indicating that someone/something is very far from an expected state. Far from; not just; even
【Related Expression: ばかりか~(さえ)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は日本語が話せるどころか、一度も勉強したことがありません。

I am far from being able to speak Japanese. I haven't studied it at all.

(ksb). ジムは日本語の会話が出来ないどころか、簡単なあいさつも出来ない。

Jim is not just unable to converse in Japanese; he cannot even make simple greetings.


(i){Vinformal /Adjective い} informal nonpast どころか  
  食べるどころか Far from eating
  大きいどころか Far from being big
(ii){Adjective な stem (な)/Noun} どころか  
  元気(な)どころか Far from being healthy
  病気どころか Far from being ill


(a). スミスさんは日本語の新聞が読めるどころか、平仮名も知らない。

Mr. Smith is far from being able to read a Japanese newspaper; he doesn't even know hiragana.

(b). ジョンソンさんは漢字が書けないどころか、平仮名も書けない。

Mr. Johnson is not just unable to write kanji; he cannot write even hiragana.

(c). スミスさんは日本語が書けないどころか、日本語で小説が書けるぐらいだ。

Mr. Smith is far from being unable to write Japanese; he can even write a novel in Japanese.

(d). クラークさんは刺身が食べられるどころか、納豆まで食べられる。

Mr. Clark is not just able to eat sashimi; he can even eat nattou.

(e). あの人は本を読むどころか、新間も読まない。

He is far from reading books; he doesn't even read newspapers.

(f). 父は運動をするどころか、家から一歩も出ない。

My father is far from doing exercises; he doesn't even step out of the house.

(g). 今年の八月は暑いどころか、寒かった。

This August was far from being hot; it was cold.

(h). 私の父は丈夫(な)どころか、寝たきりです。

My father is far from being healthy; he is bedridden.

(i). 食事はご馳走どころか、豚のえさみたいだった。

The meal was far from being a feast; it was like food for pigs.

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Intermediate Page 36

㊥ どうも


An adverb to indicate that one cannot make a definite statement about something due to lack of hard evidence. I don't know why but; I cannot manage to; just; from what I gather; seem; no matter how~; I gather that~; for some reason

Key Sentences

(ksa). この文の意昧がどうもよく分からない。

I tried, but I cannot understand the meaning of this Japanese sentence very well.

(ksb). 鈴木さんはどうも京都大学に入りたいらしい。

I gather that Mr. Suzuki wants to enter Kyoto University.

(ksc). あの先生の授業はどうも面白くない。

I don't know why, but that instructor's class is uninteresting.


(i)どうも~ {V /Adjective (い/な)} negative  
  どうも話せない No matter how one tries, someone can’t talk
  どうも食べられない No matter how one tries, someone doesn’t eat
  どうもよくない I don’t know why but something isn’t good
  どうも上手じゃない I don’t know why, but someone is not good at something
(ii)どうも~ {V /Adjective い} informal {らしい/ようだ}  
  どうも話す{らしい/ようだ} I gather that someone is going to talk
  どうも食べる{らしい/ようだ} I gather that someone is going to eat
  どうも高い{らしい/ようだ} I gather that something is expensive
(iii) どうも~ Adjective な stem {らしい/ようだ} or Adjective な stem だった{らしい/ようだ}  
  どうも静か{らしい/ようだ} I gather that something is quiet


(a). このごろどうも体の詞子がよくないんです。

I don't know why, but lately I don't feel very good.

(b). あの人の日本語はどうも聞きにくい。

I don't know why, but his Japanese is hard to listen to.

(c). 先生、この間題の意味がどうもつかめないんです。

Professor, I can't manage to grasp the intent of this problem.

(d). こんな田舎に住むのはどうも不便だ。

It is just inconvenient to live in such countryside.

(e). うちの子はテレビばかり見て、どうも本を読まない。

I don't know why, but our kids are always watching TV and do not read books.

(f). あの先生はどうも厳しいようだ。

That teacher seems strict to me.

(g). ジョンは日本語を話すのは上手だが、読むのはどうも下手なようです。

John is good at speaking Japanese but for some reason he seems poor at reading it.

(h). その男がどうも犯人に違いないと思っていたが、やっぱりそうだった。

I gathered that he must be the one who did it, and my guess was right.

(i). 父は症状からしてどうもがんになったらしい。

Judging from the symptoms my father seems to have cancer.

(j). 彼女が今朝電車の中で僕に言ったことがどうも気になった。

What she said to me this morning in the train somehow bothered me.

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Intermediate Page 39

㊥ どんなに~(こと)か


A structure that indicates an exclamation about the degree to which an action or state takes/took place. How~(!)
【Related Expression: どれほど~(こと)は; いかない~(こと)か】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 兄は病気が治ってどんなに嬉しかったことか

How glad my elder brother was when he recovered from his illness!

(ksb). 父は母をどんなに愛していたことか

How dearly my father loved my mother!

(ksc). 日本へ行くまで日本がどんなに狭い分からなかった。

I didn't realise how small Japan was until I got to Japan.


(i) どんなに(こと)  
  どんなに難しいことか How difficult something is!
(ii) どんなに Predicate  
  どんなに面白い知らない。 Someone doesn’t know how interesting something is


(a). 英夫は由美子に結婚を断られた時にどんなに残念に思ったことか

How disappointed Hideo must have felt when Yumiko refused to marry him.

(b). 勉強が嫌いだった良夫には大学に入るのがどんなに難しかった

For Yoshio, who didn't like to study, how hard it was to enter college!

(c). 圭子はどんなにフランスに留学したかったことか

How strongly Keiko wanted to go to France!

(d). 学生達はその厳しい先生をどんなに強く憎んだことか

How strongly the students hated their strict teacher!

(e). 駅前のアパートはどんなに便利だったことか

How convenient my apartment right in front of the station was!

(f). 一郎は親のもとを離れた時、親がどんなに寂しがった分からなかった。

Ichiro didn't realise how lonely his parents must have felt when he left them.

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Intermediate Page 41

㊥ どうせ


An adverb that indicates the speaker/writer's feeling that no matter what s/he does or how s/he does it, the situation will not change. In any case; anyway; at all events; after all; at all

Key Sentences

(ksa). 受けても、どうせ、駄目だから、文部省の留学生試験を受けないことにしました。

I decided not to try for the Education Ministry's Scholarship, because I'd be doomed to failure.

(ksb). どうせ外国旅行をするんなら、若いうちにした方がいい。

If you make a trip abroad at all, it's better to do it when you are young.


(a). どうせこんな沢山の宿題、出来るわけがないから、遊ぶことにしたよ。

I cannot do this much homework anyway, so I've decided to play.

(b). 人間はどうせ死ぬんだから、あくせく働いても仕方がない。

Since we humans are bound to die, it is no use working hard.

(c). どうせ捨てられるのに、どうして彼の後を追うの?

Why are you following him, when you are well aware that you are going to be dumped after all?

(d). どうせあの女性とは結婚出来ないよ。早くあきらめた方がいいよ。

You cannot marry that woman anyway. You'd better give her up as soon as possible.

(e). A:君はこんなことが分からないのかい? B:どうせ私は馬鹿ですよ。

A: Don't you understand this simple matter? B: I'm stupid, as you know.

(f). どうせ来週日本へ行きますから、その辞書は日本で買います。

I'm going to Japan next week anyway, so I'll buy that dictionary over there.

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Intermediate Page 44

㊥ 風に


With an appearance/style/tone/manner of~. In~ manner; after~ style; a la~; like
【Related Expression: ように】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私の家の庭は日本風に大きい石が置いてあります。

The yard of my house has big rocks arranged in Japanese style.

(ksb). あんな風に勉強していたらいい成績は取れないだろう。

If he studies like that, he won't get good grades.

(ksc). 私は先生に頭がいいんだからもっと勉強しろという風によく言われた。

I was often told by my teacher that I have to study harder because I am smart.


(i) {Noun/こんな/そんな/あんな/どんな} 風に Like {Noun/this/that/that~ over there}, in what manner?
  西洋風に In Western style
  こんな風に Like this
(ii) Sinformal という風に Like
  行かないという風に(聞いている) (I hear) that someone doesn’t go there
  今日はデート、明日はコンサートという風に Like a date one day and a concert the next


(a). A:これはどんな風に持ったらいいんですか。 B:こんな風に持って下さい。

A: How should I hold this? B: Please hold it like this.

(b). あんな風に毎日飲んでいたら、きっと病気になるでしょう。

If he keeps drinking like that every day, he will surely become ill.

(c). このカレーライスはインド風に、とても辛くしてあります。

We have made this curried rice very spicy like an Indian version.

(d). ジェミーが日本風のお辞儀をした時にはびっくりした。

I was surprised when Jemmy bowed in Japanese style.

(e). 京子は、今日はお花、あすはダンスという風に、毎日何かを習いに行っている。

Kyoko goes out every day to take lessons, like flower arrangement one day and dance, the next.

(f). お母さんが入院なさったという風に人から伺いましたが、いかがですか。

I heard that your mother has been hospitalized, but how is she?

(g). 教育改善のためなら、いくらお金を使ってもいい、という風になればいいんですがね。

I wish things could change in such a way that we can spend as much money as we want to, if it is for educational improvement.

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Intermediate Page 47

㊥ がち


A suffix to express an undesirable tendency in someone or something. Tend to; be prone to; be apt to; be liable to; be subject to; often
【Related Expression: ぎみ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 田中君は最近授業を休みがちだ。

Tanaka tends to miss classes these days.

(ksb). それは日本に短期間滞在した外国人にありがちな誤解だ。

That's the kind of misunderstanding which foreigners who stay in Japan for a short period of time are subject to.

(ksc). 私は小さい時病気がちでした。

I was often ill when I was very young.

(ksd). この辺りは昼間留守がちの家が多い。

Around here many people are often away from their houses during the day. (literally: Around here there are many houses which residents are often away from during the day.)


(i) Vます がちだ  
  忘れがちだ Tend to forget
(ii) Noun がちだ  
  留守がちだ Tend not to be home


(a). 夏はややもすると塩分が不足しがちだ。

Our bodies are apt to lack salt in the summer.

(b). この時計は最近遅れがちだ。

This watch tends to lose time these days.

(c). 人はともすると自分の都合いいように物事を考えがちだ。

People tend to think (about things) in a way that suits themselves.

(d). 若いうちはとかく物事一途に考えがちだ。

Young people tend to think (about things) too seriously and narrow-mindedly.

(e). 私は最近週末もうちを空けがちです。

These days I seldom stay home even on weekends.

(f). これはアメリカ人の学生が犯しがちな間違いだ。

This is the kind of mistake which American students are apt to make.

(g). 明日は曇りがちの天気でしょう。

It will be mostly cloudy tomorrow.

(h). 私のクラスには病気がちの学生が何人がいる。

There are some students in my class who often get ill.

(i). 彼女は遠慮がちに話した。

She talked hesitantly (literally: with a tendency to hesitate).

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Intermediate Page 50

㊥ がたい

Auxiliary Adjective (い)

An auxiliary adjective which expresses the idea that for someone to do something is virtually impossible or impossible. Cannot; unable; can hardly; difficult to; impossible
【Related Expression: かねる; 難い; づらい】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼のしたことは許しがたい

What he did is unforgivable.

(ksb). この旅行は私にとって忘れがたい思い出になるだろう。

This trip will be an unforgettable one (literally: memory) for me.


Vます がたい  
  信じがたい Hard to believe; unbelievable


(a). 彼の行為は理解しがたい

His behaviour is hard to understand.

(b). あの先生は偉すぎて私には近寄りがたい

That professor is so respected that I can hardly approach him.

(c). この二つの作品は甲乙付けがたい

Between these two works, it is hard to say that one is better than the other.

(d). このプロジェクトは成功したとは言いがたい

It is hard to say that this project was a success.

(e). ジョーンズ氏は得がたい人物だ。

Mr. Jones is an irreplaceable person (literally: a person hard to get).

(f). 我々は彼の犯行に関する動かしがたい証拠をつかんだ。

We obtained an indisputable piece of evidence concerning his crime.

(g). 私は過去に彼から耐えがたい屈辱を受けた。

I was intolerably humiliated by him in the past. (literally: received an intolerable humiliation from him.)

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Intermediate Page 53

㊥ 逆に


An adverb to introduce an event which takes place contrary to one's expectation/intention, or an action or event which is converse to that stated in the preceding sentence or clause. Contrary to one's expectation; contrary to one's intention; conversely
【Related Expression: かえって】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 薬を飲んだら、逆に熱が出た。

Contrary to expectations, when I took medicine, I got a fever.

(ksb). 叱られると思ったのに、逆にほめられた。

I expected to be scolded but, contrary to my expectation, I was praised.

(ksc). 会話を強調すると文法が不正確になる。逆に文法を強調すると話せなくなる。

1. If we emphasize conversation, their grammar becomes inaccurate. 2. Conversely, if we emphasize grammar, they are (literally: become) unable to speak.


(a). しばらく練習をしなかったら、逆に成績が伸びた。

I didn't practice for some time; then, contrary to expectations, my performance improved.

(b). 寝すぎると、元気にならないで、逆に疲れてしまう。

If you sleep too much, you don't feel well; instead (literally: conversely), you feel tired.

(c). 文句を言ってやろうと思っていたら、逆に文句を言われてしまった。

I was thinking of complaining; then, contrary to my intention, I had to listen to complaints.

(d). 一生懸命仕事をしたのに、逆に仲間に嫌われてしまった。

I worked very hard, but, contrary to expectations, my peers hated me.

(e). ガールフレンドを喜ばせようとしたのに、逆に怒らせてしまった。

I tried to please my girlfriend, but, contrary to my intention, I made her angry.

(f). その試験に落ちるだろうと思っていたのに、逆に一番で通ってしまった。

I was expecting to fail the exam, but, contrary to my expectation, I passed it in first place.

(g). 人に親切にすることは一般にいいことだと考えられている。しかし、親切にすることが、逆に人を傷つけることもある。

In general, being kind to people is considered to be a good thing. However, contrary to one's intention, being kind sometimes hurts people.

(h). この子は優しくすると付け上がる。逆に厳しくするとすぐ泣く。

If I try to be gentle to the boy, he takes advantage of my gentleness. Conversely, if I try to be strict, he cries readily.

(i). いい演技をする為には緊張しすぎてはいけない。しかし、逆にリラックスしすぎてもいい演技は出来ない。

In order to perform well, you mustn't be too tense. But, conversely, if you are too relaxed, you cannot perform well, either.

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Intermediate Page 57

㊥ ほど


A particle which indicates the extent or the degree to which someone/something does something or is in some state. The~, the~; as; to the extent
【Related Expression: ば~ほど; くらい】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この音楽は舞台に近いほど聞きやすい。

The closer (you sit) to the stage, the easier this music is to hear.

(ksb). 上空に行くほど酸素が薄くなる。

Oxygen is less dense at higher altitudes. (literally: Oxygen becomes thinner as you go higher/ the extent to which you go higher in the air.)

(ksc). 私は難しい仕事ほどやる気が出てくる。

I get more motivated by a harder job.


(i) {V/Adjective い}informal nonpast ほど  
  勉強するほど The more someone studies
  高いほど The more expensive something is
(ii)Adjective な stem {である}ほど  
  便利{である}ほど The more convenient something is
(iii)Relative Clause+Noun ほど  
  考え方が論理的な人ほど The more logical a person’s way of thinking is
  よく勉強する学生ほど A student who studies harder; the harder a student studies


(a). 子供は小言を言うほど反発するものだ。

The more you nag children, the more they disobey you.

(b). 私は静かなほど落ち着かない。

The quieter it is, the more uneasy I feel.

(c). 駅に近くなるほど家賃が高くなる。

The closer to the station, the higher the rent.

(d). 運動するほど体の調子が変になる。

The more I exercise, the worse I feel.

(e). 元気な人ほど無理をしがちだ。

Stronger people tend to strain themselves more.

(f). あまり働かない者ほど不平が多い。

Lazier people complain more.

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Intermediate Page 60

㊥ 以外


A dependent noun which means "something/someone other than". Other than; except (for); but; besides; as well as
【Related Expression: ほか】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 山田さん以外の人はみんなそのことを知っています。

Everybody except Yamada knows it.

(ksb). 日本語以外に何か外国語が話せますか。

Can you speak any foreign language besides Japanese?

(ksc). 私には酒を飲む以外に何も楽しみがない。

I have nothing to enjoy other than drinking.


(i)Noun 以外(のNoun)  
  コーヒー以外(の飲み物) (drinks) other than coffee
(ii)Sinformal 以外 after Adjective な stem and Noun changes to である
  勉強する以外 Besides studying
  高い以外 Besides the fact that something is expensive
  便利である以外 Besides the fact that something is convenient
  先生である以外 Besides the fact that someone is a teacher


(a). 私は日本酒以外の酒は飲まない。

I do not drink any alcohol but sake.

(b). 我々の会社では現在オーストラリア以外の国と取引はない。

At present our company is not dealing with any countries but Australia.

(c). アメリカ以外の国からも沢山研究者が来た。

Many researchers came from countries other than America, too.

(d). 原因はこれ以外に考えられない。

I can't think of any causes other than this.

(e). 私は散歩以外にも毎日軽い運動をしている。

I take (other) light exercise every day as well as taking a walk.

(f). ここで待っている以外ない。

There is nothing to do but wait here. (literally: There is no other way but waiting here.)

(g). 安い以外に何かいいことがありますか。

Is there any merit besides the price (literally: besides the fact that it is cheap)?

(h). この文は少し漢字の間違いがあるが、それ以外は完全だ。

This sentence (or passage) contains a few kanji mistakes, but other than that, it is perfect.

(i). 従業員以外立入禁止。[Door sign]

[Door sign] Employees only. (literally: Entry of those other than employees is prohibited.)

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Intermediate Page 64

㊥ 以上(は)


A conjunction indicating the speaker/writer's feeling that there should be a very strong logical/natural connection between what precedes the conjunction and what follows it. Since; now that; once; if~ at all; as long as; so long as
【Related Expression: 限り(は); からには】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本に来た以上(は)、日本語をしっかり勉強したい。

Since I came to Japan, I would like to study Japanese hard.

(ksb). 学生である以上(は)、勉強すべきだ。

So long as you are a student, you should study.


(i)Vinformal 以上()  
  先生である以上は As long as someone is a teacher


(a). 日本語を始めた以上、よく話せて、聞けて、読めて、書けるようになるまで頑張ります。

Now that I have begun to study Japanese, I will hang in there until I can speak and understand what I hear, and read and write well.

(b). 新車を買う以上は、出来るだけ燃費のいいのを買いたいです。

If I buy a new car at all, I would like to buy one with good gas mileage.

(c). 親である以上、子供の教育に関心があるのは当然でしょう。

If you are any sort of parent, you should be interested in your child's education.

(d). 貰った以上は、あなたが何と言おうと、私の物です。

Now that you have given this to me, it is mine, no matter what you say.

(e). 体をよく動かしている以上は、人間の体は衰えないらしい。

So long as you are very active, your body seems to stay strong.

(f). 人と約束した以上は、それを守らなければならない。

Once you have made a promise to someone, you have to keep it.

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Intermediate Page 66

㊥ いかにも


An adverb that indicates the speaker/writer's emotive conviction. Really; truly; indeed
【Related Expression: 本当に; 確かに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). アメリカ人の目から見ると、日本の社会はいかにも閉鎖的だ。

From an American perspective, Japanese society is indeed closed.

(ksb). 外は雪が降っていて、いかにも寒そうだ。

It is snowing outside, and it looks really cold.

(ksc). 彼の書斎の本棚には古今東西の本が詰まっていて、いかにも学者の部屋らしい。

The bookshelves of his study room are packed with books of all ages and countries, and it surely looks like a scholar's room.

(ksd). 先生は最近いかにもお忙しいよう/ 様子だ。

These days the professor appears to be really busy.

(kse). 日本人は集団行動がいかにも好きではあるが、個人行動をしないわけではない。

The Japanese indeed like group behaviour, but it is not the case that they do not behave individually.

(ksf). 彼はいかにも紳士であるかのように振る舞っているが、なかなかの策士だ。

He is behaving as if he were truly a gentleman, but he is quite calculated.


(a). 彼の発想はいかにも日本的だ。

His manner of thinking is very Japanese.

(b). その教授の知識はいかにも百科全書的だ。

The professor's knowledge is really encyclopaedic.

(c). デーヴィッドは文部省の奨学金が貰えて、いかにも嬉しそうだった。

David was able to get a Ministry of Education scholarship and he looked really happy about it.

(d). 父は退院して、いかにも元気そうになった。

My father left the hospital and became really healthy-looking.

(e). 彼女は明るく、陽気で、いかにもアメリカ人らしい。

She is light-hearted and cheerful, and is truly like an American.

(f). 僕の大学の友人はいかにも金持ちらしく、いつも洒落た物を着ている。

A friend of mine in college appears to be truly rich, and is always wearing fancy clothes.

(g). ジョンは恋人と別れて、いかにも落ち込んでいるようだった。

John split up with his girlfriend and looked truly depressed.

(h). みゆきは母を失って、いかにも悲しんでいる様子だった。

Miyuki lost her mother and looked really saddened.

(i). いかにもおっしゃる通りです。

It is exactly as you have said.

(j). 日本語はいかにも難しい言語ではあるが、マスター出来ないわけではない。

Japanese is indeed a difficult language, but it is not the case that you cannot master it.

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Intermediate Page 70

㊥ Imperative

Verb forms which indicate commands or requests. (don't) V.; No -ing; (not) to V
【Related Expression: こと; なさい; てはいけない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). もうよせよ。

Stop it now.

(ksb). ここには十二月三十一日までに払えと書いてある。

It says here to pay before December 31.


(i)Group 1 verbs Vconditional Affirmative
(ii)Group 2 verbs Vstem { (spoken)/(written)} Affirmative
  答え Answer!
  答え Answer!
(iii)Irregular verbs   Affirmative
  Do! (spoken)
  Do (written)
(iv)Vinformal nonpast Negative
  話す Don’t talk!
  食べる Don’t eat!


(a). 黙れ!

Shut up!

(b). 動くな!

Don't move!

(c). 山中首相は即時退陣せよ![A demonstrator's placard]

[A demonstrator's placard] Yamanaka must go! (literally: Prime Minister Yamanaka must leave his office immediately!)

(d). 次の分を英訳せよ。[An examination direction]

[An examination direction] Translate the following sentences into English.

(e). 次の質問に答えよ。[An examination direction]

[An examination direction] Answer the following questions.

(f). 乗るなら飲むな。飲んだら乗るな。

If you drive, don't drink. If you drink, don't drive.

(g). 現金は送るなと書いてある。

It says (literally: is written) not to send cash.

(h). 課長にあまりタクシーは使うなと言われた。

I was told by my boss not to use taxis often.

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Intermediate Page 73

㊥ 一方で(は)他方で(は)


A structure used to describe two concurring, contrastive actions/states of someone or something. On the one hand~, on the other hand

Key Sentences

(ks). 神田先生は、一方では大学で物理学を教えながら、他方では日本語の研究をなさっている。

Professor Kanda teaches physics at college on the one hand and does research on Japanese language on the other.


Nounは 一方ではS1 Conjunction,他方ではS2  
  この薬は、一方では症状を軽くするが、他方では強い副作用がある This medicine, on (the) one hand, alleviates symptoms but on the other hand, it has strong side effects


(a). あの男は、一方では静かな日本画を描いたりしているが、他方ではサッカーのような激しいスポーツをしている。

That man draws quiet Japanese paintings on the one hand, but plays a very competitive sport like soccer on the other.

(b). X氏は、一方で慈善事業をやりながら、他方でかなりあくどい商売をしているという噂だ。

On one hand, Mr. X is engaged in charities, but, on the other hand, rumour has it that he is engaged in a ruthless business.

(c). あの大統領は、一方では減税を約束しておきながら、他方では側近の税金の無駄使いをあまり重要視していない。

The President has promised tax-cuts. But on the other hand he doesn't think much about waste of taxpayers' money by his entourage.

(d). 留守番電話は、一方ではかかる方にもかける方にも便利な面もあるが、他方ではお互いに直接話が出来ないから、不自然な面もある。

The answering machine is, on the one hand, very convenient for both person who calls and a person who is called, but, on the other hand, unnatural because you can't talk directly with the other person.

(e). ストレスは、一方では害になることもあるが、他方では生活のいい刺激にもなるそうだ。

It is said that stress is sometimes harmful for humans, but, on the other hand, it also seems to be a good stimulus for human life.

(f). 外国生活は、一方では新しい文化に接することが出来て楽しい面もあるが、他方ではカルチャーショックで大変困ることもある。

Life in a foreign country is, on the one hand, enjoyable because one can encounter new culture, but, on the other hand, it is sometimes hard because of culture shock.

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Intermediate Page 76

㊥ 上


A suffix which indicates the idea of "from the viewpoint of," "for the sake of," "for the reason," or "in terms of". From the viewpoint of; for (the sake of); for (the reason); in (terms of); relating to; in –ing
【Related Expression: の上では】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この映画は教育よくない。

This film is not good from an educational point of view.

(ksb). 便宜私がこの部屋の鍵を預かっているんです。

I keep the key to this room for the sake of convenience.

(ksc). 時間の制約細かい説明は省略させていただきます。

I will skip a detailed explanation for lack of time (literally: time limitation).

(ksd). 計算はこれで正しい。

In terms of calculation, this is correct.

(kse). 健康の理由で引退することにした。

I've decided to retire for health reasons (literally: for a reason relating to my health).

(ksf). 「使用の注意」をよく読んで下さい。

Read "Warnings for Use" carefully.


  衛生 From the viewpoint of hygiene


(a). このような行為は道義許せない。

Such conduct cannot be forgiven from an ethical point of view.

(b). この条件はこれからの取引極めて不利だ。

This condition is extremely disadvantageous for our future business.

(c). 仕事の都合こんな高いマンションに住んでいるんです。

I live in such an expensive condominium because it's convenient for commuting to work (literally: for business convenience).

(d). 仕事の関係、今この町を離れるわけにはいかないんです。

For business-related reasons, I cannot leave this town.

(e). 理論はこうなるはずなのだが、実際どうなるかは分からない。

In theory it should turn out like this, but it's not known how it will actually turn out.

(f). 法律は彼の行為は罪にならない。

Legally his conduct is not criminal.

(g). この製品にはデザインの欠陥がいくつかある。

This product has some design defects.

(h). 彼女は一身の都合で会社を辞めることになった。

She is going to quit her company for personal reasons.

(i). この部品は製作いくつかの問題がある。

There are some problems in manufacturing this part.

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Intermediate Page 80

㊥ かえって


Contrary to one's expectation an opposite result comes about. On the contrary; rather
【Related Expression: むしろ】
【Antonym Expression: やはり; やっぱり】

Key Sentences

(ks). 薬を飲んだら、かえって病気がひどくなった。

I took medicine, and the illness got worse (contrary to my expectation).


(a). A:一時間も泳いで、疲れたでしょう。 B:いや、かえって元気になったよ。

A: You must be tired after swimming as long as one hour. B: No, on the contrary, I feel fit now.

(b). 日本へ行ったら日本語が上手になるかと思って、日本へ行ったんですが、日本人と英語でばかり話していたので、かえって、下手になって帰って来ました。

I went to Japan, believing that my Japanese will improve (if I go) there, but I spoke only in English with Japanese there, so (contrary to my expectation) my Japanese became worse when I came back here.

(c). 就職のことで三人の先生にアドバイスをしてもらったのですが、アドバイスが全然違うので、かえって、分からなくなってしまいました。

I was given advice on job searching from three professors, but their advices are so different that I am rather at a loss.

(d). いわゆる一流大学で勉強するより小さな私立大学で勉強する方が、かえって、いい教育を受けることが出来る。

(Contrary to your expectation) if you study at a small, private college, you can receive better education than to study at the so-called first-rate university.

(e). アルコールも適量飲めば、かえって、体にいいそうだ。

Alcohol is said to be rather good for your health if you drink it in moderate quantity.

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Intermediate Page 82

㊥ 限り


A conjunction which expresses the idea "as long as (a certain condition is met)" or "as long as (= to the extent)". As long as; as far as; while; to the extent; until; unless
【Related Expression: あいだは; うちは】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私がここにいる限り心配は無用です。

As long as I am here, you don't have to worry.

(ksb). 田中さんが来ない限りこの会議は始められない。

As long as Mr. Tanaka is not here (literally: does not come), we cannot begin this meeting.

(ksc). これが事実である限り彼は有罪を免れないだろう。

As long as this is the fact, he probably cannot escape being found guilty.


(i)Vinformal 限り  
  見る限り As far as someone sees
  調べた限り As long as someone examined
  読まない限り As long as someone does not read; until someone reads
  出来る限り As long as someone can do; to the extent someone can do
(ii)Nounで {あるない}限り  
  学生である限り As long as someone is a student; while someone is a student
  日本人でない限り As long as someone is not Japanese; unless someone is Japanese


(a). 今の状態が続く限りプロジェクトは始められない。

As long as the present situation continues, we cannot start out project.

(b). この事件に関する限り彼は無実だ。

As long as this incident is concerned, he is innocent.

(c). 私の知っている限り彼は正直者です。

As far as I know, he is an honest man.

(d). その書類は私が読んだ限り誤りはなかった。

As far as I read, the document contained no errors.

(e). 教育者である限りそんなことは口にすべきではない。

While you are an educator, you shouldn't say things like that.

(f). この試験に通らない限り上級クラスに入れません。

Until you pass this exam, you cannot enrol in the advanced class.

(g). 事態が変わらない限り今以上の援助は不可能です。

Until the situation changes (literally: As long as the situation doesn't change), we cannot provide additional support.

(h). アメリカ人でない限りこの仕事には就けない。

Unless you are an American, you cannot be employed for this job.

(i). 私達は力の続く限り漕いだ。

We rowed as long as our strength lasted (literally: to the extent that our strength lasted).

(j). 出来る限りやってみます。

I will try my best (literally: try to do as long as I can do).

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Intermediate Page 85

㊥ 限り (2)


A suffix which expresses the idea of "(last) only until" or "limited". The last; only until; from~ on; limited to; only

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今度限りで彼のパーティーには行かないつもりだ。

This is the last time I am going to any of his parties.

(ksb). 切符は一人二枚限りです。

Tickets are limited to two per person.


(i)Noun (time) 限り  
  今週限り Limited to this week; this week is the last week
(ii)Number+Counter 限り  
  一度限り Limited to one time; only once


(a). この映画館は今月限りで閉館されます。

This movie house is open only until the end of this month.

(b). 今日限りで酒も煙草もやめます。

From today on I will give up both drinking and smoking.

(c). セールは明日限りです。

Tomorrow is the last day of the sale.

(d). その場限りの約束はしない方がいい。

You'd better not make an empty promise (literally: a promise limited to the moment).

(e). 貸し出しは一回三冊限りです。

Check-out is limited to three books at a time.

(f). 書き直しは一回限りです。

You can rewrite only once. (literally: Rewriting is limited to one time.)

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Intermediate Page 87

㊥ か~か


A structure to mark two choices or possibilities about which the speaker/writer is not sure. Whether~ or; or

Key Sentences

(ksa). 来年日本へ行ける行けないまだ分かりません。

I don't know whether or not I can go to Japan next year.

(ksa). 傘を駅に置き忘れたの事務所に忘れたの、はっきり覚えていません。

I don't remember well whether I left my umbrella at the station or in my office.


(i){V1/Adjective い1} informal {V2/Adjective い2} informal  
  {遊ぶ/遊んだ} {勉強する/勉強した} Whether someone plays/played or studies/studied
  {面白い/面白かった} {つまらない/つまらなかった} Whether something is/was interesting or boring
(ii){Adjectiveな1 stem/ Noun1} {Øだった} {Adjectiveな2 stem/Noun2}{Øだった}  
  {便利/便利だった} {不便/不便だった} Whether something is/was convenient or inconvenient
  {男/男だった} {女/女だった} Whether someone is/was a man or a woman
(iii){Adjectiveな1 stem/ Noun1} {Øだった} {Adjectiveな2 stem/Noun2}negative Where Adjective な1= Adjective な2,Noun1=Noun2
  {便利/便利だった} 便利{じゃ} {ない なかった} Whether something is/was convenient or not
  {男/男だった} 男{じゃ} {ない なかった} Whether someone is/was a man or not


(a). 大学を出てから就職する大学院に入るまだ決めていません。

I haven't decided yet whether to get a job or go to graduate school after graduation from college.

(b). お客さんが肉が好き魚が好き、聞いておいて下さい。

Please ask the guest in advance whether he likes meat or fish.

(c). 夏休みにはヨーロッパを旅行する、ソウルで仕事をする、まだ決めていません。

I haven't yet decided whether I should travel in Europe or work in Seoul during the summer break.

(d). 会議が木曜日だった金曜日だった、忘れてしまいました。

I forgot whether the meeting was on Thursday or Friday.

(e). 初めてタマラと会ったのがパーティーでだった、プールでだった、覚えていません。

I don't remember whether it was at a party or at the pool that I first met Tamara.

(f). 木村さんが大学で経済を専攻したの、政治を専攻したの、知っていますか。

Do you know whether Mr. Kimura majored in economics or politics at college?

(g). 最近は男、男でない、分からないような男が多い。

Lately, it's hard to tell whether a lot of men are men or not.

(h). 会議は月曜水曜(か)にして下さい。

Please make the meeting Monday or Wednesday.

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Intermediate Page 90

㊥ かな

Particle (used in conversation only)

A sentence final particle that indicates a self addressed question or a question addressed to an in group member. I wonder if~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今週末には何をしようかな

I wonder what I should do this weekend.

(ksb). この問題、君に分かるかな

Can you figure out this problem?


(i){V/Vvolitional} informal かな  
  {話す/話した/話そう}かな I wonder if someone talks/if someone talked/if I should talk
(ii)Adjective い informal かな  
  {大きい/大きかった}かな I wonder if something is/was big
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun} {Øだった}かな  
  静か{Øだった}かな I wonder if something is/was quiet
  先生{Øだった}かな I wonder if someone is/was a teacher
(iv)Wh-word {Øだった}かな  
  いつ{Øだった}かな I wonder when something is/was


(a). 今日は何曜日だったかな

I wonder what day of the week today is.

(b). 来学期から日本語を始めようかな

I wonder if I should start Japanese next semester.

(c). 日本での生活はどうかな

I wonder what life is like in Japan.

(d). 今日の晩ご飯は何かな

I wonder what today's dinner will be.

(e). アパートの家賃は高いかな

I wonder if the apartment rent is high.

(f). 先生はお元気かな

I wonder if my teacher is in good health.

(g). 音楽会の切符があるんだけど、君は行けるかな

There is a concert ticket, but I wonder if you can go.

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Intermediate Page 92

㊥ 必ずしも


An adverb that indicates that the proposition expressed in the sentence is not always true. Not always; not necessarily
【Related Expression: いつもは~ない; みんなは~ない; 全ては~ない; 全部は~ない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 頭のいい人が、必ずしも成功するとは限らない。

A bright person does not always succeed.

(ksb). 高い料理が必ずしも美味しいわけではない。

Expensive dishes are not always delicious.

(ksc). 記憶力のいい人が必ずしも外国語が上手だとは言えない。

One cannot always say that people with good memories are good at foreign languages.

(ksd). 日本人が必ずしもいい日本語の先生だとは思わない。

I don't think that a Japanese is always a good Japanese language teacher.


(i)必ずしも{Vinformal/Adjectiveい} とは{限ら /言え/思わ}ない  
  必ずしも{静か/先生}ではない Something is not always quiet/someone is not always a teacher


(a). 結婚しても必ずしも幸福になるとは言えない。

One cannot always say that marriage brings happiness.

(b). 運動をよくする人が必ずしも長生きするとは限らない。

People who exercise regularly do not always live long.

(c). 日本へ行った学生が日本語が上手になるかとうと、必ずしもそうではない。

Students who have been to Japan do not always become proficient in Japanese.

(d). お金は人を必ずしも幸福にはしない。

Money does not always bring happiness to people.

(e). 優れた研究者が必ずしも優れた教育者であるわけではない。

It is not always the case that an able researcher is an able educator.

(f). 良薬は口に苦しと言うが、苦い薬が必ずしもいいとは限らない。

They say good medicine is bitter, but bitter medicine is not always good.

(g). 眼鏡をかけて、カメラを下げて、集団で歩いている東洋人が必ずしも日本人ではない。

An oriental wearing glasses, carrying a camera and walking in a group is not always a Japanese.

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Intermediate Page 96

㊥ かねる

Auxiliary Verb (Group 2)

An auxiliary expressing that someone cannot do something even if s/he wants to do it. Cannot; be not in a position to; hardly possible; hard; hesitate to do
【Related Expression: がたい; 難い】

Key Sentences

(ksa). そのことは私には分かりかねますから、部長にお聞きになって下さい。

I am not in a position to figure out that matter, so please ask the departmental chief.

(ksb). あの男はどんな馬鹿なことでもやりかねない

He might (literally: can) do any stupid thing.


Vます かねるかねない  
  飲みかねる Someone cannot drink something
  飲みかねない It is possible for someone to drink something/someone might drink something


(a). 来週はロンドンへ出張しますので、誠に申し訳ございませんが、名古屋での会議には出席できかねます

Next week I am making a business trip to London, so I cannot attend the meeting in Nagoya.

(b). これだけの書類を一月では処理いたしかねますが。

I cannot handle this many documents in a month.

(c). 大変遺憾に存じますが、ご依頼には応じかねます

It is a great regret, but we cannot comply with your request.

(d). こんな高価な贈り物、頂きかねます

I cannot accept such an expensive gift.

(e). 彼は私の気持ちを量りかねているようだ。

He appears to find it hard to understand my feelings.

(f). 非常に言い難いことなので、さすがの部長も切り出しかねている

It is such a delicate matter, so even the departmental chief finds it hard to break the ice.

(g). みどりさん、ご主人がお待ちかねよ

Midori, your husband is waiting for you with impatience (literally: cannot wait).

(h). あいつはとんでもないことを言いかねないから、注意した方がいいよ。

He might say outrageous things, so watch out.

(i). あの男はちょっとしたことで暴力を振るいかねない

That man might use violence at the slightest provocation.

(j). この事件は内閣総辞職にも発展しかねない

It is possible for this incident to develop into resignation of the entire cabinet.

(k). 暴動すら起こりかねないような緊迫した情況だった。

It was such a tense situation that even a riot could have taken place.

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Intermediate Page 99

㊥ から~に至るまで

Structure (used in writing and formal speech only)

A structure that expresses a wide range of things. Starting with~ ending with~; from ~to~
【Related Expression: から~まで】

Key Sentences

(ks). スミスさんは週刊誌から学術書に至るまで、幅広い日本語が読める。

Mr. Smith can read Japanese widely, ranging from weekly magazines to scholastic books.


(a). その新聞記者は首相の公の生活から私生活に至るまで、何でも知っている。

That newspaper reporter knows everything about the premier, ranging from his public life to his private life.

(b). 私が日本へ行った時、友人の山田さんは空港への出迎えからホテルの予約に至るまで、実に親切にしてくれた。

When I went to Japan, my friend Mr. Yamada was very kind to me. He did everything from picking me up at the airport to making the hotel reservation for me.

(c). その女の人は私に家族のことから自分の悩みに至るまで、細かに話した。

That lady told me everything in detail, starting with her family and ending with the worries of her life.

(d). 社長が現れた時には、守衛から副社長に至るまで、門の前で待っていた。

When the president of the company arrived, everyone from the guards to the vice-president was waiting in front of the gate.

(e). ルーシーは靴から帽子に至るまで、緑の装束だった。

Lucy was dressed in green, from her shoes to her hat.

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Intermediate Page 101

㊥ から~にかけて


A structure that expresses coverage from one time/location into the other. Through~ into~; through~ on to; from~ till/tn
【Related Expression: から~まで】

Key Sentences

(ks). 今年の夏、七月から八月にかけて中国大陸を旅行した。

This summer I travelled on the Chinese continent from July through August.


Noun からNounにかけて  
  一月から二月にかけて From January through February


(a). 今週は木曜から金曜にかけて雪が降るでしょう。

This week it will probably snow from Thursday through Friday.

(b). 日本は六月から七月にかけて梅雨が続く。

In Japan the rainy season continues through June and July.

(c). 高気圧が朝鮮半島から九州にかけて張り出している。

High atmospheric pressure extends from the Korean Peninsula up through Kyushu.

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Intermediate Page 103

㊥ からと言って


A conjunction which introduces the reason for someone's action or for someone's having some idea, and conveys disapproval of the action or idea. Just because; even if; even though
【Related Expression: から; たって; ても】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 子供だからと言って許すわけにはいかない。

I cannot forgive him just because he is a child.

(ksb). 何も不平を言わないからと言って現状に満足しているわけではない。

Even though I don't complain, it doesn't mean that I'm satisfied with the present situation.

(ksc). 試験に受からなかったからと言ってそんなに悲観することはない。

You don't have to be so pessimistic because you didn't pass the exam.


Sinformal からと言って  
  高いからと言って Because/even if/even though it is expensive


(a). 弁償したからと言って済む問題ではない。

It is not a problem which will be solved because you have paid/ will pay compensation.

(b). 上司の命令だからと言って黙って従うわけにはいかない。

I cannot obey the order without asking questions even if it is from my boss.

(c). アメリカへ行ったからと言って勝手に英語が上手になるものではない。

Your English will not improve (itself/ automatically) even if you go to America.

(d). 毎日授業に出ているからと言って真面目に勉強していることにはならない。

Even though he goes to class every day, it doesn't mean that he is studying seriously.

(e). こんなことを言うからと言って別に批判しているわけではない。

Even though I tell you such a thing, it doesn't mean that I'm criticizing you.

(f). 自分の問題じゃないからと言って知らん顔をしているのはよくない。

It's not right for you to be indifferent just because it's not your problem.

(g). 女だからと言って侮ってはいけない。

Don't take her lightly just because she is a woman.

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Intermediate Page 106

㊥ かろう

Auxiliary(used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary indicating the writer's conjecture which is not based on any particular information or evidence. Probably
【Related Expression: だろう】

Key Sentences

(ks). 十年後の自分を予想するのは難しかろう

It is probably difficult to predict what one's self will be like in ten years time.


(i)Adjective い stem かろう  
  面白かろう Someone/something is probably interesting
  かろう Someone/something is probably good
  かろう Someone/something does not probably exist
(ii){Adjective い stem く (は)/Adjective な stem/Noun} なかろう  
  面白く(は)なかろう Someone/something is probably not interesting
  困難ではなかろう Something is probably not hard
  学者ではなかろう Someone is probably not a scholar


(a). この研究を一年で完成するのは極めて難しかろう

It is probably extremely difficult to complete this research in one year.

(b). 日本人の中にも創造性のない教育に反対する人は多かろう

Even among the Japanese, there are probably a lot of people who oppose education without creativity.

(c). 私のように文化は宗教のようなものだと考えている人は少なかろう

Few people probably think, as I do, that culture is something like religion.

(d). アメリカの大学のように、日本の大学でも学生に教師の評価をさせるとよかろう

It would probably be good if Japanese universities allowed students to evaluate instructors as American universities do.

(e). 人種偏見ほど人間に根深いものはなかろう

Nothing is probably as deep-rooted in humans as racial prejudices.

(f). 近い将来に日米関係に大きな変化はなかろう

There will probably not be a big change in the US-Japan relationship in the near future.

(g). あの二人の間柄は親しくはなかろう

The relationship between the two is probably not close.

(h). 残業手当てを要求することは無理ではなかろう

It is probably not unreasonable to ask for pay for overtime work.

(i). 彼にはアリバイがあるのだから、犯人ではなかろう

He has an alibi, so he is probably not the culprit.

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Intermediate Page 109

㊥ 方をする


A phrase to indicate a manner of doing something. Do something in a~ fashion/manner/way
【Related Expression: ように】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 林田先生は厳しい教え方をする

Professor Hayashida teaches in a strict manner.

(ksb). 昭は変わったものの見方をする

Akira views things in a peculiar fashion.

(ksc). ブラウンさんは日本人のような考え方をする

Mr. Brown thinks like the Japanese.

(ksd). 誰にでも分かるような書き方をして下さい。

Please write in such a way that anyone can understand it.


(i) {Adjective い informal/Adjective な stem な/Vinformal} + (Noun の) +Vます方をする  
  ひどい負け方をする Lose in a terrible way
  ユニークものも見方をする View things in a unique fashion
  よく分かる教え方をする Teach clearly (literally: in a way one can understand well)
(ii)Noun のような+(Nounの)+ Vます方をする  
  子供のようなものの言い方をする Talk like a child (literally: talk in a child like manner)
(iii)Vinformal ような+(Nounの)+ Vます方をする Adjectives rarely occur before ような
  人が感動するような話し方をする Speak in such a way that people are impressed


(a). あのピッチャーは面白い投げ方をする

That pitcher throws (a ball) in an interesting way.

(b). 吉田君は乱暴な運転のし方をするので乗せてもらうのが怖い。

I'm afraid of getting a ride from Yoshida because he drives carelessly (literally: in a wild fashion).

(c). 正はほかの学生と違った勉強のし方をしているようだ。

Tadashi seems to study in a different way from other students.

(d). 私には野村先生のような考え方は出来ない

I cannot think like Professor Nomura.

(e). 勉強が楽しくなるような考え方をしてほしい。

We'd like to be taught in such a way that we (come to) like studying.

(f). この問題について私と同じような考え方をする人は多くないでしょう。

There wouldn't be many people who think about this problem in the same way as I do.

(g). 田村はその大臣をよく知っているような話し方をする

1. Tamura's talk sounds like he knows the minister well. 2. Tamura talks as if he knew that minister well.

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Intermediate Page 114

㊥ かと言うと


A conjunction to indicate the speaker's assertion that a popular belief is not right. You would think that~ but (that is not right)

Key Sentences

(ks). 日本人はみんな寿司が好きかと言うと、そうではない。嫌いな人もいる。

You would think that all the Japanese like sushi, but that is not true. Some Japanese don't like it.


(i)~{V/Adjective い} informal かと言うとS  
  {話す /話した}かと言うと You would think that someone talks/talked but~
  {高い /高かった}かと言うと You would think that something is/was expensive but~
(ii){Adjective な stem/ Noun} {Øだった}かと言うと、S  
  {静か /静かだった}かと言うと You would think that something is/was quiet but~
  {先生/先生だった}かと言うと You would think that someone is/was a teacher but~


(a). がんは治らない病気かと言うと、そうではない。早期発見をすれば治ると言われている。

You would think that cancer is not curable, but that is not true. If it is detected early it is said to be curable.

(b). 日本に行って、二、三年住めば日本語が上手になるかと言うと、そうでもないようだ。かえって下手になることもある。

You'd think that if you went to Japan and lived there for a few years, your Japanese would become good, but that doesn't seem to be true. On the contrary, your Japanese may become worse than before.

(c). 大学の時にいい成績の学生が社会で成功するかと言うと、必ずしもそうではないようだ。

You'd think that a college student with good grades would be successful in society, but that doesn't always seem to be the case.

(d). 毎日運動をすれば長生きをするかと言うと、そうでもなさそうだ。

You'd think that if you did exercise every day, you would live long, but that does not seem to be true.

(e). 日本語は難しいかと言うと、話したり聞いたりすることはそんなに難しくない。

You'd think that Japanese would be hard, but speaking and listening are not that hard.

(f). ボストンでの車なしの生活が不便だったかと言うと、全然そうではなかったんです。

You'd think that my life without a car in Boston must have been inconvenient, but it wasn't at all.

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Intermediate Page 116

㊥ (の)代わりに

Conjunction/Compound Particle

An action/state that is expressed in the subordinate clause is balanced by another action/state expressed in the main clause, or something/someone that is replaced by something/someone else. Instead of; instead; but (to make up for~); so (to make up for~); in place of
【Related Expression: が; から; けれど(も); ないで; ので; しかし; ずに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 昼間遊ぶ代わりに夜勉強するつもりだ。

I am going to enjoy myself in the daytime, so/but (to make up for it) I will study at night.

(ksb). 山田さんにはちょっと余分に働いてもらった代わりに特別手当てを出した。

Mr. Yamada worked for us a bit extra, so/ but (to make up-for it) we paid him special compensation.

(ksc). 前のアパートは設備が悪かった代わりに家賃が安かった。

The former apartment had bad facilities, so/but (to make up for it) the rent was cheap.

(ksd). 今朝は、コーヒーの代わりにココアを飲んだ。

This morning I drank cocoa instead of coffee.


(i){V/Adjective い} informal 代わりに  
  話す代わりに Instead of talking
  高い代わりに Instead of being expensive
(ii)Adjective な stem {だった}代わりに  
  静か{だった}代わりに Is/was quiet but (to make up for~)
(iii)Noun {だった}代わりに  
  先生の代わりに In place of the teacher
  いい先生だった代わりに Someone was a good teacher, but (to make up for~)


(a). 今日は図書館で勉強する代わりに寮の部屋で勉強した。

Today I didn't study in the library. Instead, I studied in my dorm room.

(b). 私はトムに日本語を教えてあげた代わりに彼に英語を教えてもらった。

I taught Tom Japanese, so (to make up for it) he taught me English.

(c). 高い長距離電話をかける代わりに、手紙をよく書いています。

Instead of making expensive long distance calls I often write letters.

(d). 私のアパートは家賃が高い代わりに、駅に近くてとても便利です。

My apartment is expensive, but it is close to the station and very convenient.

(e). 私達の日本語の先生は厳しい代わりに学生の面倒見がいい。

Our teacher is strict, but (instead) he takes good care of his students.

(f). 大学の先生は給料が低い代わりに自由がある。

College professors' salaries are low, but (instead) they have freedom.

(g). 父は体が弱い代わりに意志がとても強い。

My father is physically weak, but (instead) he has a very strong will.

(h). この辺は静かな代わりに、店も遠くて不便です。

This area is quiet, but (instead) it's inconvenient because the stores are far away.

(i). 日本語の授業にいつもの山田先生の代わりに田中という新しい先生がいらっしゃった。

To our Japanese class came a new teacher Ms. Tanaka instead of our regular teacher Ms. Yamada.

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Intermediate Page 121

㊥ 結果


A noun which expresses the idea "as a result of". As a result of; after; upon

Key Sentences

(ksa). 投票の結果、その提案は反対多数で否決された。

As a result of the vote, the proposal was rejected by the majority's opposition.

(ksb). 妻と相談した結果、家を買うことにした。

After my wife and I discussed it, we decided to buy a house.


(i)Noun の結果  
  試験の結果 As a result of an exam
(ii)Vinformal nonpast 結果  
  話した結果 Upon/after talking


(a). 相談の結果、今回の旅行は延期することになった。

After discussion, it's been decided that the planned trip will be postponed.

(b). 検査の結果、妻の体はどこにも異状がないことが分かった。

As a result of the examination, my wife was found to be healthy (literally: it was found that there was no abnormality with my wife's body).

(c). 調査の結果、新しい事実が発見された。

As a result of the investigation, new facts emerged.

(d). 警察で調べた結果、原因は煙草の火の不始末と分かった。

As a result of the police investigation, it was determined that the cause (of the fire) was the careless handling of a cigarette butt.

(e). 特別のダイエットをした結果、十キロの減量に成功した。

I've succeeded in losing ten kilos as the result of a special diet.

(f). 新しい教科書を使った結果、学生の成績が著しく伸びた。

As a result of using a new textbook, the students improved their performance remarkably (literally: the performance of the students improved remarkably).

(g). ゴルフの個人指導を受けた結果、自分の問題点が明らかになった。

Upon taking a private golf lesson, my problems became clear.

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Intermediate Page 123

㊥ 結構

Adverb (used in conversation only)

An adverb that indicates that something exceeds the speaker's and/or hearer's expectation to a considerable degree. Quite; rather; pretty
【Related Expression: 案外; いがいと; 割合】

Key Sentences

(ks). ここの寿司は、結構美味しいね。

The sushi in this place is quite good, isn't it?


(a). この車は古いんだけど、結構よく走りますよ。

This car is old, but it runs quite well, you know.

(b). あの人は間抜けに見えるでしょう。でも、結構頭がいいんです。

He looks dumb, but he is quite sharp.

(c). 四月だというのに、結構寒いね。

It is April, but it is rather cold, isn't it?

(d). 小さい町なのに、結構いいレストランがあるね。

There are quite a few good restaurants in this small town, aren't there?

(e). この料理は量は少ないけど、結構胃にもたれるね。

This dish is small in quantity, but it is pretty heavy on the stomach.

(f). 今日は日曜日なのに高速が結構混んでいるね。

Today is Sunday, but the highway is rather crowded, isn't it?

(g). 父は楽天的な人でしたが、失職した時に結構悩んだようです。

My father was an optimist, but when he lost his job, I think he suffered quite a bit.

(h). カラオケは初めてだったが、結構楽しかった。

It was my first karaoke, but it was rather enjoyable.

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Intermediate Page 127

㊥ この

Demonstrative Adjective

A demonstrative adjective which indicates a time or time period around the moment of speech. The last; this past; this; this coming

Key Sentences

(ksa). 秋山さんはこの春結婚します。

Miss Akiyama will marry (this spring/ this coming spring).

(ksb). 山下君はこの一週間授業を休んでいます。

Yamashita has been absent from class for the past (one) week.


(i)この Noun  
  この This autumn; this coming autumn
(ii)この Number+Counter  
  この一年 This past year; this coming year


(a). この間吉岡さんに会いました。

I met Mr. Yoshioka the other day.

(b). このたびこの会の会員に加えていただきました。

I became a member of this club at this time.

(c). この際車を買おうか。

Shall we buy a car given this occasion?

(d). この辺で妥協したらどうですか。

Why don't we compromise now (literally: around this time)?

(e). この夏は日本の女流作家の研究しています。

This summer I'm doing research on Japanese female writers.

(f). この一週間は忙しくて何もできないだろう。

I'll be busy this coming week and probably won't be able to do anything (else).

(g). この次はいつお目にかかれますか。

When could I meet you next?

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Intermediate Page 130

㊥ こうした

Demonstrative Adjective

A demonstrative which refers to someone or something mentioned as an example in previous discourse. Such; like this
【Related Expression: ああした; こういった; こういう; こんな; このような; そうした】

Key Sentences

(ks). こうした問題はこの国では聞かれないようである。

We do not seem to hear about problems like this in this country.


こうした Noun  
  こうした人々 Such people


(a). こうした行為がどのような結果を招くかは誰の目にも明らかだ。

It is clear to anyone what kind of result such behaviour brings about.

(b). こうした経験は日本へ行ったことのある者なら誰にでもあるはずだ。

Anyone who has been to Japan would have had such an experience.

(c). 私はこうした話には耳を貸さないことにしている。

I make it a rule not to listen to such stories.

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Intermediate Page 132

㊥ こそ


A particle which emphasizes a word, phrase, or clause. The very~; it is~; that~; only (when, after, because, etc.); in particular; precisely; definitely; [an italicized or underlined word]

Key Sentences

(ksa). これこそ我々が探し求めていたものだ。

This is the very thing that we've been looking for.

(ksb). A:どうもすみませんでした。 B:いいえ、こちらこそすみませんでした。

A: I'm very sorry. B: No, it's me who should say that (literally: be sorry).

(ksc). 一人でやってこそ勉強になるのだ。

You can learn something only when you do it by yourself.

(ksd). 君が正直に話してくれたからこそ問題は最小で済んだんだ。

We could minimize the problem only because you explained  (literally: told) it to us honestly.


(i)Noun (particle) こそ  
  この人こそ This man in particular
  彼にこそ To him in particular
(ii)Vて こそ  
  ここへ来てこそ Only when/after someone comes here
(iii)Sinformal こそ  
  知らないからこそ Only because someone doesn’t know


(a). A: 一体一週間も何をしていたんだ。 B: そう言う君こそ何をしていたんだ。

A: What on earth were you doing for a whole week? B: You say that but what were you doing?

(b). こんな時(に)こそ全員で力を合わせて問題を解決しなければならない。

On this kind of occasion, in particular, we all have to cooperate in order to solve the problem.

(c). 今年こそこの試験に通ってみせる。

I will pass this exam definitely this year.

(d). それでこそ我々のリーダーだ。

That is precisely the kind of behaviour we expect from our leader.

(e). ここにいてこそいい仕事も見つかるのだ。

You can find a good job only by being here.

(f). 親友だからこそこんなことまで君に言うんだよ。

It's because you are my friend that I can tell you (even) such a thing.

(g). 出来ないからこそ人より余計に練習しなければならないのだ。

It’s precisely because you can’t do it that you have to practice more than others do.

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Intermediate Page 135

㊥ こと

Auxiliary Noun (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary noun to express a command. (don't) V; should (not); (not) ought to; may not
【Related Expression: Imperative】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 発表は十五分以内で行うこと

Each presentation should be completed (literally: done) within fifteen minutes.

(ksb). プールサイドを走らないこと

Do not run on the pool deck.

(ksc). 詳細は二十三ページ(を)参照のこと

See page 23 for details.


(i)Vinformal nonpast Affirmative/negativeこと  
  話すこと Should speak
  話さないこと Should not speak
(ii)VNoun のこと  
  使用のこと Should use


(a). 私語は慎むこと

Refrain from whispering.

(b). 先に必ずテープを聞くこと

Be sure to listen to the tape beforehand.

(c). 辞書は見ないこと

You may not consult any dictionaries.

(d). 裸足で歩き回らないこと

Do not walk around barefoot.

(e). 弁当(を)持参のこと

Bring your own lunch.

(f). 制服(を)着用のこと

Wear uniforms.

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Intermediate Page 137

㊥ ことで

Compound Particle

A compound particle which indicates a means or a cause. By V-ing; because; result in; cause
【Related Expression: から; ことにより; よって; ので; 為(に)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は週末にゴルフをすることで気分転換を図っています。

I try to lift my spirits by playing golf on weekends.

(ksb). 彼が仲裁の場に出ていったことで仲裁は余計にこじれた。

His appearance at the mediation scene complicated the situation even more. (literally: The situation got even more complicated because he appeared at the mediation scene.)


(i)Vinformal nonpast ことで Means
  行くことで By going
(ii)Sinformal ことで Cause
  {行く /行った}ことで Because someone will go/went
  {高い /高かった}ことで Because something is/was high
(iii)Adjective な stem なことで Exception
  便利なことで Because something is convenient
(iv)Noun であることで Exception
  であることで Because someone is a woman


(a). 私が十万円出すことで問題は解決した。

The problem was solved by my paying 100,000 yen.

(b). 彼女はものを言わないことで私へ精一杯の抵抗を示しているのです。

She is demonstrating her utmost resistance to me by not talking.

(c). 朝晩簡単な体操をするだけのことで素晴らしい健康が保てます。

You can maintain wonderful health just by taking simple exercise in the morning and evening.

(d). 私が参加することであなたに迷惑はかかりませんか。

Wouldn't my participation cause you trouble?

(e). 彼のパーティーに行かなかったことで彼の気持ちを害したのでなければよいが。

I hope I didn't hurt his feelings because I didn't go to his party (literally: by not having gone to his party).

(f). 私は英語が下手ことで時々損をしている。

I am sometimes put at a disadvantage because I am poor at English.

(g). この国では外国人であることで得をすることがある。

In this country there are times when you benefit for being a foreigner.

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Intermediate Page 140

㊥ ことになる


A phrase which indicates that an action or event leads to a certain situation or logical conclusion. End up (with); cause; come to mean that

Key Sentences

(ksa). これ以上聞くのは彼を余計に苦しめることになる

Asking more than this will cause him to suffer too much.

(ksb). 今これをしておかなかったら後で大変なことになる

If we don't do this now, we will end up with an awful situation later.

(ksc). この手形が落ちなければ会社は倒産ということになる

If we cannot have this draft cashed, our company will end up in bankruptcy.

(ksd). こんな結果になったということは我々の準備に手落ちがあったことになる

Ending up with such a result means that there was something wrong with our preparation.

(kse). 今回何も起こらなかったということはこのシステムで大丈夫だということになる

The fact that nothing happened this time means that the system is alright (literally: the situation is alright with this system).


(i)Vinformal nonpast ことになる  
  行くことになる End up going; lead someone to go
(ii)Adjective い informal nonpast ことになる  
  難しいことになる End up with a difficult situation
(iii)Adjective な stem なことになる  
  大変なことになる End up with an awful situation
(iv)Noun ということになる  
  失敗ということになる End up with a failure; come to mean that something is a failure
(v)Sinformal ことになる Exceptions: Adjective な stem だ→Adjective な stem or formation (vi); Nounだ→Nounである or formation (iv) or (vi)
  間違っていたことになる Come to mean that something was wrong
  大丈夫なことになる Come to mean that something is alright
  外国人であることになる Come to mean that someone is a foreigner
(vi)Sinformal ということになる  
  大丈夫だということになる Come to mean that something is alright


(a). 今怠けていると試験の時ひどいことになるよ。

If you don't work now, you'll end up with a terrible situation when you take the exam.

(b). そんなことをしたら二度と人前に出られないことになる

If I/ you do such a thing, I/ you will end up not being able to appear in public again.

(c). A社が百万円寄付してくれれば合計一千万円に達することになる

If Company A donates one million yen, the total sum will become (literally: end up with) ten million yen.

(d). すべてがうまくいけば来年卒業ということになります

If everything goes well, (it means that) I will graduate next year.

(e). 葉書が戻って来たということは彼はもうこの住所には住んでいないことになる

That the postcard came back means that he doesn't live at this address any longer.

(f). これが一キロ二千円ということはこちらの方が高いということになる

That this costs 2,000 yen a kilo means that this is more expensive.

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Intermediate Page 143

㊥ ことによる

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase which is used to present an event as the cause of something. Be due to the fact that; be caused by; be brought about by; be the result of; because
【Related Expression: からだ; ためだ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今回の失敗は事前の話し合いが不十分だったことによる

The failure this time is the result of insufficient discussion beforehand (literally: due to the fact that the preceding discussion was insufficient).

(ksb). 進が非行に走ったの両親の愛情が不足していたことによる

Susumu's delinquency was caused by his parents' lack of affection. (literally: The fact that Susumu ran to juvenile delinquency is because his parents were not affectionate enough with him.


Sinformal ことによる Exceptions: Adjective な stem なことによる; Noun であることによる
  家賃が高いことによる Because the rent is expensive
  表現が不正確なことによる Because the expression is inaccurate
  母が日本人であることによる Because one’s mother is Japanese


(a). 彼の現在の成功は平生の努力を怠らなかったことによる

His present success is due to the fact that he worked hard every day (literally: did not neglect daily effort).

(b). 彼らの離婚は二人の価値観があまりに違っていたことによる

Their divorce was caused by the fact that their value systems were very different.

(c). 彼が負けたのは勝ちを焦りすぎたことによる

His loss is due to the fact that he tried to win quickly.

(d). 彼の才能がこれ程までに開発されたのは鈴木氏に師事したことによる

That his talent was developed to this degree is due to the fact that he studied with Mr. Suzuki.

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Intermediate Page 146

㊥ ことはない


A phrase which expresses the idea that there is no need to do something or that there is no possibility of doing something. There is no need to; not necessary; there is no possibility that; there is no chance to
【Related Expression: はずはない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). あんな男の言うことを聞くことはない

There's no need to listen to a man like that.

(ksb). 彼女が今日の会議を忘れることはないと思います。

I think that there is no possibility that she will forget today's meeting.


Vinformal nonpast ことはない Affirmation
  行くことはない There’s no need to go/there is no possibility that someone will go


(a). あんな奴に親切にしてやることはない

There is no need to be kind to a guy like that.

(b). 何もそんなに慌てることはない

There is no need at all to be in such a hurry.

(c). 君が来ることはないと思います。

1. I don't think it will be necessary for you to come here. 2. I think that there is no possibility that you will come here.

(d). 彼がわざわざ出て行くことはないでしょう。

1. There will probably be no need for him to take the trouble to go out there. 2. There is no possibility that he will go out there.

(e). もうお目にかかることはないかもしれませんね。

I might not have a chance to see you again.

(f). 多分私が教えることはないと思います。

I don't think there is a possibility that I will teach.

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Intermediate Page 148

㊥ く

Inflectional Ending (used in writing and formal speech only)

A continuative form of the い type adjective. And; so
【Related Expression: くて】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 加奈子の性格は明る、無邪気だった。

Kanako's personality was cheerful and innocent.

(ksb). せっかく講演をしに行ったのに、聴衆が少な、がっかりした。

I went all the way to give a lecture, but the audience was so small that I felt discouraged.


(a). カルフォルニアの空は青、美しかった。

The Californian sky was blue and beautiful.

(b). トムの東京のアパートの部屋は暗、狭い。

Tom's apartment room in Tokyo is dark and small.

(c). バッハの音楽は歯切れがよ、幾何学的だ。

Bach's music is very crisp and geometrical.

(d). ニューヨークタイムズは質が高、購読者の数も多い。

The New York Times is high in quality and has many subscribers.

(e). 世界の平和は得られにく、維持しにくい。

World peace is hard to achieve and hard to maintain.

(f). あの哲学者の思想は分かりやす、文章も簡潔だ。

That philosopher's ideas are easy to understand and his writing is simple, too.

(g). 去年の冬は雪が多、車の運転が大変だった。

Last winter there was much snow and it was hard to drive around.

(h). 私は失敗が恐ろし、新しいことが何も出来ない。

I'm afraid of failure, and I can't do anything new.

(i). 洋子は一人でいるのが寂し、最近猫を飼い始めた。

Yoko felt lonely living alone, so she got a pet cat recently.

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Intermediate Page 151

㊥ くらい


A particle which is used to express the degree of a state. To the extent that; so~ that~ (almost)~; at least; the only~; rather than~
【Related Expression: ほど】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私達は一歩も歩けないくらい疲れていた。

We were so tired that we couldn't even take a step. (literally: We were tired to the extent that we couldn't even walk one step.)

(ksb). 今晩は暖かいのでストーブが要らないくらいだ。

It is so warm this evening that we (almost) don't need a heater.

(ksc). 山田さんくらいよく物を忘れる人はいない。

There's no one who is as forgetful as Yamada (literally: who forgets things as much as Yamada does).

(ksd). 私は料理は下手ですが、ご飯くらい(は)炊けます。

I am a poor cook (literally: bad at cooking), but I can at least cook rice.

(kse). 今この仕事が出来るのは彼くらいのものだ。

He is the only person who can do this job now. (literally: The person who is capable enough to do this job is he.)

(ksf). そんなことをするくらいなら死んだ方がましだ。

I would rather die than do such a thing.


(i)Sinformal くらい The same as relative connection rules
泳げるくらい To the extent that one can swim
(先生も) 出来なかったくらい To the extent that (even our teacher) couldn’t do it
恐ろしいくらい To the extend that (I) am frightened
気の毒なくらい To the extent that (i) feel sorry
(ii)Noun くらい
山田さんくらい To Yamada’s degree


(a). その家は直しようがないくらい傷んでいた。

That house was so damaged that it couldn't be repaired. (literally: That house was damaged to the extent that it couldn't be repaired.)

(b). 次郎はひどく酔っていて立っていられないくらいだった。

Jiro was so drunk that he couldn't hold himself upright.

(c). こんな本、十ドルでもまだ高いくらいだ。

Even ten dollars would still be too expensive for a book like this.

(d). 内田さんくらいかわいそうな人はいない。

This is no one who is as pitiful as Uchida.

(e). あの時くらい苦しかった時はない。

I have never suffered as much as I did that time.

(f). 信頼していた人に裏切られる(こと)くらい辛いことはない。

There is nothing as painful as being betrayed by someone you have trusted.

(g). いくら安い所でもシャワーくらい付いているでしょう。

Even though it is a cheap place, there should at least be a shower.

(h). そんな物に二万円も出すのはあなたくらいのものですよ。

You are the only person who would pay as much as 20,000 yen for such a thing.

(i). あんな男の下で働くくらいなら乞食になった方がましだ。

I would rather be a beggar than work under such a man.

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Intermediate Page 155

㊥ くせに


A conjunction which expresses the speaker's contempt, anger, or disagreement about someone's action, behaviour, or state. Although; in spite of the fact that; and yet; but
【Related Expression: にもかかわらず; のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 山田さんは日本人のくせにあまり漢字を知らない。

Although Mr. Yamada is Japanese, he doesn't know many kanji.

(ksb). 山内はよく知っているくせに何も教えてくれない。

In spite of the fact that Yamauchi knows a lot about it, he doesn't tell me anything.


(i)Noun のくせに  
子供のくせに Although~ is a child
(ii){V/Adjective い} informal くせに  
{出来る/出来た} くせに Although~ can/could
{弱い/弱かった} くせに Although ~ is/was weak
(iii)Adjective な stem { だった} くせに  
{下手/ 下手 だった} くせに Although~ is/was bad at something


(a). 彼は大学生のくせに漫画ばかり読んでいる。

Although he is a college student, all he does is read comics.

(b). 良子はまだ学生のくせに高いマンションに住んでいる。

Although Yoshiko is still a student, she lives in an expensive condominium.

(c). 隆司は下手なくせに私とテニスをしたがる。

Takashi is a bad (tennis) player, and yet he wants to play with me.

(d). 怖いくせに無理するなよ。

You are afraid. Don't pretend to be strong.

(e). 孝男はお金もないくせに外車を欲しがっている。

Takao doesn't have money, and yet he wants a foreign car.

(f). 吉田は前は私を見ても挨拶もしなかったくせに、私が部長になった途端に急に愛想がよくなった。

Before (the time I became a division chief), Yoshida never greeted me when he saw me, but he suddenly became friendly when I became a division chief.

(g). 昨日まで見習いだったくせに大きな口をきくな。

Don't talk big! You were only a trainee until yesterday!

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Intermediate Page 159

㊥ までもない


There is no point in going as far as to do something. Not necessary (to bother) to; do not need (to go as far as) to; do not have to
【Related Expression: 必要はない; ほどのこともない; には及ばない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). これは簡単な計算だから計算器を使うまでもない

This is a simple calculation, so it is not necessary (to bother) to use a calculator.

(ksb). 言うまでもなくジヨージ・ワシントンはアメリカの初代大統領だ。

Needless to say, George Washington was the first president of the United States.


Vinformal nonpast までもない
話すまでもない Not necessary (to bother) to talk


(a). 彼がみんなに尊敬されたのは言うまでもない

It goes without saying that he was respected by everybody.

(b). 大した用事じゃないからあなたがわざわざ行くまでもないでしょう。

It is not important business, so it is probably not necessary for you to (take the trouble to) get there.

(c). 行けば分かることですから電話して聞くまでもありません

We can find out when we get there, so we don't need to call and ask about it.

(d). 今更申すまでもありませんが、山中先生はこの分野では指導的な立場にあるお方です。

Needless to say (now), Professor Yamanaka is a leading figure in this field.

(e). それは説明するまでもなく明らかなことだ。

It is so obvious that no explanation is necessary.

(f). 待つまでもなく妻は買い物から帰ってきた。

My wife came back from shopping without my having to wait for her.

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Intermediate Page 161

㊥ まい

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary which expresses the speaker's negative volition or conjecture. Will not; will probably not; be probably not

Key Sentences

(ksa). もう橋本には何も頼むまい

I will not ask any more favours of Hashimoto.

(ksb). これは恐らく誰も気が付くまい

Probably no one will notice this.

(ksc). 参加者はそれほど多くはあるまい

There probably won't be many participants.

(ksd). この教え方はあまり効果的ではあるまい

This teaching method is probably not very effective.

(kse). これは何かの間違いではあるまいか。

I have a feeling that this is some kind of mistake. (literally: Is this not some kind of mistake?)


(i)Vinformal nonpast まい
行くまい (I) will not go; probably won’t go
教えるまい (I) will not teach; probably won’t teach
(ii)Adjective い stem くはあるまい
くはあるまい Something is probably not expensive
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun} ではあるまい
静かではあるまい Something is probably not quiet
先生ではあるまい Someone is probably not a teacher


(a). 清のパーティーにはもう行くまい

I will not go to Kiyoshi's parties any more.

(b). 日本へ行こうか行くまいか迷った。

I couldn't decide whether I should go to Japan or not.

(c). 彼は多分誰の言うことも聞くまい

He probably won't listen to anyone.

(d). それは今我々には必要ではあるまい

It is probably not necessary for us now.

(e). この問題はこの学校の学生にはそれほど難しくはあるまい

This problem is probably not very difficult for these students.

(f). ジョージが真相を知っているのではあるまいか。

I have a feeling that George knows the truth.

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Intermediate Page 165

㊥ まさか


An adverb that indicates the speaker's strong belief that something is not expected to (have) become a reality. Incredible; never thought; never dreamed; surely not; impossible; don't tell me that~; not at all likely; absolutely not.
【Related Expression: よもや】

Key Sentences

(ksa). まさか美智子があんな男と結婚するとは思わなかった。

I never dreamed that Michiko would many that kind of a guy.

(ksb). まさかあたしの誕生日を忘れたんじゃないでしょうね。

Don't tell me that you forgot my birthday!

(ksc). まさか彼がこんな寒い日に来るはずはないですよ。

Surely he won't show up on such a cold day!

(ksd). 最近父から手紙が来ないけれど、まさか具合が悪いのではあるまい。

Lately I haven't heard from my father, but God forbid that he might be ill.

(kse). A:七十のおじいさんが高校に入ったんだって。 B:まさか

A: I heard that an old man of 70 entered a high school. B: Incredible!


(i)まさかSとは {思わなかった/考えてもみなかった}
まさか雪が降るとは{思わなかった/考えてもみなかった} {I didn’t believe/I never though} that it would snow
(ii)まさかS {んじゃ/のでは} ないだろうね
まさか会社を辞める{んじゃ/のでは}ないだろうね Don’t tell me that you are going to quit the company
(iii)まさかS はずがない
まさか四月に雪が降るはずがない It is not at all likely that it will snow in April
(iv)まさかS まい
まさか雪は降るまい Don’t tell me it’s going to snow


(a). まさか自分が交通事故に巻き込まれるとは思いませんでしたよ。

I never thought that I would be involved in a traffic accident.

(b). まさか司法試験に一度でパス出来るとは考えてもいなかった。

I never dreamed that I could pass the bar examination on my first attempt.

(c). 青い顔をしているけど、まさか病気じゃないでしょうね。

You look pale. Are you sure you are not ill?

(d). まさかこんな高いダイヤモンドの指輪を買ってくれたんじゃないでしょうね。

I don't believe that you brought me such an expensive diamond ring!

(e). まさかあんないい人が人を殺すなんてあるはずがない。

Don't tell me a good person like that killed someone.

(f). まさか彼が日本語の先生になるとは考えてもみなかった。

I never thought that he would become a Japanese language teacher.

(g). まさかあの人がそんなことを言うはずはないでしょ。

It's not at all likely that she has said such a thing!

(h). もう五月なのだから、まさか雪は降るまい。

Since it is May it is very unlikely that it will snow.

(i). 母は入院中だから、まさか私の結婚式に出席するわけにはいくまい。

Because my mother is in the hospital right now, it is impossible to expect her to attend my wedding.

(j). A: スミスさんは日本語を一年しか勉強していないのに、ペラペラですよ。 B: まさか

A: Smith has studied Japanese for only one year, but he is fluent, you know. B: Impossible!

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Intermediate Page 169

㊥ ましだ

Adjective (な)

A phrase indicating that although someone/something (or some situation) is not satisfactory it is better than someone/something else. Better; less objectionable; preferable; might as well~
【Related Expression: いい】

Key Sentences

(ksa). こんな給料をもらう(くらい)なら辞めた方がましだ

If this is the salary, it would be better to quit.

(ksb). 今度の日本語の先生は前の先生よりずっとましだ

This new Japanese teacher is much better than the former teacher.

(ksc). もう少しましなコーヒーはありませんか。

Isn't there coffee that's a bit better?


(a). こんな大学に入るくらいなら、仕事をした方がましだ

I might as well work as enter such a college.

(b). こんな苦しい生活をするくらいなら、死んだ方がましだ

It is better to die than to lead such a life.

(c). 学校へ行くくらいなら家でテレビでも見ていた方がましだ

It's better to watch TV at home rather than going to school.

(d). こんな不味いご飯を食べるくらいなら何も食べない方がいい

It's better not to eat anything rather than eating such an untasteful meal.

(e). あのレストランよりこのレストランの方がましだ

This restaurant is better than that restaurant over there.

(f). ここの夏も暑いですが、東京の夏よりましですね。

Summer here is hot, too, but it's better than summer in Tokyo.

(g). 僕の車もとても古いけど、君のよりましだ

My car is also very old, but it is better than yours.

(h). 給料は二万円でも、ないよりましだ

Although the salary is just 20,000 yen it's better than nothing.

(i). お宅は狭いと言っても私の家に比べたらずっとましですよ。

You say your house is small, but it is much better than our house, you know.

(j). もう少しましな人間になろうと思っています。

I am thinking of becoming a slightly better person.

(k). このホテルはひどいですね。この辺にもう少しましなホテルはないんでしょうか。

This hotel is awful. Isn't there a slightly better hotel around here?

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Intermediate Page 171

㊥ または

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A conjunction which connects two choices or possibilities expressed by noun phrases or sentences. Or; either~ or~
【Related Expression: か~; か~かどちらか; それとも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 現金(か)、または小切手でお払い下さい。

Please pay either in cash or by check.

(ksb). A(か)、またはBのどちらかを選びなさい。

Select either A or B.

(ksc). 電話番号を聞き違えたか、またはもうこの電話は使われていないのだろう。

I guess that either I misheard the phone number or this number (literally: phone) is no longer in use.


(i)Noun (か)、 またはNoun
日本語(か)、または語英語 Either Japanese or English
(ii)Sinformal か またはSinformal
手紙を書くか、または電話をする Either write a letter or make a phone call


(a). 黒(か)、または青のボールペンを使って下さい。

Please use a black or blue ballpoint pen.

(b). 三年以下の懲役(か)、または百万円以下の罰金。

Imprisonment up to three years or a penalty up to one million yen.

(c). 昼は仕事があるから、夜間コースを取るか、または家庭教師を探すしかない。

I have to work during the day, so I have no choice but to take a night course or look for a tutor.

(d). 二週間前に出したはずの手紙がまだ先方に着いていない。私の秘書が出し忘れたか、または郵便局が間違えたのだろう。

A letter that I assumed was mailed two weeks ago has not reached the addressee yet. It is probably that my secretary forgot to mail it or that the post office made a mistake.

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Intermediate Page 174

㊥ 目


A suffix which represents an ordinal number. -th; -th one

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私の車は右から二台です。

My car is the second one from the right.

(ksb). それは上から三つの引き出しに入っています。

It is in the third drawer from the top.


四人 The fourth (person)


(a). 山本先生は前から二列、左から三人の人だ。

Mr. Yamamoto is the person third from the left in the second row.

(b). 一回は失敗した。

I failed the first time.

(c). この日本語プログラムは今年で五年になる。

This Japanese program is in its fifth year (this year).

(d). 五周からは林先生がこのクラスをお教えになります。

From the fifth week on Mr. Hayashi will teach this class.

(e). 上野さんは一番に演奏する。

Miss Ueno will perform first.

(f). A: 今のバイオリンは何台目ですか。 B: 六台です。

A: How many violins have you used so far? B: The present one is my sixth.

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Intermediate Page 176

㊥ 面


A suffix which forms a compound that means a side of X, or an aspect of X. (on) the side of; (from) the aspect of; (from) the standpoint/viewpoint of; in terms of
【Related Expression: 点(で)】

Key Sentences

(ks). 彼か学業では優秀だが、精神に少し弱さがあるようだ。

He is excellent in terms of his academic performance (literally: on the side of his academic performance) but he seems to have some psychological weakness (literally: have some weakness on the side of his psychology).


運営 The aspect of operation; the standpoint of operation


(a). この食堂は衛生によく気を配っている。

This restaurant pays close attention to hygiene (literally: the hygienic aspect).

(b). 藤田さんは技術からのみものを見る傾向がある。

Mr. Fujita tends to view things from the technical standpoint alone.

(c). ここの土地所有者は税金で優遇措置を受けている。

The land owners here receive favourable treatment in terms of tax.

(d). あの候補者の演説は政策での説得力に欠ける。

That candidate's speech is not convincing (literally: lacks persuasive power) from the standpoint of policy.

(e). 彼女は日本へ行っても語学は心配しなくてもいい。

She does not need to worry about language (literally: the aspect of language) when she goes to Japan

(f). この車は性能を高く評価された。

This car was highly regarded in terms of performance.

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Intermediate Page 177

㊥ みせる

Auxiliary Verb (Group 2)

The speaker's strong determination to achieve something for others to see. Can manage to; will definitely do; am determined to

Key Sentences

(ks). 僕は小説を書いて、芥川賞を取ってみせる

I will definitely write a novel and get the Akutagawa Prize.


Vて みせる (Group 2)
読んでみせる I will definitely read it/I will show you how to read it


(a). 僕はこの会社の社長になってみせる

I am determined to become the president of this company.

(b). 私はあのハンサムな男の子と結婚してみせるわ。

I can manage to marry that handsome guy.

(c). 三百ページの本を一時間で読んでみせるぞ。

I will definitely read a 300-page book in one hour.

(d). 今年こそは修士論文を書き上げてみせる

This year I will definitely finish writing my M.A. thesis.

(e). 一男は百メートルを十一秒で走ってみせた

Kazuo managed to run 100 meters in 11 seconds.

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Intermediate Page 179

㊥ も


A particle which implies that something else is also (not) the case. Also; too; (not) either; (not) even

Key Sentences

(ksa). 吉岡さんは今年七十歳だが、毎日一キロ走る。時々泳ぎする。

Although Mr. Yoshioka is seventy this year, he runs one kilometre every day. He occasionally swims, too.

(ksb). この本は有益で、その上、面白くある。

This book is beneficial and, on top of that, it is also interesting. 

(ksc). この映画は面白くないし、特に教育的でない。

This movie is not interesting and not particularly educational, either.

(ksd). 奥田氏は弁護士であり、作家である。

Mr. Okuda is a lawyer and also a novelist.

(kse). 由利子は最近廊下ですれ違っても見向きしない。

Recently Yuriko does not (even) look at me even if we pass each other in the hall.


(i)Vます もするもしない
読みもする Also read
読みもしない Do not read, either; do not even read
(ii)Adjective い stem くもあるくもない
くもある Something is also cheap
くもない Something is not cheap, either; something is not even cheap
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun} でもあるでもない
便利でもある Something is also convenient
便利でもない Something is not convenient, either; something is not even convenient
先生でもある Someone is also a teacher
先生でもない Someone is not a teacher, either; someone is not even a teacher


(a). 猿だっておかしければ笑いするでしょう。

Apes also laugh if something is funny, right?

(b). 健一は新婚早々三日も家を空けたが、和代は泣かなかった。そして、怒りしなかった。

Ken'ichi didn't go home for three days right after their marriage, but Kazuyo didn't cry. She didn't get mad, either.

(c). あのアパートはあまり便利ではないし安くない。

That apartment is not convenient and not inexpensive, either.

(d). 周遊券は便利な上、経済的である。

Excursion tickets are convenient; on top of that, they are also economical.

(e). 田口さんなんて友達でないのに、どうしてそんなにしてあげるの。

Mr. Taguchi is not even a friend. How come you do so much for him?

(f). 安くないのに、そうしてそんなものを買うんですか。

Why are you going to buy a thing like that which is not even cheap?

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Intermediate Page 184

㊥ も~ば


A structure which expresses the idea that a certain amount of something is sufficient to do something. Be enough to/for; if~ at least; if~ as much/many as~, it will be enough to

Key Sentences

(ks). この美術館は三時間あれ全部見られる。

Three hours are enough to see everything in this art museum. (literally: If you have as many as three hours, you can see everything in this art museum.)


Number+Counter Vconditional
五人れば If five people come, it will be enough to~


(a). 二万円持って行け足りるでしょう。

20,000 yen will probably be enough. (literally: If you take as much as 20,000 yen with you, it will probably be sufficient.)

(b). ビールは二ダース買っておけ大丈夫だ。

As for beer, if we buy two dozen, it will be enough (literally: we will be all right).

(c). 一週間すれ歩けるようになります。

It will take no more than a week until you can walk (literally: until you become able to walk).

(d). 二、三回聞け大体分かる。

Listening two or three times is/will be sufficient for understanding most of it.

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Intermediate Page 185

㊥ も~も


A structure which presents two states or actions of someone or something. Both~ and~; neither~ nor~; also; (not) either

Key Sentences

(ksa). 腰が痛くて立ち座り出来ない。

Because I have a backache, I can neither stand nor sit still.

(ksb). 私は俳句が大好きで、よく読みするし自分で作りする。

Loving haiku, I read them a lot and I write them myself (too).

(ksc). あのアパートはよく安くない。

That apartment is neither good nor cheap.

(ksd). 彼の作品は面白くあり読みやすくある。

His writings are interesting and also easy to read.

(kse). 彼女の英語は特に上手で下手でない。

Her English is neither particularly good nor bad.

(ksf). 彼は親戚でなければ友達でない。

He is neither a relative nor a friend.

(ksg). 私達のクラスには中国人の学生いればスペイン人の学生いる。

In my class, there are Chinese students and there are Spanish students too.


(i)Vます Vます する/しない
読み書きする Both read and write
読み書きしない Neither read nor write
Vます {し/するし/すれば} Vますする
読み{し/するし/すれば}書きする Read and also write
Vます {せず/しないし/しなければ} Vますしない
読み{せず/しないし/しなければ}書きしない Do not read and do not write, either
(ii)Vnoun Vnounする/しない
料理掃除する Both cook and clean
料理掃除しない Neither cook nor clean
Noun {し/するし/すれば}Nounする
料理{し/するし/すれば}掃除する Cook and also clean
Noun {せず/しないし/しなければ}Nounしない
料理{せず/しないし/しなければ}掃除しない Does not cook and does not clean, either
(iii)Adjective い stemく Adjective い stemくある/ない
うれしく悲しくある Both happy and sad
うれしく悲しくない Neither happy nor sad
Adjective い stemく {なく/ないし/なければ} Adjective い stemくない
うれしく{なく/ないし/なければ}悲しくない Not happy and not sad, either
(iv){Adjective な stem/Noun}で {Adjective な stem/Noun}である/ない
便利で経済的である Both convenient and economical
便利で経済的でない Neither convenient nor economical
{Adjective な stem/Noun}で {あり/あるし/あれば}{Adjective な stem/Noun}である
便利で{あり/あるし/あれば}経済的である Convenient and also economical
{Adjective な stem/Noun}で {なく/ないし/なければ}{Adjective な stem/Noun}でない
便利で{なく/ないし/なければ}経済的でない Not convenient and not economical, either


(a). 私はドイツ語なら読み話し出来る。

When it comes to German, I can both read it and speak it.

(b). この教科書は難しすぎせずやさしすぎせず、ちょうどいい。

This textbook is not too difficult and not too easy, either; it's just right.

(c). ボブの奥さんは料理しなければ掃除しない。

Bob's wife does not cook and does not clean (the house), either.

(d). この物語は面白くなければおかしくない。

This story is not interesting and not funny, either.

(e). 奥田氏は弁護士であり、作家である。

Mr. Okuda is a lawyer and also a novelist.

(f). この言葉の意味は字引引いたし友達に聞いたが結局わからなかった。

I checked the word in the dictionary and also asked my friend, but I didn't get the meaning after all.

(g). あの人は頭いいしハンサムあるが、どうも好きになれない。

That man is smart and handsome, too, but I'm unable to like him for some reason.

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Intermediate Page 189

㊥ もの(だ)

Noun (used in writing and formal speech only)

A dependent noun which is used to create a sentence structure which presents a characteristic of something. (is) that which~; (is) something which~; (are) those which~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 現在のコンピュータのほとんどはフォン・ノイマン型と呼ばれているものである

Most of the present computers are those which are called (literally: things which are called) the von Neumann model.

(ksb). C社が盲人用障害物感知器の試作品を発表した。この装置は目の不自由な人が皮膚への刺激を通して、前にある障害物などを感知出来るようにしたもの(である)

S1: C Company announced an experimental model of an obstacle detector for the blind. S2: This device enables (literally: is something which has enabled) blind people to recognize (literally: feel) obstacles ahead of them through stimuli to their skin.

(ksc). 米国の貿易赤字はしばらくこのまま続くものと予想される。

It is predicted that the U.S. trade deficit will remain as it is for a while.


Formation: same as relative clause.


(a). この本の内容はいかなる人間社会にも当てはまる一般的なものである

The content of this book generally applies to any society (literally: is something general which applies to any human society).

(b). これは革命的発見とも言うべきものだ

This is something which should be called a revolutionary discovery.

(c). C社がM型ワープロの五パーセント値下げに踏み切った。これは、最近低下している同社のワープロシェアの巻き返しを狙ったもの(である)

C Company has decided to reduce the price of M-type word-processors by five percent. Their aim is to regain (literally: This is to aim at regaining) their recently declining share of the word-processor market.

(d). 大学入試制度調査会の第一回会合が昨日都内のホテルで行われた。この調査会は、最近しばしば批判の対象になっている、現行の大学入試制度の見直しのために発足したものである

The first meeting of the Study Group for University Entrance Examinations was held at a hotel in Tokyo yesterday. This study group was started for the purpose of reviewing the present university entrance examination system which is criticized frequent

(e). この問題は時期が来れば自然に解決されるものと見られている。

This problem is expected to solve itself when the time comes.

(f). エレクトロニクスの世界は今後も急速な進歩を続けていくものと予想される。

It is predicted that the world of electronics will continue advancing rapidly from now on, too.

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Intermediate Page 193

㊥ なあ

Particle (used in conversation only)

An exclamatory sentential particle which is used in informal male speech. How~!; what~! ~!; I wonder; I wish

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼はよく食べるなあ

He eats a lot!

(ksb). 素晴らしい映画だなあと思った。

I was so impressed by that (wonderful) movie. (literally: What a wonderful movie, I thought.)

(ksc). まだ間に合うかなあ

I wonder if I can still make it in time.

(ksd). 河合君、早く来ないかなあ

I wish Kawai would come soon.

(kse). 車があったらいいなあ

I wish I had a car. (literally: It would be nice if I had a car.)


高いなあ It’s expensive!/How expensive!
(ii)Sinformal かなあ
高いかなあ I wonder if it’s expensive
(iii)Vnegative informal かなあ
くれないかなあ I wish someone would give me something


(a). よく飲んだなあ

We drank a lot!/ Did we drink!

(b). あのけちの吉田がよく金を出したなあ

I'm surprised that that stingy guy Yoshida gave money.

(c). 家が欲しいなあ

I want a house so badly.

(d). 山内さん、今日は来ないかなあ

I wonder if Mr. Yamauchi is not coming today.

(e). 何か面白い映画はないかなあ

I wonder if there is (literally: isn't) an interesting movie.

(f). 彼女、こんなことを言っても怒らないかなあ

I wonder if she will (literally: won't) get mad if I say such a thing.

(g). タイガース、今日勝たないかなあ

I wish the Tigers would win today.

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Intermediate Page 197

㊥ などと

Compound Particle

A compound particle that indicates an approximate quote of words or ideas. (things) like~; ~ or something like

Key Sentences

(ks). 日本の文化はユニークだなどと言う人がいるが、私はそうは思わない。

There are people who say things like Japanese culture is unique, but I don't think so.


(i){V/Adjective い}informal などと
話すなどと (say) something like someone talks
つまらないなどと (say) something like something is uninteresting
(ii){Adjectiveな stem/Noun} {だ/だった}などと
便利{だ/だった}などと (say) something like something is/was convenient
学生{だ/だった}などと (say) something like someone is/was a student


(a). お金がないから、日本へ行くなどということは夢です。

I don't have money, so ideas like going to Japan are just dreams.

(b). 毎日運動しろなどとは言いませんから、週に二、三度運動したらどうですか。

I'm not saying you should exercise every day, but why don't you do it 2 or 3 times a week.

(c). ジョンソンさんは日本語で何でも話せるなどと言っている。

Mr. Johnson says things like he can say anything in Japanese.

(d). 困った時は助けてくれるだろうなどと甘く考えてはいけない。

Don't think indulgently things like people will help you when you are in trouble.

(e). 日本へ留学しようとしているケントさんは、うまく日本の生活に適応出来るかなどと心配している。

Mr. Kent, who is about to go to Japan to study, is worried about things like whether he will be able to adjust to Japanese life.

(f). みんなが君のことをクラブのホープだなどと言っているよ。

Everybody is saying something like you are the hope of our club.

(g). 尊敬しています、などと言われると照れくさい。

When I am told that they respect me, I feel embarrassed.

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Intermediate Page 199

㊥ ながら(も)

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A disjunctive conjunction used normally in written Japanese with the meaning of 'although'. Although; even though; nevertheless
【Related Expression: が; けれど(も); のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この部屋は狭いながら(も)居心地がよい。

Although his room is small, it is comfortable.

(ksb). 山口はそのことを知りながら(も)黙っていた。

Yamaguchi kept silent, although he knew about the matter.


(i){Vます/Vてい} ながら()
ながら() Although someone says~
分かっていながら() Although someone understands something/someone
(ii){Adjective い informal/Adjective な stem/Noun} ながら()
大きいながら() Although something is big
静かながら() Although something/someone is quiet
子供ながら() Although someone is a child


(a). あの人は若いながら(も)、なかなか有能だ。

He is young, but he is very capable.

(b). 教授のゼミは厳しいながら(も)学ぶところが多かった。

Although my professor's seminar was tough, I learned a lot from it.

(c). ベッキーの日本語はたどたどしいながら(も)言おうとしていることは分かった。

Becky's Japanese is halting, but I was able to figure out what she had to say.

(d). この辺は不便ながら(も)、車も少なく、空気が綺麗だ。

This area is inconvenient, but there is little traffic and the air is clean.

(e). 残念ながら、明日の音楽会には行けません。

To my regret, I cannot go to tomorrow's concert.

(f). ひとみは子供ながら(も)、よく考えてものを言う。

Hitomi is just a child, but she says things very carefully (literally: after thinking hard).

(g). この車は小型ながら(も)よく走る。

This car runs well, although it is such a small car.

(h). 日本の単身赴任のサラリーマンは苦しみながら(も)、会社のために働いている。

Japanese white-collar workers who have to leave their families behind for work transfers work for the company even though their lives are hard.

(i). ボブは日本にいながら(も)、洋食ばかり食べている。

Bob is in Japan, but he eats only Western-style food.

(j). 煙草は体に悪いと分かっていながら(も)、吸ってしまう。

Even though I know cigarettes are bad for my body, I end up smoking them.

(k). 弟は沢山本を買っていながら(も)、少しも読んでいない。

My younger brother has bought many books, but he has not read any of them.

(l). 彼は何度も日本へ行っていながら(も)、日本語が少しも話せない。

Although he has been to Japan many times he cannot speak Japanese at all.

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Intermediate Page 203

㊥ ないことも/ はない


A double negative phrase used to make a conditional affirmative statement. It isn't the case that~ not~; it is not that~ not~
【Related Expression: ことは】

Key Sentences

(ks). A:日本語の新聞は読まないんですか。B:いいえ、読まないこと{も/は}ないんですが、時たまですね。

A: Don't you read Japanese newspapers? B: I do read them, but very rarely. (literally: It isn't the case that I don't read them, but very rarely.)


{V/Adjectiveい/な/Copula}negative ないこと{}ない
話さないこと{}ない I do speak, but~
高くないこと{}ない Something is expensive/high, but~
不便{で/じゃ}ないこと{}ない Something is frequent, but~
学者{で/じゃ}ないこと{}ない Someone is a scholar, but~


(a). A: この辺は夏涼しくないんですか。B: いや、涼しくないこともないんですが、時々ひどく暑くなります。

A: Isn't it cool around here during the summer? B: Yes, it is cool, but sometimes it gets terribly hot.

(b). A: お父さんはお元気じゃないんですか。B: いや、元気じゃないことはないんですが、血圧が少し高いようです。

A: Isn't your father in good health? B: Yes, he is healthy, but his blood pressure is a bit high.

(c). A:日本語は難しくありませんか。B: いえ、難しくないこともないんですが、日本語の難しさは強調されすぎていると思いますよ。

A: Isn't Japanese difficult? B: Yes, it is difficult, but it seems that the difficulty of Japanese is overemphasized.

(d). A:山田さんは政治学者じゃないんですね。B: いや、政治学者じゃないこともないんですが、どちらかというと政治家です。

A: Mr. Yamada isn't a political scientist, is he? B: Yes, he is a political scientist, but he is more of a politician.

(e). 日本人は集団行動が好きだとよく言われている。確かに、集団行動をしないことはないのだが、個人行動をとる日本人も結構いる。

Japanese are said to like group behaviour. Certainly, they do behave as a group, but there are quite a few Japanese who behave individually.

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Intermediate Page 206

㊥ なかなか


An adverb used to indicate the speaker's feelings that something is impressive or his annoyance at slowness or difficulty in achieving something. Quiet; fairly; considerable; (not) easily; pretty; (not) readily
【Related Expression: 非常に; かなり; 結構; 大変; とても】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ブラウンさんは日本語がなかなか上手ですね。

{Mr. Brown is/ Mr. Brown, you are} remarkably good at Japanese.

(ksb). この生け花はなかなか見事に生けてある。

This flower arrangement is done quite nicely.

(ksd). 今年は桜の花がなかなか咲きません。

It will be a long time before the cherry blossoms are out this year. (literally: This year the cherry blossoms do not bloom easily.)

(kse). あの男は仕事がなかなか出来るねえ。

That guy does his job quite well, doesn't he?


(i)なかなか Adjective(い/な)affirmative
なかなか面白い Quite interesting
なかなか便利だ Quiet convenient
(ii)なかなか Vaffirmative
なかなかやる Someone performs something quiet well
(iii)なかなか Vnegative
なかなか分からない Cannot understand something easily
(iv)なかなか Adverb
なかなか上手に話す Someone speaks quite well
(v)なかなか(の) Noun
なかなか(の)学者 Quite a scholar


(a). 山田部長の奥さんはなかなか(の)美人だ。

The wife of our departmental chief Yamada is quite a beauty.

(b). この庭園はなかなか綺麗ですね。

This garden is quite beautiful, isn't it?

(c). この数学の問題はなかなか難しそうだ。

This math problem looks quite difficult, doesn't it?

(d). 君はなかなかコンピュータに強いそうじゃないか。

I heard that you are quite good with computers.

(e). この大学の学生はなかなかよく出来る。

The students at this college are pretty good.

(f). あのピアニストはモーツァルトをなかなかうまく弾く。

That pianist plays Mozart quite well.

(g). テニスは毎日練習しているのに、なかなか上手にならないんです。

I am practicing tennis every day, but I cannot become good at it readily.

(h). 約束の時間になっても友達がなかなか来なかったので家に帰ってしまった。

The meeting time long passed, but my friend didn't show up for a long time, so I went home.

(i). あの人はどんなに説明しても、僕の言うことがなかなか分からないようだ。

No matter how hard I try to explain, he doesn't seem to understand me easily.

(j). 風邪がなかなか治らないので、困っているんです。

I'm having a difficult time, because my cold won't go away easily.

(k). 河豚は怖くて、なかなか食べられないんだ。

I am scared of blowfish and cannot eat it easily.

(l). 中村先生はなかなか話せる先生だ。

Mr. Nakamura is a teacher who (literally: can talk with us) can understand us.

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Intermediate Page 211

㊥ なく

Inflection Ending (used in writing and formal speech only)

a continuative form of ない used in written Japanese (to indicate a reason/cause for what follows if ない is attached to Adjective (い/な) and contrast if it is attached to a Noun+Copula. Not~ and; not~ but
【Related Expression: ず】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本語の期末試験はあまり難しくなく、ほっとした。

The Japanese final examination was not very hard, and I felt relieved.

(ksb). 私の研究対象は現代史ではなく、古代史だ。

My research area is not modern history, but ancient history.


(i)Adjective い stem くなく
大きくなく Something/someone is not big and~
(ii){Adjective な stem/Noun} ではなく
静かではなく Something/someone is not quiet and~
先生ではなく Someone is not a teacher but~


(a). 今年の冬はあまり寒くなく、オーバーも二、三度しか着なかった。

It wasn't very cold this winter and we wore our overcoats only two or three times.

(b). 昨日見た映画は実に面白くなく、途中で寝てしまった。

The movie I saw yesterday was so boring that I went to sleep during it.

(c). 私には日本語を聞くのが容易ではなく、大分苦労した。

To listen to Japanese was not easy, and I had quite a difficult time.

(d). 彼女と別れた時はそれほど悲しくなく、自分でも驚いた。

I was surprised that I did not feel so sad when I parted with her.

(e). 私には日本語を教えてくれたのは日本人ではなく、アメリカ人だった。

The person who taught me Japanese was not a Japanese but an American.

(f). 僕が好きなのは日本料理ではなくタイ料理だ。

What I like is not Japanese cuisine, but Thai cuisine.

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Intermediate Page 215

㊥ 何でも


A phrase that indicates the speaker's uncertainty about something. I don't know for sure, but

Key Sentences

(ks). 何でも山本さんは奥さんと別れて、一人で暮らしているそうですよ。

I don't know for sure, but they say that Mr. Yamamoto has separated from his wife and lives alone.


(a). 何でもこの辺は物価が非常に高いそうですよ。

I don't know for sure, but they say things are expensive in this neighbourhood.

(b). 何でもあの人は株で大分もうけたようですよ。

I don't know for sure, but he appeared to have earned a lot of money through stocks.

(c). 何でも戸田さんの息子さんはシカゴ大学で経営学修士を取ったらしいですよ。

I don't know for sure, but it seems that Mr. Toda's son received an MBA at the University of Chicago.

(d). 何でも日本とアメリカの西海岸を五時間ぐらいで飛ぶ飛行機を開発しているという話ですよ。

I don't know for sure, but there's some talk that they are developing an airplane that flies between Japan and the west coast of the States in about five hours.

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Intermediate Page 216

㊥ 何しろ

Adverb (used in conversation only)

An adverb that indicates the speaker's emotive feeling about some extreme state of affairs. As a matter of fact; no matter what; believe it or not; you may be surprised, but~; in fact; unbelievably
【Related Expression: とにかく】

Key Sentences

(ksa). うちの父は頑固なんだ。何しろ一度言い出したら絶対に引き下がらないんだから。

My father is obstinate. As a matter of fact, once he says he will do something, he never changes his mind.

(ksb). A:この大学の教育はいいらしいね。B:うん、何しろ学生六人に先生一人だからね。

A: I heard that education at this college is good. B: Yeah, you may be surprised, but the student-instructor ratio is 6 to 1.

(ksc). 一日中ボスにがなり立てられるんで、何しろ、ストレスが多いんだ。

Because my boss hollers at me all day long, I'm unbelievably stressed.


(a). あの人は金持ちですよ。何しろベンツを三台も持っているんですからね。

He is rich, you know. Believe it or not, he has three Mercedes Benz.

(b). 今年の冬は本当に雪が多かったです。何しろ、雪の降らない日の方が少ないくらいでしたからね。

It snowed a lot this winter. In fact, there were less snow-free days than snowy days, you know.

(c). あの人はよく煙草を吸いますよ。何しろ一日に六十本ぐらい吸うんですから。

He is a heavy smoker. In fact, he smokes about 60 cigarettes a day.

(d). A: 日本は人が多いねえ。B: うん、何しろ、面積はアメリカの二十五分の一なのに、人口は二分一だからね。

A: Japan is crowded, isn't it? B: Yeah, as a matter of fact, the size is one twenty fifth of America but the population is one half, you know.

(e). 何しろ、忙しいんだ。寝る時間もないんですよ。

I'm unbelievably busy. I don't have any sleeping time, you know.

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Intermediate Page 219

㊥ ならない

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase that is used to express insurmountable psychological or physical feelings. Cannot help -ing; irresistibly; unbearably
【Related Expression: 堪らない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 病気の母のことが心配でならない

I'm very much worried about my sick mother. (Literally: I cannot help worrying about my sick mother).

(ksb). 日本の歴史をもっと深く知りたくてならない

I'm dying to know Japanese history more deeply.

(ksc). 一人で住んでいる母親のことが気になってならない

I cannot help worrying about my mother who is living alone.


(i)Adjective (い/な)て ならない
嬉しくてならない I cannot help feeling happy
残念でならない I cannot help feeling sorry
(ii)Vて ならない
気がせいてならない I cannot help feeling pressed


(a). 夫が単身赴任しているので、寂しくてなりません

My husband has gone alone for work and I cannot help feeling lonely.

(b). 二人の婚約が決まって、嬉しくてならないようだ。

The couple have decided to get engaged and they look overjoyed.

(c). 松本清張の推理小説は面白くてならない

The mystery novels by Seicho Matsumoto are irresistibly interesting.

(d). 隣の家のステレオがやかましくてならない

Our neighbour’s stereo is unbearably noisy.

(e). 山田先生がこの大学をお辞めになるので、残念でならない

Since Professor Yamada is going to quit this university, I cannot help feeling disappointed.

(f). 東京の夏は暑くてならない

The summer in Tokyo is awfully hot.

(g). 駅の階段を急いで上がったら、息が苦しくてならなかった

When I rushed up the stairs at the station, it became unbearably painful to breathe.

(h). 買ってきたばかりのテレビがすぐ壊れてしまい、腹が立ってならなかった

I got really mad because the TV set which I just bought got broken right away.

(i). 仕事がうまく行っていないので、気が滅入ってならない

I feel helplessly depressed because my business isn't going well.

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Intermediate Page 223

㊥ なり~なり


A phrase to indicate two representative choices/examples. ~ or~ (for example); like~ or~
【Related Expression: か~か; たり~たり; とか~とか】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 文法が分からなかったら、私なり鈴木先生なりに質問しなさい。

If you don't understand grammar, ask me or Professor Suzuki.

(ksb). 読めない漢字は辞書を引くなり、日本人に聞くなりしなさい。

As for kanji you can't read, find out the reading either by looking it up in a dictionary or by asking a Japanese.


(i)Noun なりNounなり{が/を}
田中君なり山田君なり{が/を} Either Tanaka or Yamada
(ii)Noun Noun1 Particleなり Noun2 Particleなり Where Particle=other particles than が/を
山へなり海へなり To the mountain or to the oceans
田中君になり山田君になり Either to Tanaka or to Yamada
(iii)Noun Noun1なり Noun2 Particle Where the Particle is に,へ,と,で,から
ラジオなりテレビなり Either on the radio or TV
(iv)Vinformal nonpast なり Vinformal nonpast なり
読むなり、書くなり Reading or writing


(a). なり山田なりが空港に迎えに参ります。

Either I or Yamada will go to the airport to pick you up.

(b). 何か連絡することがありましたら電話なりファックスなりでお願いします。

If you have something that you want to report, please do it by telephone or by fax.

(c). 両親なり親友なりに会って、ゆっくり話したいんです。

I would like to see my parents or a close friend, and talk leisurely.

(d). 今は忙してく旅行が出来ないが、春休みなり夏休みなりにするつもりだ。

Right now I'm so busy that I can't make a trip, but I intend to make one during the spring break or summer vacation.

(e). テニスがしたかったら、トムなりチャールズなりとしたらいいでしょう。

If you want to play tennis, why don't you play with Tom or Charles?

(f). アパートを探しているんなら、不動産屋に行くなり、新聞の広告を見るなりしたらどうですか。

If you are looking for an apartment, you should go to a realtor or look at the newspaper ads.

(g). 散歩するなり、泳ぐなり、何か運動をした方がいいですよ。

You'd better do some exercise, like taking a walk or swimming.

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Intermediate Page 227

㊥ なりに

Compound Particle

In a way/style that is proper to someone/something. In one's own way; in one's own style

Key Sentences

(ksa). あの人はあの人なりによく考えているらしい。

He appears to think hard in his own way.

(ksb). 動物は動物なりのコミュニケーションが出来る。

Animals are capable of their own communication.


(i)Noun1はNoun2 なりに Where Noun1=Noun2
学生は学生なりに Students~in their own way
(ii)Noun1はNoun2 なりのNoun3 Where Noun1=Noun2
先生なりの考え Teachers' own idea


(a). 小さい大学は小さい大学なりによさがある。

Small colleges have their own merits.

(b). 私は私なりに、人生観を持っています。

I have my own outlook on life.

(c). 自転車は自転車なりに、車は車なりに、長所、短所がある。

A bike and a car have their own merits and demerits.

(d). 健康な人は健康な人なりに、体に気をつけた方がいい。

Healthy people had better take care of themselves in their own way.

(e). 私は老人が老人なりに生活を楽しめる社会が好きだ。

I like a society in which old people can enjoy life in their own way.

(f). 私は私なりに一生懸命働くつもりです。

I intend to work very hard in my own way.

(g). この問題について、父は父なりの考えを持っているようです。

My father seems to have his own idea about this issue.

(h). ジャズ音楽はジャズ音楽なりの魅力がある。

Jazz music has its own charm

(i). 金持ちは金持ちなりの悩みがあるのだ。

Rich people have their own suffering.

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Intermediate Page 230

㊥ なしでは

Compound Particle

If something/someone is missing. Without
【Related Expression: が(い)なければ; なしには】

Key Sentences

(ks). 実力なしでは世の中は渡れない。

Without real talents one cannot get along in the society.


Noun なしでは
先生なしでは Without a teacher


(a). あなたなしでは生きていけない。

Without you I cannot keep on living.

(b). お金なしではいい教育は受けられない。

Without money we cannot receive good education.

(c). なしでは人生はつまらなくなってしまう。

Without leisure time life will become dull.

(d). 仕事なしでは生活が出来ない。

Without a job one cannot live a life.

(e). 基礎研究なしでは科学は発展しない。

Without basic research science would not develop.

(f). なしではちょっと不便だ。

Without a car it is a bit inconvenient.

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Intermediate Page 232

㊥ ねばならない

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase that indicates duty, obligation or necessity. Must; have to; should
【Related Expression: なければならない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本を知るためには一度は日本へ行かねばならない

In order to know Japan one has to go to Japan at least once.

(ksb). 日本は市場をもっと広く開放せねばならない

Japan has to open its market wider.


Vinformal negative ねばならない  
話さねばならない Someone has to talk
食べねばならない Someone has to eat
ねばならない (irregular) Someone has to do it


(a). 今後も同じ研究を続けねばならない

I have to continue the same research from now on.

(b). 人種偏見をなくさねばならない

We should get rid of racial prejudice.

(c). 会議の内容を帰国後本社に報告せねばならなかった

I had to report the agenda of the conference to the main office after returning to my country.

(d). 自然保護を叫ばねばならない

We have to voice preservation of nature.

(e). 日本はこれから世界をリードせねばなりません

From now on Japan has to lead the world.

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Intermediate Page 234

㊥ に


A sentence final particle that expresses the speaker's feeling of great regret or sympathy.
【Related Expression: のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 昨日来れば夏子に会えたでしょう・だろう

If you had come here yesterday, you could have met Natsuko.

(ksb). 老人が一人で暮らすのはさぞ寂しいでしょう・だろう

It must be lonely for an old man to live alone.


(i){Verb/Adjective い}informal {でしょう/だろう}
{話す/話した}{でしょう/だろう} Would talk/would have talked
{高い/高かった}{でしょう/だろう} Would {be/have been} expensive
(ii){Adjective な stem/ Noun} {Ø/だった} {でしょう/だろう}
{静か/静かだった} {でしょう/だろう} Would {be/have been} quiet
いい{先生/先生だった} {でしょう/だろう} Would {be/have been} a good teacher


(a). 後一年ぐらい日本にいたら日本語がもっと上手になるでしょう

If you could stay in Japan another year or so your Japanese would become more proficient.

(b). お金が沢山あればこんな家でも買えるでしょう

If we had a lot of money, we would be able to buy this sort of house.

(c). 僕にいい仕事があったら美智子さんと結婚出来ただろう

If I had had a good job I could have married Michiko.

(d). 飛行機で行けば簡単に行ける所でしょう

If you go by plane, you could easily get there.

(e). 彼はもう少し慎重に金を使えば、貯金出来るだろう

If he uses his money a little more carefully, he could save his money.

(f). 駅の近くのアパートに住んだら便利でしょう

If you lived in an apartment near the station, it would be convenient.

(g). 子供を二人も大学に行かせるのにはお金がかかるでしょう

It must cost a lot of money to send two children to college.

(h). 飛行機の切符をなくして、さぞ困ったことでしょう

You must have had a difficult time when you lost your airplane ticket.

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Intermediate Page 237

㊥ に当たって/当たり

Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)

A compound particle that indicates occasion of doing something or of having done something in formal Japanese. On the occasion of; at; in; before; prior to
【Related Expression: 前に; に際して; 際(に); 時】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 新入社員の入社{当たって/当たり}社長はホテルでパーティーを開いた。

On the occasion of new employees' entering the company, the president threw a party at a hotel.

(ksb). 和也は大学を卒業する{当たって/当たり}、指導教官に今後の進路について相談した。

On the occasion of graduating from college, Kazuya consulted with his academic adviser on his future direction.


(i)Noun {当たって当たり}
結婚{当たって当たり} On the occasion of the marriage
(ii)Vinformal nonpast {当たって当たり}
話す{当たって当たり} On the occasion of talking


(a). 私の留学に当たり、父は自分の経験を話してくれた。

On the occasion of my study abroad, my father told me about his own experience.

(b). 日本の経済を研究するに当たって、国会図書館で資料集めをした。

Before I did research on the Japanese economy, I collected materials at the National Diet Library.

(c). 総理はサミット出席に当たり、閣僚と会議をした。

The Premier had a conference with cabinet members before attending the summit.

(d). 小説家は時代小説を書くに当たり、その時代の歴史を詳しく調べた。

Before writing a historical novel, the novelist did an in-depth survey of the history of the period he dealt with.

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Intermediate Page 241

㊥ に反して/反する

Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)

Contrary to or in contrast to. Against; contrary to; in contrast to; in violation of; while; whereas
【Related Expression: にひきかえ; に対して; と逆に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今年の東京国際マラソンは大方の予想に反して無名の選手が優勝した。

Contrary to the majority's expectations, an unknown runner won the Tokyo International Marathon this year.

(ksb). 我が社はテレビの売れ行きが伸びているのに反してオーディオ製品の売れ行きが下がっている。

In our company, in contrast to the increase in sales of TV sets, the sales in audio products are decreasing.

(ksc). S1:日本ではいい大学に入るのは難しいが卒業するのは易しいと言われている。S2:これに反して、アメリカではいい大学でも入学が比較的易しいが卒業するには相当勉強しなければならない。

S1: It is said that to enter good universities in Japan is difficult but to graduate from them is easy. S2: In contrast to this, in America even good universities are relatively easy to enter, but students must study quite hard to graduate from them.

(ksd). 妙子は意思に反する結婚を押しつけられた。

Taeko was forced to marry. (literally: A marriage which was against Taeko's will was forced upon her.)


(i)Noun に反して
予想に反して Contrary to expectation
(ii)Sinformal のに反して Connection rules: the same as のだ
よく勉強するのに反して In contrast to the fact that someone studies hard
(iii)Demonstrative Pronoun に反して
これに反して In contrast to this
(iv)Noun に反するNoun
予想に反する結果 A result which is contrary to someone’s expectation


(a). 浩は両親の期待に反して高校を出てからコックになった。

Contrary to his parents' wishes, Hiroshi became a chef after finishing high school.

(b). 彼は自分の意思に反して賄賂を受け取ってしまった。

He was forced to accept a bribe. (literally: He received a bribe against his will.)

(c). この規則に反して従業員を働かせた場合は一か月の営業停止になる。

Your business will be suspended for one month if you work your employees in violation of these rules.

(d). 奥村さんのうちはご主人が無口なのに反して奥さんが人一倍のおしゃべりだ。

In Okumura's family, whereas the husband is quite, the wife is very talkative.

(e). 日本での初等教育は生徒に知識を与えることに主眼が置かれている。これに反して、アメリカでは生徒の創造性や個性を伸ばすことに重点が置かれている。

The principle consideration of elementary education in Japan is to provide students with knowledge. In America, in contrast (to this), emphasis is put on increasing students' creativity and individual talents.

(f). 今回の選挙は一般の予想に反する結果に終わった。

The election this time ended up with results which were against the general prediction.

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Intermediate Page 245

㊥ にほかならない

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase that is used to indicate that an action/state mentioned in the topic phrase or clause is nothing but something. Be nothing but~; be simply~
【Related Expression: に過ぎない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). あの人の言葉は美辞麗句にほかならない

His words are nothing but flowery words.

(ksb). 日本語を勉強しているのは将来日本で仕事をしたいからにほかならない

The reason that I am studying Japanese is simply because I want to work in Japan in the future.

(ksc). 外国語学習はほかの国の人の考え方を学ぶことにほならない

Foreign language learning is nothing but learning about the ways people in other countries think.


(i)(Nounは)Noun にはかならない
(彼の話は)冗談にはかならない His talk is nothing but a joke
(ii)~のは~から にはかならない
働くのはお金が欲しいにはかならない The reason that we work is simply because we want money
(iii)~は~こと にはかならない
読書は著者と対話することにはかならない Reading is nothing but a dialogue with the author


(a). モーツァルトの音楽は天使の声にほかならない

Mozart's music is nothing but an angel's voice.

(b). 結婚は人生の墓場にほかならない

Marriage is nothing but a graveyard of life.

(c). 彼の言動は自己宣伝にほかならない

His speech and behaviour are nothing but self-advertisement.

(d). 親が子供を厳しくしつけるのは子供を愛しているからにほかならない

The reason why parents discipline their children strictly is simply because they love their children.

(e). 彼女が僕に寄って来るのは僕を利用したいからにほかならない

The reason why she comes close to me is simply because she wants to use me.

(f). 私の日本語がこれほど上達したのは大学の時の日本語の先生のおかげにほかならない

The reason why my Japanese made such progress is simply because of my college Japanese instructor.

(g). この大学の学生の質がいいのは選抜が厳しいからにほかならない

The reason why the student quality of this college is so good is simply because the selection is tough.

(h). 核兵器の使用は人類の破滅を招くことにほかならない

The use of nuclear weapons invites nothing but (literally: is nothing but to invite) the annihilation of humanity.

(i). ほかならない君のためだから、やってあげよう。

It's for you of all people, so I'll do it.

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Intermediate Page 249

㊥ に限らず

Compound Particle

Not limiting something to~. Not limited to~ (but also); not only~ (but also)
【Related Expression: だけで(は)なく~も】

Key Sentences

(ks). 見合い結婚は日本に限らずほかの国でも行われている。

Arranged marriage is not limited to Japan; it is practiced in other countries, too.


Noun に限らず
日本語に限らず Not limited to Japanese


(a). 音楽はクラシックに限らず何でも聞きます。

Talking about music, I listen to any music, not just classical music.

(b). このバーは男性だけに限らず女性の間にも人気がある。

This bar is popular not only among men but also among women.

(c). 果物は何に限らず好きです。

My preference for fruit is unlimited (literally: not limited to something); I like any kind.

(d). 何事に限らず仕事は誠意をもって行うことが大切だ。

Whatever you do (literally: Not limited to anything), it is important to do it with sincerity.

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Intermediate Page 250

㊥ に限って

Compound Particle

A compound particle to show that only X is different from others. (X) of all (X's); only

Key Sentences

(ks). うちの子供に限ってそんなひどいことはしませんよ。

Our child, of all children, would not do such a terrible thing.


Noun に限って
あの日に限って Only on that day
あの人に限って Only that person


(a). 中野先生はたいてい研究室にいっらっしゃるのに、今日に限っていらっしゃらなかった。

Professor Nakano is usually in his office, but today, of all days, he wasn't there.

(b). 傘を持って来ない日に限って雨が降るんですよ。

Only on the day when I don't bring my umbrella, it rains, you know.

(c). 急ぐ時に限って、バスがなかなか来ない。

Of all times, when I am in a hurry, the bus doesn't come for ages.

(d). 嫌なことがある時に限って、嫌なことが重なる。

Only when something unpleasant happens, do other unpleasant things occur.

(e). この小説家の書いたものに限って、つまらないものはない。

Only works written by this novelist are never boring.

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Intermediate Page 252

㊥ に関して/関する

Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)

Related to. Concerning; with regard to; about; on
【Related Expression: について; のこと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 消費税に関して与野党の意見が対立した。

With regard to the sales tax, the opinions of the leading party and the opposition parties conflicted.

(ksb). 人間の言語習得に関してはまだまだ不明のことが多い。

Concerning human language acquisition, there are still many unknown things.

(ksc). 先週、東京で超伝導に関する学会が開かれた。

Last week a conference on superconductivity was held in Tokyo.


(i)Noun に関して
首相の訪米に関して Concerning the Prime Minister’s visit to the U.S.
(ii)Noun に関するNoun
首相の訪米に関する世論 Public opinion concerning the Prime Minister’s visit to the U.S.


(a). その学会で吉岡氏の発表に関して多くの批判がなされた。

There was a lot of criticism concerning Mr. Yoshioka's presentation at the conference.

(b). その件に関しましては、まだ発表できる段階ではありません。

With regard to that issue, we are not yet at the stage where we can announce anything.

(c). 最近老人問題に関する記事が目に付く。

We see many articles about problems of the elderly these days.

(d). 大気汚染に関する報告書が委員会に提出された。

A report concerning environmental pollution was submitted to the committee.

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Intermediate Page 254

㊥ に代わって

Compound Particle

A compound particle to express replacement or substitution of a regular person/thing by someone/something. In place of; replacing; on behalf of
【Related Expression: 代わりに】

Key Sentences

(ks). 病気の山田先生に代わって、鈴木先生が教えて下さった。

In place of Professor Yamada, who is ill, Professor Suzuki taught us.


Noun に代わって
に代わって In place of my mother


(a). 戦後ガラスに代わってプラスチックが出てきた。

After the war plastics became available replacing glass.

(b). レコードに代わってCDが出て、音質がとてもよくなった。

In place of records, CDs have become available, and the sound quality has improved a great deal.

(c). 私が父に代わって、空港までお客さんを迎えに行った。

In place of my father, I went to the airport to pick up our guest.

(d). 御出席の皆様に代わりまして、一言ご挨拶を述べさせていただきます。

On behalf of everyone present here, let me say a word of greeting.

(e). 申し訳ございませんが、社長は今日都合が悪いので、私が社長に代わって参りました。

I am very sorry that the president was unable to attend, but I have come in his place.

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㊥ に比べると/比べて

Compound Particle

If we compare (it) with/to; comparing (it) with. Compared with/to; when compared with/to; in comparison to

Key Sentences

(ks). 欧米に比べて日本の住宅事情は極めて貧困だ。

Compared to (the situations) in Europe and the U.S., the housing situation in Japan is extremely poor.


Noun に比べると比べて
去年に比べると比べて Compared with last year


(a). 日本に来る前に比べると今は大分日本語でものが言えるようになった。

I can speak Japanese fairly well now (literally: I have become able to say things in Japanese fairly well) compared to my level before I came to Japan.

(b). 今年は去年に比べて雨の日が多いようだ。

In comparison to last year, we seem to have more rainy days this year.

(c). 十年前の暮らしに比べると今の暮らしは天国です。

Compared with our life ten years ago, our present life is heavenly (literally: is heaven).

(d). この新しい(コンピュータ)モデルは、古いモデルと比べて演算が三倍速くなっている。

When compared with the older (computer) model, the operation speed of this new model is three times as fast.

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Intermediate Page 257

㊥ にもかかわらず

Compound Particle/Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

Without any relation to a preceding event/situation. Although; though; in spite of; despite; notwithstanding; nevertheless
【Related Expression: けれど(も); のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 懸命な努力にもかかわらず、健一は大学入試に失敗した。

In spite of his strenuous efforts, Ken'ichi failed the college entrance examination.

(ksb). あの人はよく運動をする(の)にもかかわらず、太っている。

He is fat, although he exercises a lot.

(ksc). 試験が難しかった(の)にもかかわらず、よく出来た。

Although the exam was hard, I did well.

(ksd). 冬山は危険なのである(の)にもかかわらず、一郎は山へ出かけた。

Although Winter mountains are dangerous, Ichiro left for the mountain.


(i)Noun {Ø/なの/である(の)/だった(の)/であった(の)} にもかかわらず
先生{Ø/なの/である(の)/だった(の)/であった(の)}にもかかわらず In spite of being/having been a teacher
(ii)Vinformal (の) (の)にもかかわらず
{勉強する/勉強した}(の)にもかかわらず In spite of studying/having studied
(iii)Adjective い informal (の) (の)にもかかわらず
{つまらない/つまらなかった}(の)にもかかわらず Although something is/was boring
(iv)Adjective な stem{なの/である(の)/だった(の)/であった(の)} にもかかわらず
元気{なの/である(の)/だった(の)/であった(の)}にもかかわらず Although someone is/was healthy


(a). 激しい雨(だった)にもかかわらず、サッカーの試合は続いた。

In spite of the fierce rain, the soccer game continued.

(b). 安い値段(なの・である)にもかかわらず、その家はまだ売れていない。

Despite the inexpensive price, that house is not sold yet.

(c). 浩は美香を愛していた(の)にもかかわらず、結婚しなかった。

In spite of the fact that Hiroshi loved Mika, he didn't marry her.

(d). 昨日は徹夜して勉強した(の)にもかかわらず、試験は出来なかった。

Although I studied all night last night, I didn't do well on the exam.

(e). キャロルは日本に三年も住んでいた(の)にもかかわらず、日本語は大変下手だ。

Although Carol lived in Japan for three years, her Japanese is very poor.

(f). 日本経済力は強くなっている(の)にもかかわらず、日本人はそれを実感出来ない。

In spite of the fact that the Japanese economy has become strong, the Japanese people cannot feel the effects.

(g). 私のアパートは広い(の)にもかかわらず、家賃が安い。

My apartment is spacious, but the rent is cheap.

(h). 旅行が好き(なの・である(の))にもかかわらず、どこに行く暇もない。

I like to travel, but I don't have time to go anywhere.

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Intermediate Page 261

㊥ に基づいて/基づく

Compound Particle

With something as a basis. Based upon
【Related Expression: をもとに(して)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 事実に基づいてお話しします。

I will give you the facts. (literally: I will talk on the basis of facts.)

(ksb). これは五百年前の史料に基づく研究だ。

This is a study based on historical documents from 500 years ago.


(i)Noun に基づいて基づく
調査に基づいて Based on a survey
(ii)Noun {基づく基づいた}Noun
調査{基づく基づいた}報告 A report based on a survey


(a). この製品はアメリカ製だがすべてJISに基づいて設計されている。

Although this product is made in America, the design is based entirely on the Japanese Industrial Standards (literally: is designed based entirely on).

(b). このビルはある有名な建築家の設計に基づいて建てられた。

This building was (built) based on a famous architect's design.

(c). この報告は去年行われたアンケート調査に基づいて書かれたものである。

This report was (written) based on a (questionnaire) survey conducted last year.

(d). 野村氏の講演は氏の二十年間の教育経験に基づく話で、極めて示唆に富むものであった。

Mr. Nomura's lecture was based on his 20-year teaching experience (literally: was a talk based on) and was full of suggestions.

(e). これは一つの仮説に基づいた議論です。

This is a discussion based on a hypothesis.

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㊥ になると


A phrase that expresses the time when an uncontrollable state or a habitual action occurs. When it becomes; when it comes to; when; if

Key Sentences

(ksa). になると、摂氏三十度を越す日が多いです。

In summer (literally: When it becomes summer), there are many days that exceed 30 degrees Celsius.

(ksb). 父は食べ物のことになると、とても喧しかった。

When it comes to the matter of food, my father was very particular.


(i)Noun (time) になると
になると When it becomes 8 o’clock; at 8 o’clock
(ii)Noun (non-time) になると
になると When it becomes rain


(a). 四月半ばになると、この辺は桜が綺麗に咲きます。

In this area, in the middle of April, the cherry trees bloom beautifully.

(b). ニューイングランドと言われるアメリカの東北地方は、秋になると、紅葉がとても綺麗です。

In the north-east area of the U.S. called New England, tinted autumn leaves are very beautiful.

(c). 私は夜十一時になると、頭が働かなくなる。

At about 11 p.m., my brain stops working.

(d). 子供の頃、夏になると、両親は僕を海に連れて行ってくれた。

When I was a child, in summer, my parents took me to the ocean.

(e). 大学生の時は、休みになると、よく旅行をした。

When I was a college student, I travelled a lot during vacations.

(f). 彼はフットボールの話になると夢中だ。

When the topic of the conversation is football, he is totally absorbed in it.

(g). 社長は娘のことになると、人が変わったように甘くなる。

The president becomes lenient as if he were a different person, when it comes to the matter of his daughter.

(h). になると、この空港はよく閉鎖になる。

When it becomes snow, this airport is often closed.

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㊥ において/おける

Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)

A compound particle which indicates the place of an action/event, a state or time. At; on; in; during
【Related Expression: で; に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 来年の総会はシカゴのヒルトン・ホテルにおいて行われる。

Next year's general meeting will be held at the Hilton Hotel in Chicago.

(ksb). コンピュータは近い将来においてほとんどの家庭に行き渡るだろう。

Computers will probably spread to almost every household in the near future.

(ksc). 先月の東京における環境保護国際会議には全世界から大勢の学者が参加した。

Many scholars from all over the world took part in last month's international conference in Tokyo on environmental protection.


(i)Noun において
アメリカにおいて In America
(ii)Noun におけるNoun
アメリカにおける学生生活 Student life in America


(a). 1992年のオリンピックはバルセロナにおいて開催された。

The 1992 Olympiad was held in Barcelona.

(b). 過去においてはこのようなことはあまり問題にならなかった。

Such things were hardly considered to be problems before (literally: in the past).

(c). この作文は文法においてはあまり問題はない。

This composition doesn't have many problems in terms of grammar.

(d). 本校における男女学生の比率は二対一である。

The ratio of male students to female students at this school is 2 to 1.

(e). 木村博士は遺伝学における権威者として知られている。

Dr. Kimura is known as an authority in (the field of) genetics.

(f). 過去五年間における彼の業績は実に素晴らしいものであった。

His achievements during the past five years were truly remarkable.

(g). 十月十二日における彼のアリバイは成立していない。

His alibi on the twelfth of October has not been established.

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㊥ に従って/従い

Compound Particle/Conjunction

Something spontaneously and gradually occurs in accordance with some change. As, accordingly; in proportion to; in accordance with; following
【Related Expression: につれて; つれ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本の経済力が強くなる{従って/従い}、日本語学習者が増えてきた。

As Japan's economic power has become stronger, Japanese language learners have increased, accordingly.

(ksb). 契約{従って/従い}雇用期間を三年とする。

In accordance with the contract, your tenure shall be three years.


(i)Vinformal nonpast {従って従い}
その本を読む{従って従い} As someone reads the book
(ii)Noun {従って従い}
指示{従って従い} In accordance with the instructions


(a). 収入が増えるに従って、支出も増える。

As our income increases, our expenditure, too, increases.

(b). 年を取るに従い、体力が衰える。

As you grow older, your physical strength declines.

(c). 文明が進むに従い、人間のストレスが多くなる。

As civilization progresses, human stresses increase.

(d). 日がたつに従って、父の病気は回復してきた。

As the days went by, my father recovered from his illness.

(e). 太陽が沈んで行くに従って、温度がどんどん下がった。

As the sun went down, the temperature went down rapidly.

(f). 約束に従い、借金を一か月後に返した。

In accordance with the promise I returned the loaned money after a month.

(g). 社長の命令に従って、彼はただちにマニラに飛んだ。

In accordance with the president's order, he flew to Manila immediately.

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㊥ に過ぎない

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

Something or someone is nothing more than what is stated in terms of amount, degree, status, significance, etc. Nothing more than; not more than; mere; merely; only; just; as little/few as; that's all
【Related Expression: だけだ; ただの】

Key Sentences

(ksa). これは私の私見に過ぎない

This is nothing more than my personal opinion.

(ksb). 今期の売り上げの伸びは三パーセントに過ぎない

The sales increase this term is as little as three percent.

(ksc). あの男は(ただ)言われたことをしている(だけ)に過ぎない

That man is not doing more than what he was told to do.


(i)Noun に過ぎない
学生に過ぎない Just a student
(ii)Number+Counter に過ぎない
五人に過ぎない As a few as five people
(iii)Vinformal(だけ) に過ぎない
話している(だけ)に過ぎない Someone is doing nothing but talking
話した(だけ)に過ぎない Someone did nothing more than talk


(a). 彼は私のボーイフレンドの一人に過ぎない

He is nothing more than one of my boyfriends.

(b). これは数ある中のほんの一例に過ぎない

This is only one example among many.

(c). 今言ったことは私の希望に過ぎませんので、あまり深刻に考えないで下さい。

What I've just told you is nothing more than my hope, so please don't take it too seriously.

(d). 私の収入はアルバイトを入れても年二万ドルに過ぎない

My income is only $20,000 even if I include my side job (income).

(e). 私を支持してくれる人は身内を入れても五十人程度に過ぎない

There are no more than about 50 people who support me (literally: The people who support me are no more than about fifty), even if I include my relatives.

(f). あの子はまだ十五に過ぎないが、なかなかしっかりしている。

That girl is only fifteen, but she is quite mature.

(g). 彼は(ただ)人の意見を受け売りしている(だけ)に過ぎない

He is doing nothing more than echoing other people's opinions.

(h). 彼の演説は(ただ)原稿を読み上げた(だけ)に過ぎない

His speech was nothing more than the reading of a prepared manuscript.

(i). 私と山野氏は初対面の時、簡単な挨拶を交わした(だけ)に過ぎない

Mr. Yamano and I did nothing more than exchange simple greetings when we first met each other.

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㊥ に対して/対する

Compound Particle

Regarding something/someone one opposes, compares, or shows interest in regarding something/someone one opposes, compares or shows interest in. Toward; to; in contrast to; whereas; in regard to; in; per

Key Sentences

(ksa). これまで日本は外国に対して閉鎖的な政策を取ってきた。

Up until now Japan has taken a closed policy toward foreign countries.

(ksb). 日本の大学は入学するのが難しいのに対して、アメリカの大学は卒業するのが難しい。

Japanese colleges are hard to enter; whereas American colleges are hard to graduate from.

(ksc). アメリカでは離婚{対する/対しての}考え方が大分変わってきた。

In America, attitudes toward divorce have greatly changed.


(i)Noun に対して
先生に対して Towards one’s teacher
(ii){V/Adjective い} informal のに対して
{話す/話した}のに対して Someone talks/talked, whereas~
{若い/若かった}のに対して Someone is/was young, whereas~
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun} {な/である/だった/であった} のに対して
元気{な/である/だった/であった}のに対して Someone is/was healthy, whereas~
学生{な/である/だった/であった}のに対して Someone is/was a student, whereas~
(iv)Noun {対する対しての}Noun
結婚{対する対しての}考え方 One’s view of marriage


(a). 鈴木さんは誰に対しても丁寧だ。

Mr. Suzuki is polite towards everybody.

(b). 日本は外国に対して市場をもっと開放すべきた。

Japan should open its market more widely towards foreign countries.

(c). 私は政治に対して強い関心がある。

I have a strong interest in politics.

(d). 手数料は一万円に対して五百円です。

The commission charge will be 500 yen per 10,000 yen.

(e). 市民は増税に対して強く反対している。

The citizens are strongly opposed to the tax hike.

(f). 私は高校生の時から、日本の文化に対して興味があった。

Since my high school days, I have had an interest in Japanese culture.

(g). 去年は自動車事故が少なかったのに対して、今年は大変多かった。

Last year there were very few car accidents, whereas this year the number was very high.

(h). 日本人は褒められた時、よく「とんでもない」と言う。これに対して、アメリカ人はよく「ありがとう」と言う。

When Japanese get compliments, they often say "Oh, not at all." In contrast to this, Americans often say "Thank you."

(i). 女性の地位は日本ではまだ低いのに対して、欧米では比較的高い。

Women's position is still low in Japan, whereas in Europe and America it is relatively high

(j). 東ヨーロッパの国々が民主化に向かっているのに対して、中国大陸と北朝鮮は民主化がまだ遅れているようだ。

Eastern European countries are progressing towards democratization, whereas Continental China and North Korea appear to be slower in democratization.

(k). ロシアに対してのアメリカ人の見方は最近友好的になった。

American views of Russia have recently become friendlier.

(l). 部長は岡田に対して有利な発言をした。

The departmental chief made a remark in Okada's favour.

(m). その経済学者の説{対する・対して}反論はなかった。

There wasn't a counterargument against the economist's thesis.

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Intermediate Page 278

㊥ にとって

Compound Particle

From the standpoint of; so far as someone (or something) is concerned. To; for
【Related Expression: には】

Key Sentences

(ks). これは我々にとって無視出来ない問題だ。

For us this is a problem which cannot be ignored.


Noun にとって
にとって To/for me


(a). この大学で教えられることは私にとって極めて名誉なことです。

Being able to teach at this university is a big honour for me.

(b). 町の人々にとってこの工場の閉鎖は死活問題だ。

For people in this town, the shutdown of this plant is a matter of life and death.

(c). 今日は私達にとって忘れられない日になるでしょう。

Today will be an unforgettable day for us.

(d). 今度のアメリカの輸入政策は日本企業にとって大きな打撃になる。

America's policy on imports this time will be a big blow to Japanese companies.

(e). 今回の合併は我が社にとってあまり益はない。

There is little benefit for us (literally: for our company) in this merger.

(f). ここは君にとって一番安全な場所だ。

This is the safest place for you.

(g). 今村さんは私にとって遠い親戚に当たる。

Mr. Imamura is a remote relative of mine.

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Intermediate Page 280

㊥ について

Compound Particle

Concerning something/someone. About; on; concerning; regarding; with regard to; of
【Related Expression: に関して; のこと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は日本の政治制度について研究しています。

I am doing research on the Japanese political system.

(ksb). スミスさんは日本へ留学することについて色々私に尋ねた。

Mr. Smith asked me various questions about his going to Japan for study.


(i)Noun について
大学について Concerning college
(ii)Sinformalこと について
私が行くことについて Concerning my going there
(iii){Noun1/Sinformalこと} についてのNoun2
初等教育についての意見 An opinion about elementary education
日本語へ留学することについての問題点 Problems concerning studying abroad in Japan


(a). 御家族について話して下さい。

Please talk about your family.

(b). について調べているんですか。

What are you investigating?

(c). 毎日の生活について聞いてもいいですか。

May I ask you about your daily life?

(d). 日本に来る前に、日本についてどんなイメージを持っていらっしゃいましたか。

What kind of images did you have of Japan before you came to Japan?

(e). 先生は自分の国について作文を書くようにおっしゃりました。

Our teacher told us to write a composition on our own country.

(f). 私はアメリカ人と結婚することについて両親と相談した。

I talked with my parents regarding my getting married to an American.

(g). 日本人の宗教についての考え方は西洋人のとはかなり違う。

Japanese views on religion are quite different from those of Westerners.

(h). 課長は私が会議に出なかったことについて何か言っていましたか。

Did the section chief say anything about my absence from the meeting?

(i). 新聞社が外国人雇用問題についての意見を求めてきた。

The newspaper company asked about my views on the problem of hiring foreigners.

(j). 日本が軍隊を平和維持のために海外に派遣することについての是非が盛んに討議された。

There have been heated discussions as to whether it is right or wrong for Japan to send its army abroad for peacekeeping purposes.

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Intermediate Page 283

㊥ につき

Compound Particle

A compound particle which expresses a rate or ratio. A; per; for; on; to
【Related Expression: あたり】

Key Sentences

(ks). この仕事は一時間につき六ドル貰える。

This job will pay you six dollars an hour. (literally: You can get six dollars an hour doing this job.)


Number+Counter につき
一時間につき Per hour


(a). 一冊につき百五十円の送料が要ります。

A hundred and fifty yen is necessary per copy for postage. (literally: Postage of one hundred and fifty yen is necessary per copy.)

(b). 五千円につき四十円の手数料をいただきます。

We place a forty-yen service charge on five thousand yen

(c). 米一カップにつき、しょう油大さじ二杯の割合にします。

The ratio should be two tablespoons of soy sauce to a cup of rice.

(d). 切符は一人につき三枚までにして下さい。

Please limit it to three tickets per person.

(e). 間違い一つにつき一点減点します。

I'll take one point off for each mistake.

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Intermediate Page 285

㊥ につれて/つれ

Conjunction/Compound Particle

A phrase used to indicate that a change occurs in accordance with another simultaneous change. As; in proportion to; with
【Related Expression: に従って/従い; ば~ほど; と共に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本語が上達するにつれて日本人の友達が増えた。

As my Japanese became more proficient, the number of my Japanese friends increased.

(ksb). 時代の変化につれて、文化も変わっていく。

Culture also changes with the change of the times.


(i)Vinformal nonpast につれて
読むにつれて As one reads something
(ii)Noun につれて
気温の変化につれて With the change of temperature


(a). 病気が治ってくるにつれて、食欲が出てきた。

As I recovered from my illness, I regained my appetite.

(b). 年を取るにつれて、体力がなくなる。

As people grow older, they lose their physical strength.

(c). 日本の生活が長くなるにつれて、日本のよさ、悪さがよく分かってきた。

As I've spent more time in Japan, I have come to understand the good and bad parts of Japan better.

(d). 日本の経済力が伸びるにつれて、日本語の学生が増えてきた。

As Japan's economic strength has grown, Japanese language students have increased.

(e). 秋が深くなるにつれて、紅葉が綺麗になってきた。

As we've moved further into autumn, the coloured leaves have become more beautiful.

(f). 子供は成長するにつれて、親から離れていく。

As children grow up, they become independent of their parents.

(g). 季節の変化につれて、風景も変わる。

The scenery also changes with season changes.

(h). 産業の発展につれて、公害も増えていく。

With industrial development, pollution also increases.

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Intermediate Page 289

㊥ には

Conjunction/Compound Particle

A conjunction/compound particle to indicate a purpose for doing something. To; in order to; for; for the purpose of~
【Related Expression: に; 為に; のに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 豊かな生活を送るには健康が第一だ。

In order to lead a rich life, health should be your primary concern.

(ksb). ハイヒールはハイキングには不向きだ。

High-heeled shoes are unsuitable for hiking.


(i)Vinformal nonpast には
行くには For going there
(ii)Noun には
仕事には For one’s work


(a). 日本を知るには日本語を学ぶのが一番だ。

The best course for getting to know Japan is to study the Japanese language.

(b). 人生を豊かにするには趣味を沢山持つことが大事だ。

To enrich your life it is important is to have many hobbies.

(c). 人の性格を見抜くには深い洞察力が必要だ。

In order to see through a person's personality, one needs to have deep insight.

(d). 外国語の能力を伸ばすにはその国に行くのが一番だろう。

The best way for developing one's proficiency in a foreign language would be to go to the country of that language.

(e). 世界の平和を維持するにはエリートの交流より庶民のレベルの交流が肝心だ。

To maintain world peace, exchange among the general public rather than exchange among elites is essential.

(f). 期末レポートを書くにはワープロが欠かせない。

A word processor is a must for writing a term paper.

(g). あの人を説得するには時間がかかる。

It takes time to persuade him.

(h). このクラブの会員になるには会員の推薦状が必要だった。

In order to become a member of this club a member's letter of recommendation was necessary.

(i). この鞄は長旅には便利だ。

This bag is suitable for a long travel.

(j). この研究にはかなりの時間とお金がかかる。

This research needs a considerable amount of time and money.

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Intermediate Page 297

㊥ によって/より

Compound Particle

A particle that indicates means, cause, agent of passive sentence, or dependency on a situation. According to; due to; owing to; because of; depending on; from~ to; by means of; on the basis of; with; by
【Related Expression: に; で; の為に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 漢和辞典によって知らない漢字を調べる。

We examine unknown kanji with a Chinese character dictionary.

(ksb). 先生によって、勿論、教え方が違います。

Teaching methods are, of course, different, depending on the teacher.

(ksc). 戦争によって父を亡くした。

We lost our father, owing to the war.

(ksd). この研究所は文部省によって設立された。

This research institute was established by the Ministry of Education.

(kse). 奨学金がもらえるかどうかによって大学入学を決めます。

I will decide my entrance to college, depending on whether I can get a scholarship or not.

(ksf). 何を食べるかによって健康状態は変わる。

Our health condition changes according to what we eat.

(ksg). 我々は本を読むことによって視野を広げることが出来る。

We can expand our horizons by reading books.


(i)Noun によって
政府によって By the government
(ii){V/Adjective い}informal かどうか{よってより}
{来る/来た}かどうか{よってより} Depending on whether someone comes/came or not
{面白い/面白かった}かどうか{よってより} Depending on whether something is/was interesting or not
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun} {Ø/だった}かどうか{よってより}
{静か/静かだった}かどうか{よってより} Depending on whether something is/was quiet or not
(iv)Embedded Wh-Question {よってより}
何を食べたか{よってより} Depending on what someone ate
誰が来るか{よってより} Depending on who comes


(a). この頃は宇宙中継によって世界のニュースをテレビで見ることが出来る。

These days we can watch world news on TV via satellite live broadcasting.

(b). その老人達はわずかの貯金によって生活している。

The old people are living on little savings.

(c). その問題は話し合いによって解決出来るはずだ。

We should be able to solve that problem by means of negotiation.

(d). によって、年のとり方が違う。

Depending on the person, the aging process differs.

(e). 僕はその日の気分によって、違う音楽を聞きます。

Depending on the day's mood, I listen to different music.

(f). 定年は会社によって違う。

Retirement ages vary from company to company.

(g). その青年は麻薬によって青春時代を失ってしまった。

The young man lost his adolescence because of drugs.

(h). 彼は難病によって再起不能になった。

He became unable to come back because of the difficult disease.

(i). この絵はピカソによって描かれた。

This picture was painted by Picasso.

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Intermediate Page 302

㊥ の関係で


A phrase indicating that something takes place or does not take place because of something. Because of
【Related Expression: の為(に)】

Key Sentences

(ks). ホールさんは今仕事の関係で東京に行っています。

Mr. Hall has gone to Tokyo on a business-related matter.


Noun の関係で
会社の関係で Because of the company
天気の関係で Because of the weather


(a). 鈴木は単位の関係で今年は卒業出来ないそうだ。

I heard that Suzuki cannot graduate this year because of insufficient credits/ units.

(b). 時間の関係で、残念ですが、詳しくお話し出来ません。

Because of the time limit, I am sorry I cannot go into detail.

(c). 部屋の広さの関係で、四十人以上はお呼び出来ません。

Because of the size of the room we cannot invite more than 40 people.

(d). 桃子は年齢の関係で、採用されなかったようだ。

It seems that Momoko was not hired because of her age.

(e). レズリーは会社の関係でよく海外に出張するらしい。

I was told that Leslie makes frequent company-related business trips abroad (literally: makes frequent trips abroad because of his company).

(f). みゆきは御主人の仕事の関係でロンドンに三年住むそうだ。

I heard that because of her husband's work Miyuki is going to live in London for 3 years.

(g). 予算の関係で、そのプロジェクトは中止になった。

Because of the budgetary situation, the project has been cancelled.

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Intermediate Page 304

㊥ のこと


Things of/about. About; in terms of; related to
【Related Expression: に関して/関する; について】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は明日の講義で日本文化のことを話すつもりだ。

I'm going to talk about Japanese culture in my lecture tomorrow.

(ksb). 彼女のことはもう忘れた方がいいよ。

You'd better forget about her now.

(ksc). 日本留学のことでちょっとご相談があるんですが。

I'd like to talk to you about studying in Japan.

(ksd). 実は、明日の会議のことなんですが。

Actually, it's (=the reason I'm calling is/the reason I came to see you is) about tomorrow's meeting.


Noun のこと
試験のこと About an/the exam


(a). 昨日荒井さんが君のことを色々聞いていたよ。

Miss Arai asked various questions about you yesterday.

(b). レポートは日本の大学生活のことを書こうと思っている。

For my term paper I'm thinking of writing about college life in Japan.

(c). 子供のことは私が責任を持ちます。

I'll take the responsibility for our children (literally: for things related to our children).

(d). 今回の実習のことでは大変お世話になりました。

I owe you a lot in terms of my internship this time.

(e). あのう、お電話したのは、来週のパーティーのことなんですが。

(The reason) I'm calling (is to talk) about the party next week.

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Intermediate Page 306

㊥ のことだから


Because it is a matter of X with which/whom something is habitually the case. Because~ is habitually/usually/often that way; because

Key Sentences

(ksa). 中島のことだから、今日もまた遅れて来るだろう。

Because Nakajima is always that way (i.e., comes late), he will probably come late again today. (literally: Because it is a matter of Nakajima (who habitually comes late)).

(ksb). 傷みやすい豆腐のことだから、冷蔵庫に入れておいた方がいいですよ。

Because tofu goes bad quickly, you'd better put it in the refrigerator. (literally: Because it is a matter of tofu, which always goes bad quickly . . .)


Noun のことだから  
岡田さんのことだから Because Okada is habitually that way


(a). のことだから、食べ物には十分気を付けて下さい。

Because it is summer (when foods go bad quickly), please be very careful about what you eat.

(b). お金持ちの日本人のことだから、きっと高くても買いますよ。

Because they are rich Japanese, I'm sure they will buy them even if they are expensive.

(c). カラオケの好きな木下さんのことがから、歌い始めたらマイクを離さないんじゃありませんか。

Because Kinoshita loves karaoke, I have a feeling that he will not let go of the microphone once he starts singing.

(d). 酒好きの山田のことだから、この酒を見たら飲まずには帰らないだろう。

Because Yamada is a sake lover, if he sees this sake, he will probably not leave until he drinks it (literally: without drinking it).

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Intermediate Page 307

㊥ のみ

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A particle which expresses a limit imposed upon an action, event, or a state. Only; just; alone
【Related Expression: だけ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 要点のみ(を)話して下さい。

Please tell me just the main point.

(ksb). これは吉田先生にのみ話してあります。

I have told this only to Professor Yoshida.

(ksc). 勝てるかどうか分からないが、ベストをのみだ。

I don't know whether I can win or not, but I will just do my best.


(i)Noun のみ(Particle)
学生のみ(が)来た Only students came
学生のみ(を)呼ぶ Invite students only
(ii)Noun {Particle のみのみ Particle}
学生{にのみのみに}話す Talk only to students/talk to students only
(iii)Vinformal のみだ
{行く/行った}のみだ Only go/went


(a). この答えは私のみ(が)知っている。

Only I know the answer to this.

(b). のみ記入のこと。

Write your surname only.

(c). 私はただ言われたことをするのみだ。

I will just do what I was told to do.

(d). ただ実行あるのみ(だ)。

The only thing we have to do is to put it into practice.

(e). 外装が終わったのみでまだほかは何も手が着いていない。

We've just finished the exterior and haven't started anything else yet.

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Intermediate Page 310

㊥ の下で

Compound Particle (used in writing and formal speech only)

Under some object; under the control or influence of someone or something. Under; in; with
【Related Expression: かで】

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は鈴木先生の指導の下で修士論文を書き上げた。

I finished my master's thesis under Professor Suzuki's guidance.


Noun の下で
学部長の指揮の下で Under the direction of the dean


(a). さんさんたる太陽の下で開会式が行われた。

The opening ceremony was held in (literally: under) the brilliant sun.

(b). 彼はカラヤンの下で指揮法を学んだ。

He studied conducting under (Herbert von) Karajan.

(c). 弁護士(の)立ち会いの下で私達の離婚が成立した。

Our divorce was agreed upon in (literally: under) the presence of attorneys.

(d). 囚人達は厳しい監視の下で強制労働をさせられた。

The prisoners were forced to work under strict supervision.

(e). このインフレの下では金を貯めても意味がない。

With this inflation there's no point in saving money.

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Intermediate Page 312

㊥ の上では

Compound Particle

As far as~ is concerned. As far as~ is concerned; as far as~ goes; from the viewpoint/standpoint of; according to; in terms of
【Related Expression: じょうは】

Key Sentences

(ks). この計画は書類の上では問題なさそうだ。

There seems to be no problem with this plan as far as the documents are concerned.


Noun の上では
理論の上では In theory; on paper; as far as the theory goes


(a). 計算の上では二百万円ぐらい儲かることになっている。

According to the calculations, we are supposed to make a profit of (about) two million yen.

(b). このプロジェクトは話しの上ではうまく行きそうだが、何となく不安だ。

Although in theory (literally: As far as the story is concerned,) it looks like this project will work out, I feel somewhat uneasy

(c). 数字の上では川野の方が倉田より強そうだ。

Statistically, (literally: As far as the figures are concerned,) Kawano looks stronger than Kurata.

(d). 大野は仕事の上では完全主義者だが、私生活はだらしがない。

Ohno is a perfectionist at work (literally: as far as his business is concerned) but messy in his private life.

(e). 彼の行為は法律の上では罰しようがない。

There's no way to punish his conduct legally (literally: from the legal point of view).

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Intermediate Page 313

㊥ のは~のことだ


A structure which focuses on a time when something takes place. It will be/was~ when/that~

Key Sentences

(ks). 吉田さんと最後に会ったのは1985年の五月のことだ

It was in May 1985 that I last met Mr. Yamada.


Sinformal のはNounのことだ (the same formation as のだ)
話したのは去年のことだ It was last year when someone talked…


(a). 日本語の面白さが分かり始めたのはごく最近のことだ

It was only recently that I began to understand how interesting Japanese is.

(b). 本格的なロボットが現れたのは1960年代後半のことである

It was in the late sixties when genuine robots came out.

(c). ゲラ刷りが出来るのは来月の終わりのことになるだろう。

It will be around the end of next month when we get galley proofs.

(d). 父が公務員だったのは私がまだ学校へ行く前のことだ

It was before I went to school that my father was a government worker.

(e). 日本製品の評判が悪かったのは戦後二十年くらいの間のことだ

It was for a period of about twenty years after World War II that the reputation of Japanese products was bad.

(f). 健一と利子が仲良く歩いているところを見たのはつい一か月ほど前のことなのに彼らはもう別れたという話だ。

Although it was only (about) a month ago when I saw Ken'ichi and Toshiko walking together intimately, I heard they've already split up.

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Intermediate Page 315

㊥ ぬ

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An archaic auxiliary that indicates negation. Not
【Related Expression: ない; ず】

Key Sentences

(ksa). グローバルな時代に自国のことだけを考えるわけにはいか

In the global age we cannot think of our own country alone.

(ksb). 知らことを知らと言うには勇気が要る。

When you don't know something, it takes courage to admit it.


Vnegative (Noun/Auxillary)
知ら Someone doesn’t know someone/something
知ら A person whom someone doesn’t know or someone who doesn’t know something
知ららしい It appears that someone doesn’t know someone/something
Irregular Does not do something
Irregular おら Someone does not exist


(a). 彼は何を聞いても、知らとしか答え

No matter what I ask, he answers only that he does not know.

(b). その日本人は英語が分からようだった。

That Japanese did not seem to understand English.

(c). 最近は滅多に酒を飲まが、若い頃はよく飲んだものだ。

I seldom drink these days, but I used to drink a lot when I was young.

(d). 日本語が話せる者はこの辺にはおら

In this area there are not people who can speak Japanese.

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Intermediate Page 318

㊥ お~だ


A phrase which expresses the speaker's respect for someone when describing that person's action or state.
【Related Expression: お~になる; られる】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 急ぎですが。

Are you in a hurry?

(ksb). 持ちのカードはもう使えません。

You can no longer use the card you have now.


(i) Vます
待ち Someone is waiting
(ii) VN
研究 Someone is doing research
(iii) VますのNoun
今日帰りの方 Those who are going back today
(iv) VNのNoun
研究の問題 A problem which someone is doing research on


(a). もう皆さん集まりです

Everybody is here (literally: has gathered) now.

(b). 河野さん、課長が呼びですよ。

Mr. Kono, the Section Chief wants to see you (literally: is calling you).

(c). コピーはもう済みですか。

Have you already finished copying?

(d). どんな人を望みですか。

What kind of person would you like?

(e). 客様はまだ帰りじゃありません。

The guests haven't left yet.

(f). 疲れでしたらこの部屋でしばらく休み下さい。

If you are tired, please take a rest in this room for a while.

(g). 使いのワープロはいつ買いになりましたか。

When did you buy the word processor you are using now?

(h). 先生は今何を研究ですか。

What are you researching now, Professor?

(i). 天皇陛下が訪問の国々はどうですか。

Which countries is the Emperor going to visit?

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Intermediate Page 320

㊥ をはじめ(として)

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase that is used to give a primary example. Starting with; not only~ but also~
【Related Expression: だけで(は)なく~(も)】

Key Sentences

(ks). 私のうちでは、父をはじめ(として)、家族全員スポーツが好きだ。

In my family, starting with my father, all of us like sports.


Noun をはじめ(として)
先生をはじめ(として) Starting with the teacher


(a). キャシーは、寿司をはじめとして、日本食なら何でも食べる。

Starting with sushi, Cathy eats any Japanese cuisine.

(b). 今年は大阪をはじめ、関西地方はどこも梅雨が短かった。

This year, starting with Osaka, the rainy season was short in all parts of the Kansai district.

(c). この会社は、社長をはじめとして、社員一同が同じ食堂で昼ご飯を食べている。

At this company, starting with the president, all the employees eat lunch in the same cafeteria.

(d). この事件には、警察をはじめ、近くの住民が皆強い興味を示した。

Not only the police but also the nearby residents showed a strong interest in this incident.

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Intermediate Page 322

㊥ お~下さい


A phrase which expresses a highly polite request. Please do something.
【Related Expression: 下さい】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 少々待ち下さい

Please wait a moment.

(ksb). 電話で注文下さい

Please order by phone.


(i) Vます下さい
話し下さい Please talk
(ii) VN下さい
連絡下さい Please contact (us)


(a). このペンを使い下さい

Please use this pen.

(b). 時間があまりありませんので急ぎ下さい

Please hurry because we don't have much time.

(c). どうぞ気軽に相談下さい

Please feel free to consult with us.

(d). 便利で得な周遊券を利用下さい

Please use excursion tickets, which are convenient and economical.

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Intermediate Page 325

㊥ 思われる

Verb (Group 2) (used in writing and formal speech only)

A verb that indicates what the speaker/writer feels spontaneously or his/her hesitation about asserting himself/herself. Seem; appear; apparently

Key Sentences

(ksa). 来年の景気は今年よりもいいように思われる

It seems that the business conditions of the coming year will be better than those of this year.

(ksb). この病気の治療は約一か月かかると思われる

It appears that the treatment of this disease will take approximately one month.


(i){V/Adjective い}informal ように思われる
{来る/来た}ように思われる It appears that someone is coming/came
{面白い/面白かった}ように思われる It appears that someone is/was interesting
(ii)Adjective な stem {な/だった}ように思われる
元気{な/だった}ように思われる It seems that someone/something is/was healthy/sturdy
(iii)Noun {の/だった}ように思われる
学生{の/だった}ように思われる Someone seems to be/have been a student
(iv)Sinformal 思われる
正しくないと思われる It appears that something is not right


(a). 日本の輸出は今後あまり伸びないように思われる

It seems that Japanese exports are not going to grow so much in the future.

(b). 子供の非行を犯罪映画に結び付けるのは短絡的なように思われる

It appears too simplistic to relate children's delinquency to crime movies.

(c). この大学の教育は理工系が特にいいように思われる

Education at this university seems to be particularly good in science and engineering.

(d). 二十一世紀は情報化がもっと進んで、世界が一つの共同体になるだろうと思われる

It seems to me that in the 21st century society will become more information oriented, and the world will become one community.

(e). 日本語を習う時はローマ字を使わない方がよいと思われる

When you learn Japanese it seems better not to use romanization.

(f). 健康管理には毎日三十分ぐらいの運動をするのが効果的だと思われる

To look after your health, it is apparently effective to exercise for about 30 minutes every day.

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Intermediate Page 329

㊥ おり

Auxiliary Verb (Group 1) (used in writing and formal speech only)

Vます of the auxiliary verb おる. Be~ and
【Related Expression: いて】

Key Sentences

(ks). この入口は従業員専用になっており、一般の人はここからは入れない。

This entrance is for employees only and other people (literally: general people) cannot enter from here.


Vて おり
話しており Be speaking and


(a). 彼は最近プラモデルに凝っており、暇さえあれば模型の飛行機に組み立てている。

He is crazy about plastic models these days and is assembling model planes whenever he has free time.

(b). 日本では義務教育がよく行き届いており、識字率はほとんど100パーセントに近い。

In Japan compulsory education is very thorough (literally: prevails thoroughly) and the literacy rate is almost 100 percent.

(c). この高校は全寮制になっており、全学生が三つの寮で生活している。

This high school is a boarding school (literally: total dormitory system) and all the students live in three dormitories

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Intermediate Page 330

㊥ を通して

Compound Particle

A compound particle that is used to indicate a medium through which something is done or time through which something takes place. Through; by the medium of; via; throughout
【Related Expression: を通じて】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は親しい友達を通してそのピアニストと知り合いになった。

I became acquainted with the pianist through a close friend of mine.

(ksb). 私は一年を通して五回ぐらい海外に行っている。

I go abroad about 5 times a year (literally: throughout the year).


Noun を通して
先生を通して Through my teacher


(a). お書きになった御本を通して、先生のことは存じ上げておりました。

I knew of you through the books you wrote.

(b). その事件のことは新聞の記事を通して知っていた。

I knew about the incident from newspaper articles.

(c). その政治家は、首相の側近を通して、首相に接近した。

That politician approached the Prime Minister through his entourage.

(d). 二人は手紙のやり取りを通して親しくなっていった。

Through an exchange of letters, the two became close.

(e). ラジオもテレビも全国の放送網を通して放送される。

Both radio and television programs are broadcast through the nationwide network.

(f). 海外生活の経験を通して色々なことを学んだ。

I have learned all sorts of things through my life in foreign countries.

(g). カーテンを通して室内の様子が見えた。

What was inside the room was visible through the curtain.

(h). これらの写真を通して当時の人々の生活を偲ぶことが出来る。

Through these photos, we can relive the lives of people in those days.

(i). 現場に残された指紋を通して犯人が割れた。

They found the criminal through the fingerprints left behind at the scene of the crime.

(j). 父は一生を通して、一度も東京を出たことがない。

My father has never left Tokyo in his life.

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㊥ っぱなし


An auxiliary which expresses the idea that someone or something keeps doing something, or someone leaves something in an improper state. Keep -ing; have been -ing; leave
【Related Expression: まま; 続けだ; 続ける】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 新幹線が満員で東京から京都までずっと立ちっぱなしだった。

The Shinkansen was so crowded that I stood all the way (literally: kept standing) from Tokyo to Kyoto.

(ksb). 友達にまだお金を借りっぱなしだ。

I borrowed money from a friend of mine and still haven't paid it back.

(ksc). 和彦はラジオをかけっぱなしでどこかへ行ってしまった。

Kazuhiko went out, leaving his radio on.


Vます っぱなし
座りっぱなし (volitional) have been sitting
つけっぱなし (volitional) leave something on


(a). ブラジルのバレーボール・チームは今日まで勝ちっぱなしだ。

Brazil's volleyball team hasn't lost a game up to now. (literally: Brazil's volleyball team has been winning up to today.)

(b). 今日は朝から電話が鳴りっぱなしだ。

The telephone has been ringing since this morning (literally: since morning today).

(c). 朝からしゃべりっぱなしで喉が痛い。

I have been talking since this morning and my throat is sore.

(d). 車のヘッドライトを一晩中つけっぱなしだったのでバッテリーが上がってしまった。

Because I left my car headlights on all night, the battery died.

(e). 光子は水を出しっぱなしで友達と電話で話している。

Mitsuko is talking with her friend on the phone while leaving the water running.

(f). 茂はやかんをコンロにかけっぱなしにして出て行った。

Shigeru went out somewhere leaving a kettle on the stove.

(g). 開けっぱなしの窓から蚊が沢山入ってきた。

Many mosquitoes came in through the window which was left open.

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㊥ っぽい

Adjective (い) Suffix

A suffix that indicates someone/something has some distinctive characteristic or an attribute identified by a noun, an adjective, or a verb to which the suffix is attached. Apt to; easy to; -ish; -like
【Related Expression: 風の; らしい; やすい; ような】

Key Sentences

(ksa). サングラスをかけたやくざっぽい男が街角に立っていた。

A yakuza-like man wearing sunglasses was standing at the comer of the street.

(ksb). その女の人は確か黒っぽいセーターを着ていたと思います。

If I remember correctly, I believe she was wearing a blackish sweater.

(ksc). 彼はほれっぽい性格で、どの女の人も好きになってしまう。

He is apt to fall for women, and falls in love with practically any woman.


(i)Noun っぽい
子供っぽい Childish
(ii)Adjective い stem っぽい
っぽい Cheapish
(iii)Adjective な stem っぽい
哀れっぽい Pitiful
(iv)Vます っぽい
忘れっぽい Easy to forget, forgetful


(a). 昼食時にはこのレストランはサラリーマンっぽい人達で一杯になる。

During the lunch hour, this restaurant becomes crowded with men who look like salaried workers.

(b). あの女優は実に女っぽいから好きだ。

I like the actress, because she is so womanish.

(c). こんな水っぽい酒、飲めないぞ。

Who can drink such watery sake?

(d). あなた、こんな安っぽいソファを買ってきてどうするの?

What are you going to do with this cheapish sofa that you bought?

(e). 公園のベンチに座って、きざっぽい男とあだっぱい女が話している。

Sitting on a bench at the park a foppish man is talking with a coquettish woman.

(f). うちの息子は飽きっぽいんで、次から次へと新しいことをするんですが、一つとして、ものにならないんですよ。

Our son gets bored easily, and he tries new things one after another, but doesn't get anywhere with any of them.

(g). うたぐりっぽい人って、嫌ですね。

I don't like a person who is distrustful.

(h). じゅうたんは汚れっぽいから、私は使っていません。

Carpets get dirty easily, so I'm not using it.

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㊥ 来

Suffix (used in writing and formal speech only)

During a certain amount of time (something has continued up until the moment of speech or something has never been like the current state). For; in; since
【Related Expression: ぶり; 以来; かん; 前から】

Key Sentences

(ksa). トムは二十年日本語の勉強を続けている。

Tom has been studying Japanese for the past 20 years.

(ksb). 今年の冬は五十年の寒さだ。

This winter is the coldest one in 50 years.


(i)Noun (duration)
三十年 For the past 30 years
(ii)Noun (duration)
六十年の大地震 The strongest earthquake in 60 years


(a). 父は三十年、同じ会社に勤めています。

My father has been employed in the same company for the past 30 years.

(b). 私はこの研究を十年続けてきました。

I've been continuing this research for the past 10 years.

(c). 夜半の雨が、ようやく上がったようだ。

The rain which started after midnight appeared to have finally stopped.

(d). 僕と岡田とは四十年の友人だ。

Okada and I have been friends for the past 40 years.

(e). 今年の夏は六十年の暑さだそうだ。

They say that this summer is the warmest in 60 years.

(f). これは三十年の大雪です。

This is the heaviest snow we have had in 30 years.

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㊥ 例の


A phrase which signals that the referent of the following noun phrase is definite and that the speaker expects the hearer to understand what the referent is. The ~(in question); that (same); the usual
【Related Expression: は】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 例のプロジェクトはどうなりましたか。

What happened to the project (in question)?

(ksb). 今年の忘年会はまた例の中華料理屋だそうだ。

I heard that this year's year-end party is going to be at that Chinese restaurant again.


例の Noun
例の問題 The problem (in question)


(a). 例のレポートは出来ましたか。

Have you finished the report (I requested, you mentioned, etc.)?

(b). 例のコピーが出来ましたよ。

The copy (you asked for) is ready.

(c). 例のダイアナ妃の本、さっそく買って読んだよ。

I bought the book about Princess Diana (everybody is talking about, you recommended, etc.) right away and read it.

(d). A:一時に学生が来るんですよ。B: ああ、例のドイツから来た学生ですね。

A: student is coming at one. B: Oh, that student from Germany (you mentioned), right?

(e). 今晩、会える?B:ええ、いいわよ。A: じゃ、六時に例の喫茶店で。

A: Can we meet this evening? B: sure. A: Then, (let's meet) at the usual coffee house at six.

(f). 吉田さんがまた例の冗談を言ったが誰も笑わなかった。

Mr. Yoshida told us that (same) joke again, but no one laughed.

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㊥ Relative Clause

Key Sentences

(ks). 頭がよくなる薬はない。

There isn't medicine which makes you smart.


(a). 日本語に強くなる本がありますか。

Is there a book that will make you strong in Japanese?

(b). バロック音楽は心が静まる音楽だ。

Baroque music is music that soothes the mind.

(c). これは日本の経営法がよく分かる本です。

This is a book which enables us to understand Japanese management.

(d). 体重が減る運動を教えて下さい。

Please recommend any exercise that will reduce my weight.

(e). 気持ちが明るくなる話が聞きたいです。

I would like to hear something that will cheer me up.

(f). これは太らないお菓子ですから、どうぞ沢山召し上がって下さい。

These are non-fattening cakes, so please eat as much of them as you can.

(g). あの先生の講義はすぐ眠くなる講義だね。

That professor's lecture is a lecture that will make you sleepy.

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㊥ Rhetorical Question

A question which functions as a forceful statement with no expected response.

Key Sentences

(ksa). そんな恥ずかしいことが出来ますか。

I could never do such an embarrassing thing! (literally: Could I do such an embarrassing thing?)

(ksb). 誰があんな人にお金なんか貸すもんですか。

Who would lend money to such a person!

(ksc). 今更何を隠すことがあるだろう(か)。

What is there to hide now!

(ksd). 彼女がこんな所へ来るわけがないじゃない(か)。

There is no reason that she would come to a place like this.

(kse). 何だ、テレビを見ているの(か)。

Oh, you're watching TV!

(ksf). 早くしないか。

Do it quickly!


(a). こんなものがお客様に出せますか。

How could we serve such a thing to guests!

(b). あんな男に何が出来る(もの)か。[male, informal]

What can a man like that do!

(c). 私の気持ちがあなたなんかに分かるもんですか。

You never understand my feelings!

(d). こんな馬鹿なことってあるでしょうか。

How can such a ridiculous thing happen!

(e). どうしてそれが彼に分からないことがあろう(か)。

How could he not understand it!

(f). 彼にそんな難しいことが分かるはずがないじゃない(か)。

How could you expect him to understand such a difficult thing!

(g). 何も泣くことはないじゃない(か)。

Oh, there's no reason to cry!

(h). 男は「開け、ゴマ!」と叫んだ。すると、なんと岩の扉が音もなく開いたではないか。

The man shouted, "Open sesame!" And look what happened: the rock (literally: rock door) opened with no sound!

(i). ああここにいたの(か)。

Oh, you are here!

(j). さっさと歩かないか。

Walk quickly!

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㊥ ろくに~ない


A structure that is used to indicate that something animate does not or cannot do something satisfactorily/sufficiently/properly. Not sufficiently; not satisfactorily; not properly; not well; hardly

Key Sentences

(ks). 飛行機の中ではろくにられなかった

On the plane I couldn't sleep well.


ろくに Vnegativeない
ろくに食べない Someone doesn’t eat properly


(a). ろくに勉強もしないで試験を受けたので、全然出来なかった。

I took the exam without studying properly, so it was a disaster (literally: I couldn't do well at all).

(b). 短いパリ滞在だったので、彼女とはろくにえなかった

It was such a short stay in Paris that I hardly met her.

(c). 彼はフランスのことなどろくにらないのに、よく知っているような口を利く。

He hardly knows about France, but he talks as if he knew a lot about it.

(d). せっかくデパートまで買い物に出かけたのに、買い物中気分が悪くなってろくに買い物もせずに帰って来た。

I went shopping, and got as far as to a department store, but I came home without doing much shopping (literally: shopping properly) because I felt sick while shopping.

(e). 僕の犬はろくに芸もしない

My dog hardly does any tricks

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㊥ さ

Particle (used in conversation only)

A sentence final particle used in highly informal speech by male speakers to express different degrees of assertion ranging from a light touch comment up to opposition or imposition. You know; sure; I tell you
【Related Expression: ね; とも; よ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). A:就職出来るかな。B:出来る

A: I wonder if I can get a job. B: Sure you can.

(ksb). A:君は日本語、読めないよね。B:いや、読める

A: You cannot read Japanese, right? B: Yeah, sure I can.

(ksc). 人生は長い旅のようなもの

Life is something like a long journey.

(ksd). どうして酒を飲んじゃいけないの

How come I can't drink sake?


(i){V/Adjective い}informal
{食べる/食べた} Someone eats/ate it, you know
{やさしい/やさしかった} Something is/was easy, you know
(ii){Adjective な/Noun} {Ø/だった}
{元気/元気だった} Someone is/was healthy, you know
{学生/学生だった} Someone is/was a student, you know
どうして食べないの Why don’t you eat it?
(iv)Noun Phrase
これはお茶 This is tea, you know


(a). A: 今日の日本語のテストは難しいかな。B: いや、難しくない

A: I wonder if today's Japanese test is difficult. B: No, it's not difficult, I tell you.

(b). A: このスーツケース、持てるかな。B: 持てる

A: I wonder if I can carry this suitcase. B: I'm sure you can.

(c). A: お前は車を買うか金なんかないよな。B: いや、ある

A: You don't have money to buy a car with, do you? B: Sure I do.

(d). A:ニューヨークの一人歩きは危ないだろう。B: いや、大丈夫

A: Walking alone in New York City must be unsafe! B: No, it's safe, you know.

(e). A: この問題、君には解けないと思うよ。B: こんなもの、易しい

A: I bet you can't solve this math problem. B: This is a cinch, you know.

(f). 人生とはこんなもの

Such is life, you know.

(g). 仕事に失敗はつきもの

Work and failure go together, you know.

(h). どうしてこんな簡単なことが分からないの

How come you don't understand such a simple thing?

(i). A:僕は大学に行くのを諦めたよ。B: 何を言っているの

A: I've given up the idea of going to college, you know. B: What are you talking about?

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㊥ さえ


An emphatic particle which expresses the idea of "even" in non-conditional clauses (or sentences) or the idea of "only" in conditional clauses. Even; if~ only; if~ just; as long as; the only thing~ need is
【Related Expression: まで; も; すら】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼女は現代日本語は勿論古典さえ読める。

She can read even classical Japanese, not to mention modern Japanese.

(ksb). この研究所にはアメリカからさえ研究者が来る。

Researchers even from America visit this lab.

(ksc). その歌は子供でさえ知っている。

Even children know this song.

(ksd). ここに置いておきさえすれば後はここの人が全部やってくれます。

If you just leave it here, the people in this place will take care of the rest.

(kse). この仕事さえ片付いたら後は楽なんです。

If we can only finish (literally: If we only finish) this work, the rest will be easy.


(i)Noun さえ  
鹿さえ出る Even deer appear
刺身さえ食べる Eat even sashimi
(ii)Noun(Particle) さえ  
アフリカ(へ/に)さえ行った Went even to Africa
(iii)Noun Particle さえ  
こんな街にさえある Exist even in such a town
私にさえ分かる Understandable even to me
学校でさえ教える Teach even at school
犬とさえ遊ぶ Play even with a dog
中国からさえ来る Come even from China
(iv)Noun (Particle) さえ  
専門家でさえ分からない Even professionals don't understand (literally: one doesn't understand something even if he is a professional)
果物でさえ食べない Don't eat even fruit (literally: don't eat something even if it is fruit)
私からでさえもらわない Don't accept (something) even from me (literally: don't receive something even if it is from me)
(v)Vて さえ (いる/もらう/etc.)  
読んでさえいない Have not even read
見てさえ分からない Don't understand even by looking at
(vi)Vます さえする  
書きさえする Even write
(vii)Adjective い stem さえある  
安くさえある Be even inexpensive
(viii){Adjective な stem/Noun} さえある  
便利でさえある Be even convenient
学者でさえある Be even a scholar


(a). 彼はもうおかゆさえ喉を通らなかった。

He was no longer able to eat even porridge.

(b). 私はその写真を大人には勿論子供にさえ見せた。

I showed the picture even to kids, not to mention adults.

(c). 彼は私の言うことを聞こうとさえしない。

He doesn't even try to listen to me.

(d). 山田にさえ出来たんだから君にも出来るよ。

Even Yamada could do it, so you can do it, too.

(e). 先生でさえこの問題を解くのに二時間もかかった。

Even my teacher took (as much as) two hours to solve this problem.

(f). クレジットカードさえあればいつでも入会出来ます。

You can join our club any time if you only have a credit card.

(g). さえ承知してくれたら今すぐこのプロジェクトを始めるつもりだ。

As long as you agree (to our plan), we are planning to begin this project right away.

(h). まじめに勉強してさえいれば試験は大丈夫だ。

As long as you study seriously, you'll do okay on the exam (literally: the exam will be all right).

(i). 手を上げさえすればすぐ警官が飛んでくる。

If you just raise your hand, a policeman will rush to you.

(j). 高くさえなければ売れるはずだ。

It should sell as long as it's not expensive.

(k). 通勤に便利でさえあればどんなところでもいいんです。

Any location will be fine as long as it is convenient for commuting.

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㊥ 際(に)


On the special occasion of/when. When; on the occasion of; at the time of
【Related Expression: 場合; にあったって/あたり; おりに; 時に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 詳しいことは八月に上京する際に、お話し致します。

I will tell you the details when I come down to Tokyo in August.

(ksb). これは大学卒業の際に父が買ってくれたワープロです。

This is a word processor which my father bought me on the occasion of my college graduation.

(ksc). 私達の結婚にして過分のお祝い物を頂き恐縮しております。

I feel much obliged to have received such an unmerited gift on the occasion of our wedding.


(i)Vinformal ()
{買う/買った}() When someone buys/bought something
(ii)Nounの ()
試験の() At the time of examination
(iii)Nounに して
入学にして On the occasion of entering a school
この On this occasion


(a). 大阪に転勤する際に、妻子は東京に残した。

When I transferred to Osaka I left my wife and children behind in Tokyo.

(b). 激しい運動をする際には準備運動が必要だ。

When you engage in strenuous exercise, you need to do stretch exercises.

(c). 首相はサミット会談に出席した際に国際収支に関する日本側の立場を説明した。

When the premier attended the summit meeting, he explained Japanese views on balance of international payments.

(d). 出発の際には、わざわざ見送りに来ていただき、ありがとうございました。

Thank you very much for taking the time to see me off at the time of my departure.

(e). 旅行の際には必ずカメラを持って行きます。

When I go on a trip I always take my camera with me.

(f). 近くにおいでの際には、ぜひお立ち寄り下さい。

Please call on us when you happen to be in our neighbourhood.

(g). 日本の近代化の研究にして日本の国立国会図書館を利用した。

At the time of my research on Japanese modernization I used the National Diet Library of Japan.

(h). この、私が直接社長に話してみます。

Since this is an important occasion (literally: on this occasion), I will talk directly to the president (and see what happens).

(i). これは帰国のホストファミリーのお父さんがくれた腕時計です。

This is a wrist watch which my host family father gave me when I left for home.

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㊥ さすが


An adverb that expresses the speaker's/writer's strong feeling that something has turned out as s/he expected. As might be expected; after all; it is only natural that~; naturally; truly; really; indeed; impressive
【Related Expression: やはり】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ネルソンさんは日本に三年留学していたので、さすがに日本語が上手です。

Because Mr. Nelson has studied in Japan for three years, naturally he speaks Japanese well.

(ksb). さすが(は)広島のかきだ。実に美味しい。

After all, they are Hiroshima oysters. They are really good.

(ksc). さすが元ボートの選手だけ{あって/に}、体格がいい。

After all, he is a former boating man. He has a fine physique.

(ksd). さすが、パリで十年暮らしただけ{あって/に}、彼は大変フランス通だ。

It is only natural that he is well versed in things French, because he lived in Paris for 10 years.

(kse). 難しい質問に、さすがの大先生も、困ってしまった。

The great teacher that he was, even he had a hard time answering the difficult question.


(i)さすが にSentence
さすがに、疲れた It is only natural that I got tired
(ii)さすが (は)Nounだ
さすが(は)日本の車だ After all, it is a Japanese car
(iii)さすが {V/Adjective い}informalだけ{あって/に}
さすがよく{勉強する/勉強した}だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that someone studies/has studied hard
さすが{面白い/面白かった}だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that something is/was interesting
(iv)さすが {Noun (Ø/だった)/Adjective な(な/だった)} だけ{あって/に}
さすが{若い人/若い人だった} だけ{あって/に} as might be expected from the fact that someone is/was a young person
さすが{綺麗/綺麗だった} だけ{あって/に} As might be expected from the fact that something/someone {is/was} beautiful
(v)さすが のNounも
さすがの天才も Even a genius


(a). 昨日は十時間も運転をしたので、さすがに疲れました。

Yesterday I drove a car for 10 hours, so I got tired, as might be expected.

(b). 運動を何もしないで、食べてばかりいたから、さすがに太ってしまった。

It is only natural that I gained weight, because I was just eating without doing any exercise.

(c). いつも、CDで音楽を聞いているんですが、生のコンサートはさすがにいいですね。

I'm always listening to music on CDs, but concerts are good, after all.

(d). さすが(は)本場のイタリア料理だ。日本のイタリア料理とは味が違う。

After all, it is authentic Italian cuisine in Italy. It tastes different from the Italian cuisine in Japan.

(e). さすが(は)科学者だ。観察が鋭い。

After all, he is a scientist. He makes sharp observations.

(f). さすが、若い頃山に登っていただけに、今でも足が強い。

As may be expected of a person who used to climb mountains in his young days, he still has strong legs.

(g). さすがの父も、今度の入院はこたえたようだ。

Even on my father the recent hospitalization seemed to have been hard.

(h). さすがの先生にも、解答が分からなかった。

The great teacher that he was, even he couldn't figure out the solution.

(i). 彼は肉が大好物のようで、大きなステーキを二枚も平らげたのはさすがだった。

He seems to like meat a lot and it was impressive that he ate two large steaks.

(j). ジョンはさすがだね。ビールを十本も飲んでしまったよ。

As might be expected of John, he drank 10 bottles of beer.

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Intermediate Page 378

㊥ せい


A dependent noun expressing a cause which brings about an undesirable result. Because; due to
【Related Expression: おかげ; 為(に)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今年は不況のせいで車があまり売れない。

Because of the depression, cars are not selling well this year.

(ksb). 寝不足のせいか体に力が入らない。

Because of lack of sleep, I suppose, I feel weak (literally: the body has no power).

(ksc). 私が失敗したのは彼のせいだ。

It is because of him that I failed.

(ksd). 昨夜飲みすぎたせいで今日は頭がふらふらする。

I am dizzy today because I drank too much last night.


(i)Nounの せい (で/か/etc.)
過労のせい Because of overworking
(ii)Sinformal せい (で/か/etc.) The same as the relative clause formation
働きすぎたせい Because someone worked too hard


(a). 最近運動不足のせいで体重が増えた。

I've gained weight because of lack of exercise these days.

(b). 雨が少なかったせいで今年は米が不作だそうだ。

It is reported that because there was little rain, we are going to have a bad crop of rice this year.

(c). 年のせいか最近耳が聞こえにくくなった。

Due to my age, I suppose, I cannot hear well these days.

(d). 新しい土地に来て水が変わったせいか近頃お腹の調子がよくない。

Maybe because I have moved to a new place and the water is different, my stomach is uncomfortable these days.

(e). 目が悪くなったのは一日中コンピュータを使って仕事をしているせいだ。

It is because you work with a computer all day that your eyesight has deteriorated.

(f). 彼はよく自分の失敗を人のせいにする。

He often blames others for his own failure (literally: claims that his own failure is due to others).

(g). これは誰のせいでもない。

This is (due to) no one's fault.

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Intermediate Page 383

㊥ せめて


An adverb that indicates the speaker/writer's minimally satisfactory level. At least
【Related Expression: 少なくとも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 百点とは言いませんが、せめて八十点ぐらいは取りたいです。

I am not saying that I want to get 100 points, but I would like to get at least 80 points.

(ksb). せめて鍋(だけ)でもあれば、ご飯が炊けるんですが。

If we had a pan, at least, we would be able to cook rice.

(ksc). せめて両親には分かってもらいたいんですが。

I wanted at least my parents to understand me.


(i)せめて Number+Counter (ぐらい)~
せめて二時間ぐらい At least two hours
(ii)せめて Noun{ぐらい/(だけ)でも}
せめて新聞{ぐらい/(だけ)でも} At least a newspaper
(iii)せめて Noun Particle
せめて妻に At least to my wife


(a). せめて一年に十日ぐらい、休暇が取れるといいんですが。

I wish I could take at least 10-day's leave each year.

(b). 日本にいる間に、せめて一度ぐらいは会いに来て下さい。

Please come and see me at least once while you are in Japan.

(c). 美人でなくてもいいけど、せめて、可愛らしい女の子と結婚したい。

It's alright if she is not a real beauty. But I would like to marry at least a cute girl.

(d). 日本に行くんだから、せめて、日本語だけは勉強して来ようと思っています。

I am going to Japan, so, I'm thinking of learning at least Japanese.

(e). せめてもう後一日生きていたら、父の死に目に会えたのに。

If my father lived at least one day longer I could have been with him when he died.

(f). あんなに広い家でなくてもいいけど、せめてもう一部屋あるといいのに。

I don't need that spacious house, but I wish I had at least another room.

(g). 一月もご厄介になるんですから、せめて、皿洗いぐらいはさせて下さい。

I'm going to stay at your house for a month, so please let me wash the dishes, at least.

(h). せめて日本語で日常会話ぐらいは出来るようになりたいです。

I would like to become able to engage in daily conversation in Japanese.

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Intermediate Page 385

㊥ 次第


A conjunction/noun to express that an action indicated by a preceding verb or an action implied by a preceding noun is a prerequisite for another action. As soon as; depend on
【Related Expression: による; たらすぐ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 大阪に着き次第、お電話を差し上げます。

As soon as I get to Osaka, I will call you.

(ksb). 原稿は完成次第お送り致します。

I will send my manuscripts as soon as they are completed.

(ksc). 世の中で成功するかしないかはあなたの努力次第ですよ。

Whether you succeed in the world or not depends on your efforts.


(i)Vます 次第
読み次第 As soon as someone has read something
帰り次第 As soon as someone has returned
Exception いらっしゃり次第 As soon as someone comes/goes there
おっしゃり次第 As soon as someone says it
なさり次第 As soon as someone does something
(ii)VN 次第
帰国次第 As soon as someone comes back to his/her country
到着次第 As soon as someone/something arrives
(iii)(Xは)Noun 次第だ/で
(農業は)天気次第 Farming depends on the weather
給料次第 Depending on the salary


(a). 夫は仕事が終わり次第、毎日まっすぐ帰宅します。

My husband comes straight home every day, as soon as he has finished his work.

(b). 空港から電話があり次第、お迎えに参ります。

I will go to pick you up as soon as you call me from the airport.

(c). 山岸先生がいらっしゃり次第、会議を始めたいと思います。

As soon as Professor Yamagishi comes here I'd like to begin our meeting.

(d). 東大を卒業次第、京大の大学院に入学するつもりだ。

Upon graduation from the University of Tokyo, I intend to enter the Graduate School of Kyoto University.

(e). お尋ねの件は、判明次第、ご連絡申し上げます。

On the matter you have inquired about, I will inform you as soon as I find out.

(f). レセプションが終了次第、晩餐会を始めます。

As soon as the reception is finished we will start the dinner party.

(g). 就職はコネ次第ですよ。

Finding employment depends on connections.

(h). 「地獄の沙汰も金次第(だ)」ということわざを知っていますか。

Do you know the proverb "Even affairs in hell depend on money”?

(i). ご注文次第で、どんな物でも料理致します。

Depending on your orders, I will cook you anything you like.

(j). 条件次第では、その仕事を引き受けたいと思います。

Depending on the employment terms I would like to accept that job.

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Intermediate Page 390

㊥ しかも


A conjunction which is used to provide additional important information. Moreover; furthermore; besides; on top of that; what's more; what's worse; more surprisingly; at that; nevertheless; and yet; even so
【Related Expression: おまけに; その上; それでいて; それも; それに; (それ)にもかかわらず】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 最近のテープレコーダーは小さくて軽く、しかも音が素晴らしくよくなった。

The tape recorders available these days are compact and light, and on top of that, their sound has improved greatly.

(ksb). 彼は家を買った。しかも大きい庭付きのを(だ)。

He bought a house, and more surprisingly, a house with a large yard.

(ksc). 彼はいつも夜遅くまで勉強し、しかも朝は誰よりも早く起きる。

He studies till late every night; nevertheless, he gets up earlier than anyone else.


(i){V/Adjective/Noun+Copula}て しかも
結婚していて、しかも子供までいる Someone is married, and what’s more, s/he even has a child
面白くて、しかも只だ Something is interesting, and what’s more, it is free of charge
ハンサムで、しかもお金持ちだ Someone is handsome, and what’s more, he is rich
失業中で、しかも病気だ Someone is out of work, and what’s worse, s/he is ill
(ii)Vます しかも
よく働き、しかも不平を言わない Someone works hard, and yet (or nevertheless), s/he does not complain
(iii)Adjectiveい/く しかも
値段が安く、しかも丈夫だ Something is cheap; furthermore, it’s durable
(iv)Sentence1 しかもSentence2
この仕事は面白い。しかも給料がいい This job is interesting. On top of that, the pay is good


(a). 彼女は美人でしかも頭がいい。男子学生が夢中になるのも無理はない。

She is pretty, and what's more, (she is) smart. It is natural that boys (literally: male students) should be crazy about her.

(b). 日本語は語彙が英語と全然違うし文法も難しい。しかも、日本語には漢字がある。

Japanese has entirely different vocabulary from English, and the grammar is also difficult. On top of that, Japanese has kanji.

(c). あのレストランの定食は美味しくて安い。しかも、ボリュームがあるから学生や若いサラリーマンに人気がある。

That restaurant's teishoku (set meal) is good and reasonable. On top of that, it is substantial (literally: it has volume), so it is popular among students and young white-collar workers.

(d). 彼はこの大雨の中を出かけて行った。しかも、傘も持たずに。

He went out in this heavy rain, and more surprisingly, without an umbrella.

(e). 彼は試験に遅刻してしまった。しかも、三十分も。

He was late for the exam, and what's worse, as much as thirty minutes late.

(f). 彼女は英語のほかに四か国語を話す。しかも、すべて母国語話者のように。

She speaks four languages besides English, and more surprisingly, she speaks all of them like a native speaker.

(g). 私は風邪を引いてしまった。しかも、大事な試験の前日にだ。

I caught a cold, and at that on the day before an important exam.

(h). 彼はどんなつらい仕事でも黙ってこなし、しかも、給料についてほかの者ように不平を言わなかった。

No matter how hard the job was, he did it quietly, and what's more, he did not complain about his salary like the others did.

(i). 彼女は何をやっても上手で、しかも、その才能をひけらかさない。

She is good at everything, but even so, she does not show off her talents.

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Intermediate Page 395

㊥ したがって

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A conjunction that is used to indicate that a result/situation follows necessarily from the foregoing situation. Therefore; accordingly; consequently
【Related Expression: だから】

Key Sentences

(ks). 予算が不足している。したがってこの計画は実行できない。

The budget is insufficient. Therefore this plan cannot be implemented.


Sentence1 したがってSentence2
雨がよく降る。したがって緑が多い It rains a lot. Therefore there is a lot of greenery


(a). 今週は重役達は朝から晩まで会議で忙しい。したがって好きなゴルフをする暇もない。

This week the executives are busy attending meetings from morning till night. Therefore they don't even have time to play their favourite golf.

(b). 運動をすると、エネルギーを使う。したがって太らない。

If you do exercise, you use energy. Accordingly you don't gain weight.

(c). 日本の車は故障が少ない。したがってよく売れる。

Japanese cars have fewer troubles. Therefore they sell well.

(d). 彼女は日本に五年も住んでいた。したがって日本のことをよく知っている。

She lived in Japan for five years. Therefore she knows a lot about Japan.

(e). 日本では父親はあまり家にいない。したがって母親が子供の教育をすることになる。

In Japan fathers are seldom at home. Therefore mothers are in charge of their children's education.

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Intermediate Page 397

㊥ そうかと言って


A structure which expresses that the speaker/writer cannot easily accept the corollary from the preceding statement owing to some circumstances, although he feels like accepting it. But; yet; even so
【Related Expression: (そう)ですが; けれど(も); しかし】

Key Sentences

(ksa). A:魚が体にいいそうですよ。B:そうかと言って、毎日魚ばかりを食べているわけにもいかないでしょう。

A: I hear that fish is good for your health. B: But we couldn't eat just fish every day, you know.

(ksb). アメリカの方が土地も家も安いが、そうかと言って、簡単に移住するわけにもいかない。

Land and housing are less expensive in America, but we cannot easily immigrate.


(i)A: Sentence1
B: そうかと言って、Sentence2
A: 漫画は面白いですね Comic books are fun
B: そうかと言って、漫画ばかり読んでいるわけにもいきませんよ But you can’t read just comic books, you know
(ii)Sentence1が そうかと言って、Sentence2
漫画は面白いですが、そうかと言って、漫画ばかり読んでいるわけにもいきませんよ Comic books are fun , but you can’t read just comic books, you know


(a). A: 手ぶらで来て下さいと言っていましたよ。B: そうかと言って、何も持って行かないわけにもいかないでしょうね。

A: He told me not to bring anything. B: But, we cannot go there empty handed, you know.

(b). A: 明日の試験はとても易しいそうですよ。B: そうかと言って、何も勉強しないわけにもいかないでしょう。

A: They say that tomorrow's examination is very easy. B: But still, it can't mean that we don't need to study at all.

(c). A: 来週は連休だから、遊べますね。B: そうかと言って、ゴルフばかりしているわけにもいかないね。

A: There are consecutive holidays next week, so we can have fun. B: But, I cannot just play golf, you know.

(d). A: 煙草は体に悪いですよ。B: そうかと言って、煙草に代わる物が見つからないし。

A: Cigarettes are bad for your health, you know. B: Even so, I cannot find a substitute for cigarettes.

(e). A:毎日三十分くらい運動するといいそうですよ。B: そうかと言って、それだけの時間は作れないしね。

A: They say that it's good to exercise for about 30 minutes every day. B: But it is next to impossible to make that amount of free time, you know.

(f). 漢字をもっと覚えなければならないのは分かっているが、そうかと言って、漢字ばかり覚えているわけにもいかない。

I know I have to memorize more kanji, but even so, I cannot memorize just kanji.

(g). 妻子と別れるのはつらいが、そうかと言って、この海外出張を断るわけにもいかない。

It is painful to leave my wife and kids behind, but I cannot excuse myself from this business trip abroad.

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Intermediate Page 401

㊥ そこで


A conjunction which connects a situation presented as a reason and an action taken because of that situation So; because of that; therefore
【Related Expression: それで】

Key Sentences

(ks). 友達が夕食は簡単なものでいいと言った。そこで、ピザを注文した。

My friend told me that something simple would be fine for supper. So, I ordered a pizza.


Sentence1 そこで、Sentence2
会議室が使えなくなった。そこで、食堂で打ち合わせをすることにした。 The conference room has become unavailable. So, we’ve decided to have the meeting in the cafeteria


(a). 荷物が沢山あるのに雨が降り出した。そこで、タクシーで行くことにした。

I had a lot of baggage and it began to rain. Therefore, I decided to go by taxi.

(b). リーダーの山田さんが来られなくなった。そこで、ミーティングは延期せざるをえなくなった。

It has turned out that our leader Mr. Yamada can't come, so we have no choice but to postpone the meeting.

(c). 試験の日に怪我をして学校へ行けなくなった。そこで、先生に電話して別の日に受けられるか聞いてみた。

I got injured and couldn't go to school on the day of an exam. So, I called my teacher to ask if I could take it another day.

(d). 彼はすべて私が悪かったような言い方をした。そこで、私も黙っていられなくなって、言い返した。

He talked as if it were all my fault. Therefore, I couldn't hold my tongue and I talked back.

(e). 息子が来年大学なんですが英語が苦手で困っているんです。そこで、お願いがあるんですが、息子に英語を教えてやっていただけませんか。

My son is going to college next year but he is not good at English (literally: and has trouble with it). Therefore, I'd like to ask a favour of you. Could you teach him English?

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Intermediate Page 405

㊥ そこで (2)


A conjunction which connects an event and an action taken at the time of the event Then; at that time

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私が手を振ったら、そこで拍手をして下さい。

When I wave my hand, (literally: then,) please clap your hands.

(ksb). 彼は飲み物を勧めるかもしれません。そこで、遠慮をしてはいけません。

He might offer you a drink. At that time you mustn't hesitate.


(i)Sentence1、 そこでSentence2  
このランプがついたら、そこで充電を始めて下さい When this light comes on, (literally: then,) start charging it
(ii)Sentence1 そこでSentence2  
多分受付が身分証明書を要求するでしょう。そこでこのカードを見せなさい The receptionist will probably ask for an ID. Show her this card at that time


(a). 一時間たったら私が「やめ!」と言いますから、そこで書くのをやめて鉛筆を置いて下さい。

In an hour I will say, "Stop!" Then, stop writing and put your pencils down.

(b). 私が合図をしたら、そこで皆さんお立ち願います。

When I give you a signal, (literally: then,) you will all stand up, please.

(c). 酔ったなと思ったら、そこで飲むのをやめるべきです。

If you think you are intoxicated, you should stop drinking at that time.

(d). 小さい子供は時にとんでもないいたずらをする。そこで親は叱らないといけない。

Little children sometimes get into unbelievable mischief. Their parents must scold them then.

(e). 矢野先生が学生を叱った。そこでその学生が素直に謝ればよかったのだが、彼は口答えをした。

Professor Yano scolded a student. It would have been all right if the student had apologized to him meekly at that time, but the student talked back (instead).

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Intermediate Page 407

㊥ そこを


A conjunction used to indicate that in spite of the negative situation mentioned in the previous part of the sentence/discourse some positive effort is made. But; in spite of that

Key Sentences

(ksa). トムはフットボールの選手としては小さいが、そこを脚力で補っている。

Tom is small for a football player, but he makes up for it with his swift legs.

(ksb). A:これ以上金を貸すわけにはいかないよ。B:そこを何とかして下さいませんか。

A: I cannot loan you more money than this. B: But, could you do something about it?


(a). 彼は頭はそれほどよくないが、そこを努力で何とかやっている。

He is not that bright, but he manages to get along on his efforts.

(b). その女優はもう年齢を隠すことは出来ないが、そこを芸で何とか持たせている。

The actress cannot hide her age any longer, but she is somehow preserving herself with her arts.

(c). お忙しいとは存じますが、そこを何とか出席していただけないでしょうか。

I know that you are busy, but I wonder if you could possibly attend it.

(d). A: こんな成績じゃ、君、卒業できないよ。B: そこを、先生、どうにかしていただけないでしょうか。

A: With such poor grades, you cannot graduate, you know. B: But, could you do something about it, Professor?

(e). A: こんな企画に予算を付けるわけにはいかないな。B: 部長、そこを何とか一つお願いします。

A: I cannot allocate a budget for such a project. B: But, chief, could you give me a chance?

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Intermediate Page 409

㊥ そうになる


A phrase expressing that something almost happens. Almost
【Related Expression: もう少し; ちょっとで~するところ(だった)】

Key Sentences

(ks). 冷たい雨の中を傘もささないで歩いていたら、風邪を引きそうになった

While walking in the cold rain without using an umbrella, I almost caught a cold.


Vます そうになる
忘れそうになる Someone almost forgets something
わかりそうになる Someone almost understands something
失職しそうになる Someone almost loses his/her job


(a). 私は子供の時、プールで危うく溺れそうになったことがある。

When I was a child I almost drowned in a swimming pool.

(b). 昨日もうちょっとで車にひかれそうになった

Yesterday I almost got run over by a car.

(c). 地震で僕の家は潰れそうになった

My house almost got destroyed by an earthquake.

(d). 庭の古い松の木が台風で倒れそうになった

An old pine tree in the yard almost fell down in the typhoon.

(e). 今日混んだ電車の中で、財布をすられそうになった

Today in a crowded train I almost got my purse pickpocketed.

(f). 数学の試験で最後の問題がもう少しで解けそうになった時に、時間切れになってしまった。

In the math exam, I was almost able to solve the last problem when the time was up.

(g). やっと日本へ行けそうになった時に、母が病気になってしまった。

When I was almost able to go to Japan my mother got ill.

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Intermediate Page 413

㊥ その上


A conjunction which introduces an additional, emphatic statement. On top of that; besides; moreover; furthermore; what's more; what's worse; not only~ but also
【Related Expression: おまけに; しかも; それに; うえ(に)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼は一緒にアパートを探してくれて、その上、引っ越しまで手伝ってくれた。

He looked for an apartment with me, and moreover, he even helped me move.

(ksb). この仕事は給料がいいし、その上、時々外国に行く機会もある。

This job pays a good salary, and what's more, it offers opportunities to go abroad from time to time.

(ksc). バナナは安い。その上、栄養も豊富だ。

Bananas are cheap. On top of that, they are nutritious.


(i){V/Adjective/Noun+Copula}て その上
いつでも使えて、その上、無料だ You can use it any time, and on top of that, it’s free
おいしくて、その上、栄養がある It’s delicious and what’s more, nutritious
不便で、その上、家賃が高い It’s inconvenient, and moreover,the rent is expensive.
純金製で、その上、ダイヤがはまっている It’s made of pure gold, and besides, it has a diamond (literally: a diamond is embedded)
(ii)Vます その上
ほめられ、その上、ほうびまでもらった I was praised,and what’s more, I was given an award
(iii)Adjective い その上
話が面白く、その上、読みやすい The story is interesting, and on top of that, it’s easy to read
(iv)Sentence し その上
その仕事はつまらないし、その上、給料が悪い The job is boring, and what’s worse, the pay is bad
(v)Sentence その上
その老人は体が不自由。その上、耳が遠い The old man is disabled. Furthermore, he is hard of hearing


(a). 彼女は美人で、その上、気立てがいいから、みんなに好かれている。

Everybody loves her because she is not only pretty but also good-natured (literally: because she is pretty, and what's more, she is good-natured).

(b). 先生のうちに就職の相談に行ったら、色々アドバイスを頂いて、その上、夕食までごちそうになった。

When I went to my professor's house to consult him about my job, he gave me all kinds of advice, and on top of that, he even served me dinner.

(c). ジョンのうちに遊びに行ったら、家のペンキ塗りを手伝わされ、その上、芝刈りまでさせられた。

When I went to see John at his place, he got me to help him paint his house, and what's more, he even got me to mow the lawn.

(d). このアパートは通勤に便利で家賃も安く、その上、駐車場まである。

This apartment is convenient for commuting and the rent is reasonable. Moreover, it even has a parking space.

(e). 日本語は構造が英語とかなり違うし、その上、漢字があるから、アメリカ人に習得が難しい。

The structure of Japanese is considerably different from that of English, and on top of that, it has kanji; therefore, it is difficult for Americans to learn.

(f). この学校はいい先生が少なく設備もよくない。その上、生徒の非行も多い。

This school does not have many good teachers and the facilities are not good, either. And besides that, there is a lot of juvenile crime.

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Intermediate Page 418

㊥ それでも


In spite of the circumstance expressed in the preceding sentence. Nevertheless; yet; but in spite of that; even so
【Related Expression: (それ)にもかかわらず; ても】

Key Sentences

(ks). 両親は二人の結婚に反対している。それでも二人は結婚するつもりらしい。

The parents are opposed to the couple's marriage. Nevertheless, they seem intent to marrying.


(i)Sentence1(しかし) それでもSentence2
悪い天気だった。(しかし)それでも私達は出かけた The weather was bad. Nevertheless we went out
(ii)Sentence2{が/けれど(も)/のに}、 それでもSentence2
悪い天気だった{が/けれど(も)/のに}、それでも私達は出かけた The weather was bad. Nevertheless we went out


(a). 暑いので扇風機をつけたが、それでもまだ暑かった。

It was so hot that we turned on an electric fan, but it was still hot.

(b). 父はひどい風邪を引いていた。しかしそれでも旅行に出かけた。

My father was suffering from a bad cold. Nevertheless, he went on a trip.

(c). この本はとても高いのに、それでもいい本だから、よく売れている。

This book is very expensive, yet it is selling well, because it is a good book.

(d). 彼はとても忙しいのに、それでもジョギングを一日も欠かさない。

He is very busy, yet he does not miss jogging even a day.

(e). A: そのオーバー、高いね。 B: それでも買うつもり?

A: This overcoat is expensive, isn't it? B: But do you intend to buy it?

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Intermediate Page 420

㊥ それどころか


A conjunction that is used to indicate that the level/degree of a fact or a situation expressed in the second sentence is far above or below the level/degree of a fact or a situation expressed in the first sentence. On the contrary; far from that; as a matter of fact
【Related Expression: どころか】

Key Sentences

(ksa). スミスさんは漢字が書けない。それどころか、平仮名も満足に書けない。

Mr. Smith cannot write kanji. As a matter of fact, he cannot write even hiragana satisfactorily.

(ksb). A:今晩パーティーに行かない? B:それどころ{か、/じゃないよ。}親父が入院したんだ。

A: Shall we go to the party tonight? B: No way (literally: Far from it). Dad got hospitalized.


(i)Sentence1 それどころかSentence2
暑くない。それどころか寒い It’s not hot. On the contrary, it’s cold
(ii)A: Sentence
B: それどころか{が、/ではない。/じゃない。}Sentence
A: 疲れたね。 Tired, aren’t we?
B: それどころか{が、/じゃない。}死にそうなんだよ Far from it. I’m almost dead


(a). あの人は若くはありませんよ。それどころか、お孫さんが三人もいるんですよ。

She is not young. On the contrary, she has as many as three grandchildren.

(b). お金は一銭もありません。それどころか、借金で苦しんでいるんです。

I don't have a penny. As a matter of fact, I'm suffering from debts.

(c). ジムは日本語の会話が出来ない。それどころか、簡単な挨拶も日本語で出来ない。

Jim cannot speak Japanese. In fact, he cannot even make simple greetings in Japanese.

(d). A: 風邪を引いたんだって?B:それどころか、肺炎になって、入院していたんだ。

A: Did you have a cold? (literally: I heard that you had a cold, but is it true?) B: On the contrary, I had pneumonia and got hospitalized.

(e). A:映画を見に行こうか?B:それどころじゃないよ。今晩が徹夜しなければならないほど忙しいんだ。

A: Shall we go see a movie? B; Are you kidding? (literally: Far from it) Tonight I'm so busy that I have to stay up all night.

(f). A:和子、手伝ってくれる?B:それどころじゃないのよ、今宿題で忙しくて。

A: Kazuko, can you help me? B; No way, I'm busy doing my homework, you know.

(g). クラークさんは刺身が食べられる。それどころか納豆まで食べられる。

Clark can eat sashimi. As a matter of fact, he eats even nattou.

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Intermediate Page 423

㊥ それが

Interjection (used in conversation only)

An interjection which signals that the speaker is going to provide an unexpected response to a question. Well (contrary to your expectation; I'm afraid to say this, but)
【Related Expression: それは; ところが】

Key Sentences

(ks). A:奨学金がもらえそうですか。B:(いえ)それが難しそうなんです。

A: Does it look like you can get a scholarship? B: Well, (no,) it looks difficult.


(a). A: 試験、どうだった?B:それが、駄目だったんだ。

A: How was the exam? B: Well, (I'm sorry to say this, but) it was no good.

(b). A: 来年は日本で働くんですね。B: いや、それが行けなくなってしまったんです。

A: You're going to work in Japan next year, aren't you? B: Well, no, it's turned out that I can't go.

(c). A:彼女に会って話したんだろう。B: それが、会ったことは会ったんだけど、顔を見たら何も言えなくなってしまって。

A: You met her and talked to her, right? B: Well, I did meet her, but when I saw her face, I couldn't say anything.

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Intermediate Page 425

㊥ それも


A conjunction which is used to add more specific information to information about a rather uncommon action or state. What's more; what's worse; at that; furthermore; moreover; on top of that
【Related Expression: しかも】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 英語で、それも早口で話されたので全然分からなかった。

Because he spoke (literally: I was talked to) in English, and what's worse, rapidly, I didn't understand anything.

(ksb). 彼女は銀座の、それも一流の店でばかり買い物をする。

She always does her shopping at shops in Ginza, and moreover, at first-class ones.

(ksc). 子供が五人もいて、それもいたずら盛りの男の子ばかりなので、野口さんの奥さんは毎日大変忙しいです。

Because she has as many as five children, and moreover, they are all very mischievous boys, Mrs. Noguchi is extremely busy every day.


(i)AdverbPhrase1 それもAdverbPhrase2(Verbal)
日本語で、それもくずし字で書いてある It is written in Japanese, and what’s worse, in flowing style
(ii)AP1 それもAP2(Noun)
ダイヤ(の)、それも二カラットのダイヤの指輪だ It is a diamond ring, and a 2-karat diamond ring at that
(iii)Clause1 それもClause2
新築で、それも駅から五分という便利な所にある It is newly built, and on top of that, it is conveniently located five minutes from the station


(a). 彼はその場で、それも現金で払ってくれた。

He paid on the spot, and what's more, in cash.

(b). 真冬に、それも裸足で走った。

I ran in midwinter, and what's more, barefooted.

(c). その銀行は都心の、それも東京駅前の一当地に本社ビルを建てた。

The bank built their headquarters building in central Tokyo, and moreover, on the best spot, in front of Tokyo Station.

(d). 彼女は雑誌記者、それもゴシップ雑誌の記者に見つかってしまった。

She was seen by a magazine reporter, and what's worse, a reporter from a gossip magazine.

(e). 忙しい学期末に、それも論文の締め切り直前に手紙を訳してくれと頼まれた。

I was asked to translate a letter when I was busy at the end of the semester, and what's worse, just before the deadline for my term paper.

(f). 硬貨で十万円、それも十円玉ばかりだったからとても重かった。

Because it was one hundred thousand yen in coins, and what's worse, (they were) all ten-yen coins, it was terribly heavy.

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Intermediate Page 427

㊥ それに


A conjunction which introduces an additional item or statement. (and) in addition; moreover; furthermore; what's more; on top of that
【Related Expression: おまけに; しかも; その上; それと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ここのモーニングセットはコーヒーにトースト、それにゆで卵が付いている。

The "morning set" here includes coffee and some toast; in addition, there is a boiled egg (literally: it is accompanied by a boiled egg).

(ksb). 車を買っても置く所がないし、それにあまり乗る機会もない。

Even if we bought a car, there would be no place to park it, and moreover, there would be few occasions to use it

(ksc). 私は家では仕事の話はしないことにしているんです。それに、今晩はとても疲れているので、その話は明日にしてもらえませんか。

I make it a rule not to discuss business at home. In addition, I'm very tired this evening, so could we discuss it tomorrow?


(i)Noun1{と/に/、}Noun2{と/に/、} それにNoun
テレビ、ステレオ、それにビデオカメラ A TV set, a stereo, and, in addition a videocamera
(ii)Sentence1し それにSentence2
その仕事はうまらないし、それに給料が悪い The job is boring, and what’s worse, the pay is bad
(iii)Sentence1 それに、Sentence2
その老人は体が不自由だ。それに、耳が遠い The old man is disabled. Furthermore, he is hard of hearing


(a). 私のうちには私達夫婦と子供が二人、それに猫と犬が一匹ずついる。

My family consists of my wife and me, and two children, and in addition, (there are) a cat and a dog.

(b). いい仕事がないし、それに子供も日本の学校へ行きたがっているので、日本へ帰ろうと思っている。

We are thinking of going back to Japan because there are no good jobs here, and what's more, my child wants to go to a Japanese school.

(c). ピアノなんか買っても誰も弾く者はないし、それにうちは狭いので置く所がありません。

Even if we bought a piano, no one would play it, and moreover, there would be no place to put it because our place is small.

(d). このアパートは明るくて清潔だ。それに家賃が安い。

This apartment is light and clean. Furthermore, the rent is reasonable.

(e). 昔と違って今は相手がどこにいても電話で簡単に話が出来る。それに、テレビ電話を使うと相手の顔を見ながら話すことも出来る。

Unlike the old days, we can easily talk with people over the phone these days no matter where they are. Moreover, if we use a TV telephone, we can talk with someone while watching his or her face.

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Intermediate Page 431

㊥ それと

Conjunction (used in conversation only)

A conjunction which introduces an additional item or statement. And; also; in addition; as well
【Related Expression: それから; それに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 林檎三つとオレンジ二つ、それと、バナナを三本下さい。

Give me three apples and two oranges, and three bananas, as well.

(ksb). スポーツはテニスとゴルフをします。それと、学生時代はアイスホッケーをしていました。

S1: Speaking of sports, I play tennis and golf. S2: In addition, I played ice hockey at school (literally: in my school days).


(i)Noun1{と/に/、}Noun2{と/に/、} それと、Noun
ビールとチーズ、それと、ポテトチップ Beer and cheese, and potato chips as well
(ii)Sentence1 それと、Sentence2
音楽はコーラスをしています。それと、学生の頃フルートを少しやりました Speaking of music, I am a member of a chorus. In addition, I played flute a little when I was a student


(a). 山田さん、木下さん、上野さん、それと、高橋さんもお見えになります。

Mr. Yamada, Mr. Kinoshita, and Mr. Ueno are coming. And Mr. Takahashi, too.

(b). 外国語はドイツ語にフランス語、それと、日本語が少しが話せます。

Talking about foreign languages, I can speak German and French, and a little Japanese.

(c). 留守中に山村さんと浜田さんからお電話がありました。それと、吉田さんからお手紙が出ております。

There were calls from Mr. Yamamura and Mr. Hamada while you were out. Also, a letter came from Mr. Yoshida.

(d). 緊急の問題は先生をどうするかということです。それと、もう一つ、教室の問題も考えなければなりません。

How to get a teacher is the urgent problem. And, for another thing, we have to think about the classroom problem.

(e). この手紙を昼までにタイプしておいてくれる?あ、それと、昨日頼んでおいた飛行機の切符、取れた?

Could you type this letter by noon? Oh, and did (literally: could) you get the air tickets I asked for yesterday?

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Intermediate Page 434

㊥ それは

Interjection (used in conversation only)

An interjection which is used when the speaker emphatically provides an expected response to a question. (yes,) naturally; (yes,) of course; oh, surely
【Related Expression: それが】

Key Sentences

(ks). A:勝ちたいでしょうね。B:(ええ)それは勝ちたいですよ。

A: I bet you want to win (the game). B: (Yes,) of course, I do.


(a). A: 国へ帰りたいと思うことがありませんか。B: (ええ、)それはありますよ。

A: Are there times when you want to go back to your country? B: (Yes,) Of course.

(b). A: この値段だったらみんな買うでしょうか。B: それは買いますよ。そんな値段では絶対買えませんから。

A: I wonder if they would buy (them) for this price. B: They surely would. They could never buy them (anywhere else) for that price.

(c). A: もっと給料が高い方がいいでしょう?B:そりゃ()そうですが…。

A: You would prefer a higher salary, right? B: Naturally, I would, but. . .

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Intermediate Page 436

㊥ それぞれ


Each of two or more things/persons. Each; respectively
【Related Expression: めいめい; おのおの】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 山田さんと鈴木さんは、果物とお菓子をそれぞれ買った。

Yamada and Suzuki bought fruits and cakes, respectively.

(ksb). 読んだ小説はそれぞれ面白かった。

Each of the novels I read was interesting (in its own way).


(a). 好子、美保子、信夫はそれぞれ十五歳、十三歳、九歳です。

Yoshiko, Mihoko, and Nobuo are 15, 13, and 9 years old, respectively.

(b). 父は私と妹に、それぞれ、一万円のお小遣いをくれた。

Father gave me and my younger sister a 10,000 yen allowance each.

(c). トムは寮の部屋で、僕は図書館で、それぞれ勉強する。

Tom and I study in the dorm room and at the library, respectively.

(d). ボブはベスと、一雄はジェミーと、それぞれ出かけた。

Bob and Kazuo went out with Beth and Jemmy, respectively.

(e). 私達は兄弟だが、趣味がそれぞれ違う。

We are brothers, but each of us has different interests.

(f). 誰でもそれぞれ長所と短所がある。

Each of us has our strengths and weaknesses.

(g). このキャンパスの建物はそれぞれ個性がある。

Each of the buildings of this campus has its own individuality.

(h). レストランではそれぞれ好きな物を食べました。

At the restaurant we ate what each of us like.

(i). 裁判官はそれぞれの席に着いた。

The judges took their respective seats.

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Intermediate Page 439

㊥ すぐ


Without having much temporal or physical distance. At once; soon; right away; immediately; readily; instantly; easily; right
【Related Expression: もうすぐ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 家に帰ったらすぐ、寝てしまいました。

I went to sleep as soon as I got home.

(ksb). 銀行は駅のすぐ前です。

The bank is right in front of the station.


(a). 部長は会社に着くとすぐ、仕事を始めた。

The departmental head started to work as soon as he arrived at the company.

(b). 日本に来たらすぐ、電話して下さい。

Please call me as soon as you come to Japan.

(c). 話したいから、すぐ来て下さい。

I want to talk with you, so please come right away.

(d). 安いテレビを買ったらすぐ、壊れてしまいました。

I bought a cheap TV and it broke right away.

(e). あの人はすぐ怒るから、嫌いだ。

He easily gets angry so I don't like him.

(f). その数学の問題はすぐ解けた。

I could solve that math problem easily.

(g). 私の家はすぐそこです。

My house is right there.

(h). 郵便局はスーパーのすぐ隣です。

The post-office is right next to the supermarket.

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Intermediate Page 442

㊥ たびに


A conjunction to express that each time someone/something does something, something else takes place. Every time; each time; on every occasion; whenever
【Related Expression: いつ(で)も; といつ(で)も; 時(に)は】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本へ行くたびに新しいことを学んで帰ります。

Each time I go to Japan I come home having learned something new.

(ksb). 父は旅行のたびにお土産を買ってきてくれる。

On every trip my father comes back with souvenirs.


(i)Vinformal nonpast たびに
食べるたびに Each time someone eats something
勉強するたびに Each time someone studies (something)
(ii)Noun のたびに
試験のたびに On every examination occasion
(iii)VN のたびに
勉強のたびに On every occasion of study


(a). あの人と話すたびに心が和みます。

Each time I talk with her my heart softens.

(b). この本は読むたびに新しい発見がある。

Each time I read this book I make new findings.

(c). 僕は東京に行くたびに恩師のお宅を訪ねることにしている。

I make it a point of visiting my professor's residence every time I go to Tokyo.

(d). 私の孫は会うたびに前より大きくなっている。

My grandson is growing bigger than before each time I see him.

(e). モーツアルトの音楽を聞くたびに人生が豊かになった気がする。

Each time I listen to Mozart's music I feel my life is enriched.

(f). 誕生日のたびに夫は薔薇の花を買ってくれます。

On every birthday my husband buys me roses.

(g). うちでは給料日のたびに銀座のレストランで食事をします。

Our family eats at a restaurant in Ginza every payday.

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Intermediate Page 445

㊥ ただ


An adverb which emphasizes the idea of "only". Only; just; simply; that's all
【Related Expression: たった】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼のただ一つの欠点は時間にルーズだということだ。

His only (one) defect is that he is not punctual (literally: he is slack about time).

(ksb). 彼女はただの一度も手紙をくれなかった。

She didn't write me even once (literally: only once).

(ksc). 彼はただ弁護士だけが頼りだ。

He has no one else to rely on but his lawyer.

(ksd). 彼女とはただお茶を飲んで話をした(という)だけだ。

I just talked with her over a cup of tea; that's all.


(i)ただ One+Counter (のNoun)
ただ一人の息子 The only son
ただ一発で With only one shot
(ii)ただ One+CounterもVerbal(negative)
ただ一日も休んだことがない Have not taken even one day off
(iii)ただ Nounだけ(Particle)
Nounだけ(Particle)単語だけ(を)覚える Remember only words
Nounだけ(Particle)力だけで解決する Solve something only with force
(iv)ただ Verbal(という)だけ(だ)
ただ読んだ(という)だけ(だ) Someone just read it; that’s all
ただ安い(という)だけ(だ) Something is just cheap; that’s all
ただ{静かな/静かだという}だけ(だ) Something is just quiet; that’s all
ただ大学教授(だ)(という)だけ(だ) Someone is just a college professor; that’s all


(a). 彼はただ一人でやってきた。

He came over alone.

(b). 私達が困っていた時、助けてくれた者はただの一人もいなかった。

Not a single person helped us when we were in trouble.

(c). ただ それだけのことで彼を首にしたんでか。

Did you fire him only for that reason?

(d). ただ言われたことだけをやっていても進歩はない。

There will be no progress if you do only what you are told to do.

(e). 私はただ頼まれたことをしているだけだ。

I am just doing what I was asked to do; that's all.

(f). あの男はただ真面目だというだけだ。

He is just serious; he has no other merit.

(g). 別に大した意味はないんですが、ただちょっと聞いてみたかったんです。

It doesn't have any special meaning, but I just wanted to ask.

(h). ただ 人の言うことを鵜呑みにしていては面白い発想は生まれない。

If you simply swallow what other people say, you won't come up with any interesting ideas.

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Intermediate Page 449

㊥ ただの


Not deserving to be mentioned. Usual; ordinary; plain; common; rank and file
【Related Expression: 普通の; に過ぎない】

Key Sentences

(ks). 私はただの平社員ですから、そんなことは知りません。

I'm only an ordinary employee, so I'm not aware of that.


ただの Noun
ただの先生 An ordinary teacher


(a). ただの風邪だと思っていたら、肺炎だった。

I thought it was an ordinary cold, but it was pneumonia.

(b). あの人はただの学者ではないようですね。

He doesn't appear to be an ordinary scholar, does he?

(c). ただの集まりだと思って、顔を出したら、偉い人達が出席していたのでびっくりした。

I put in an appearance because I thought it was an ordinary gathering, but to my surprise there were big shots attending.

(d). A: お父様はお偉い方だったそうですね。B: いいえ、とんでもありません。ただの大学教師でした。

A: I heard that your father was a great man. B: No, not at all. He was an ordinary college professor.

(e). ただの冗談ですよ。

I'm just kidding, you know.

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Intermediate Page 450

㊥ 確かに~が


A structure which expresses the idea "indeed~ but". Indeed~ but; certainly~ but; truly~ but; it is true that~ but; I admit that~ but; definitely~ but
【Related Expression: ことは~が】

Key Sentences

(ks). この車は確かに魅力的だ、値段が高すぎる。

This car is certainly attractive, but the price is too high.


(a). そのパーティーのことは確かに聞いた、いつだったか思い出せない。

I certainly heard about the party, but I don't remember when it is going to be.

(b). 確かに約束はした、今すぐとは言わなかった。

It's true that I promised (to do it), but I didn't say that I would do it right now.

(c). 彼は確かに第一印象がよくない、本当はいい男なんだよ。

He definitely makes a bad first impression, but actually he is a nice man.

(d). この学校は確かにいい学校だ、僕には向いていない。

I admit that this is a good school, but it's not suitable for me.

(e). 確かに僕が悪かった、そんなに怒ることはないだろう。

I admit that it was my fault (literally: I was bad.), but you shouldn't be that mad.

(f). 確かに多くの日本人が海外へ出かけるようになった。海外国語を上手に話す人も沢山いる。しかし、本当の国際人と呼べる人はまだ少ない。

It is true that many Japanese go abroad now. There are also many who speak other languages (literally: foreign languages) well. However, there are still few who can be called "true internationalists".

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Intermediate Page 452

㊥ たところで


Even if an action or a state were realised. Even if
【Related Expression: ても】

Key Sentences

(ks). どんなに低く見積もったところで、工費は五億円を超えるだろう。

No matter how low we estimate the construction expense it will go beyond 500 million yen.


Vinformal past ところで
読んだところで Even if someone read something
飲んだところで Even if someone drank something


(a). この薬を飲んだところで、風邪がすぐ治るわけじゃない。

Even if you took this medicine, it would not be the case that your cold would be cured right away.

(b). この本を読んだところで、日本の経済の全体は分からないだろう。

Even if you read this book, you wouldn't understand the entire economy of Japan.

(c). 一週間に一度ぐらい運動したところで、あまり効果はないでしょう。

Even if you exercise once a week, it won't be very effective.

(d). どんなに頑張ったところで、この科目では優が取れるはずがない。

No matter how much I worked, it would be impossible to get an A in this course.

(e). 休みに天気が良くなったところで、どこかへ出かける当てもない。

Even if the weather gets better on the holiday, there is no particular place to go.

(f). 日本語が話せたところで、日本へ行く金もないので、何にもならない。

Even if I were able to speak Japanese, it wouldn't amount to anything, because I cannot afford to go to Japan.

(g). これ以上話し合ったところで、恐らく無駄でしょう。

Even if we discussed it more, it would probably be futile.

(h). 問題が起こったところで、君には迷惑はかからない。

Even if a problem arises, it will not cause you any trouble.

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Intermediate Page 455

㊥ て

て Form

After/since a point in time at which something takes place. And; since; having done something
【Related Expression: てから】

Key Sentences

(ks). こちらにいらっしゃっもう何年になりますか。

How long have you been here/ how many years it is since you came here?


V Duration
二年 It has been two years since someone came


(a). 二人は結婚し二年後に離婚した。

The couple got married and two years later they got divorced.

(b). 会社を辞めもう久しい。

It has been a long time since I quit the company.

(c). この島を訪れもう何年になるだろうか。

I wonder how many years have already passed since I last visited this island.

(d). この会社で働き始めこれで四年になります。

It's been four years since I began to work at this company.

(e). この町に来まだ一週間目です。

It's my first week in this town.

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Intermediate Page 456

㊥ て初めて


A phrase which expresses the idea that someone does something or something happens only after something else happens or something else is done. Not until; only after; for the first time

Key Sentences

(ks). アメリカへ来て初めて竜巻を見た。

It was not until I came to America that I saw a tornado.


Vて 初めて
読んで初めて Only after you read


(a). 日本で生活して初めて日本人のものの考え方が分かってきた。

It was not until I lived in Japan that I started to understand how Japanese people think.

(b). 日本語を勉強して初めて外国語を学ぶ面白さを知った。

I didn't realise how interesting learning a foreign language was until I studied Japanese.

(c). 考えは文字にしてみて初めてはっきりすることが多い。

It is often not until you write down your idea that it becomes clear.

(d). 病気になって初めて健康の有り難さが分かる。

It is only after you become ill that you realise the value of health.

(e). 生まれて初めて刺身を食べた。

I ate sashimi for the first time in my life.

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Intermediate Page 458

㊥ 点(で)


A noun which expresses the idea of "a point of argument; a point of evaluation; a point of view". Point; respect; regard; aspect; way; in terms of; -wise; in that; as far as~ is concerned
【Related Expression: 面】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼はそういう点でまだ大人とは言えない。

He is not (literally: cannot be called) an adult in that respect.

(ksb). 使いやすさの点ではこの辞書はネルソンの漢英辞典に及ばない。

This dictionary is no match for Nelson's Japanese-English Character Dictionary in terms of ease of use.

(ksc). 通勤の便利さという点では今のアパートは最高だ。

In terms of commuting convenience, the present apartment is the best.

(ksd). このテーブルは手作りである(という)点で値打ちがある。

This table is valuable in that it is handmade.


(i){Demonstrative/Quantifier} ()
この点で In this regard
二、三の点で On a couple of points
(ii){Noun/Adjective(い/な)stem/さ}の ()
値段の点で In terms of price
大きさの点で In terms of size
静かさの点で In terms of quietness
(iii)NounのAdjective(い/な)stemさという ()
頭のよさという点で In terms of brightness
体の柔軟さという点で In terms of body flexibility
(iv)Sinformalという ()
性能かいいという In that the performance is good


(a). 我々が社の製品は全ての点で国外の類似製品より優れている。

Our product is superior to similar foreign products in every way.

(b). 学力の点ではこの学生が一番だろう。

With regard to scholarship, this student is probably the best.

(c). 住みやすさの点では私はこの町の方が前に住んだ町より気に入っている。

In terms of liveability I like this city better than the one where I lived before (this one).

(d). 時間の正確さという点では日本の鉄道は世界一でしょう。

In terms of punctuality the railway systems in Japan are probably the best in the world.

(e). イルカは言葉を話すという点で他の多くの水生動物より高等であると言える。

Dolphins can be said to be superior to other aquatic animals in that they speak (language).

(f). 彼女と私はクラスック音楽が好きだという点で趣味が一致している。

She and I share the same taste in that both of us like classical music.

(g). スミス氏は時代を先取り出来るという点で社長に適任だ。

Mr. Smith is the right person for president in that he can anticipate the trends of the times.

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Intermediate Page 461

㊥ ては


A conjunction which presents an action/state as a topic about which a negative comment is given. If; when; because

Key Sentences

(ksa). そんなに勉強しては、体を壊しますよ。

If you study that hard, you will ruin your health.

(ksb). こんなに寒くては外出できません。

We cannot go out in this cold weather (literally: when it is this cold).

(ksc). 仕事がそんなに嫌いでは困りますね。

It's too bad that you hate your work that much.


(i)Verb ては
食べては When/if one eats; to eat
(ii)Adjective(い/な) ては
大きくては When/if something/someone is big
不便では When/if something is inconvenient
(iii)Noun では
病気では(頼めない) If someone is ill (I can’t ask him to do something)
あの先生では(話にならない) That teacher (would be out of the question)


(a). そんなに遊んでいては、試験に失敗しますよ。

If you are fooling around like that, you will fail the examination.

(b). あの男が来ては邪魔になる。

If he comes he will get in our way.

(c). こんなに働かされては、病気になってしまうよ。

If I'm forced to work like this, I will end up by becoming ill.

(d). こんなに部屋が汚くては、お客さんが見えた時に恥ずかしい。

Because the room is messy like this, I feel ashamed when I have a guest.

(e). 人が皆個人主義的では、国はやっていけない。

If everybody is individualistic, a country cannot get along well.

(f). こんなに忙しくては、新聞も読めない。

When one is this busy, one cannot read even the newspaper.

(g). あんな女性がデートの相手では、彼は小さくなっているだろう。

If a woman like her is his date, he must feel intimidated.

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Intermediate Page 464

㊥ と


A particle which makes an adverbial clause, with a verb of saying/thinking/understood after it. (thinking/saying) that~; because; like; in such a way that~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 幸夫は来年は家が買える大変喜んでいる。

Yukio is very happy that he can buy a house next year.

(ksb). 博物館は開いているかな、電話してみた。

(internal monologue): Wondering if the museum is open I called them.

(ksc). テニスをしょう出かけたら、途中で雨が降ってきた。

With the intention of playing tennis (literally: Thinking that I will play tennis) I went out, but on my way it started to rain.

(ksd). 父はまだ元気なようだ安心していたが、最近急に弱ってきた。

I felt at ease, thinking that my father still looked healthy, but suddenly he began to grow weak.

(kse). 外国語の能力は単語から文、文から段落、そして段落から複段落、伸びていく。

Foreign language proficiency develops from words to sentences, from sentences to paragraphs, and then from paragraphs to complex paragraphs.


(i){V/Adjective(い/な)}informal (思って/言って) Verb of psychology
読める(思って/言って)嬉しがっている Someone is happy thinking/saying that s/he can read it
面白い(思って/言って)喜んでいる Someone is happy thinking/saying that something is interesting
便利だ(思って/言って)嬉しがっている Someone is happy thinking/saying that something is convenient
(ii)Sentence (internal monologue) (思って)
もう会うまい、縁を切った Thinking that someone would not see someone else, he severed the relationship
映画でも見に行こうかな、出かけた Wondering if I should go see a movie I left home
(iii)Vvolitional (思って/して)
食べよう(思って/して) Thinking that s/he would eat it
(iv){V/Adjective(い/な)}informal (conjectural) (思って)
来ないだろう(思って) Thinking that s/he might not come
うまらないかもしれない(思って) Thinking that something might be boring
元気だろう(思って) Thinking that someone might be healthy
(v)NounParticle Noun, …NounParticle Noun (そして)NounParticle(いう{よう/風)に)Verb
男は二階、(いう{よう/風)に)女は一階部屋を分かる Someone divides the rooms in such a way that men are palced upstairs and women in the first floor


(a). 友達は長い間飼っていた猫が死んでしまった、悲しがっていた。

My friend looked sad, saying that a cat, which she kept for a long time, had died.

(b). 彼は癌になったかもしれない心配している。

He is worried that he may have cancer.

(c). その学生はもうちょっとで百点が取れたのに、悔しがった。

That student felt chagrined that he could almost get 100 points.

(d). 彼女と会うのもこれが最後か、寂しかったのです。

Thinking that this would be the last time to see her, I felt lonely.

(e). 変な音がしたな、外に出てみたが、何でもなかった。

Wondering what the strange noise was, I went outside, but it was nothing.

(f). 僕は今晩は酒を飲むまい、まっすぐ家に帰った。

I came straight home, thinking that I would not drink tonight.

(g). 年内に論文を仕上げよう、懸命に努力しているところです。

Thinking that I should complete the paper before the end of the year, I am right now doing my very best.

(h). 彼にお礼を言おうやって来たのに、ほかのことばかり話して、お礼を言うのを忘れてしまった。

I came here intending to thank him, but I just talked about something else, and forgot to thank him.

(i). 少しは体にいいだろう、最近は散歩をしています。

I thought it would make a small improvement to my body, so I am taking walks these days.

(j). 宿題を忘れたので先生に叱られるかもしれない、ビクビクしていた。

I forgot my homework so I feared that I might be scolded by my teacher.

(k). 日本の四季は、春は三月から五月、夏は六月から八月、秋は九月から十一月、冬は十二月から二月まで、どの季節もほぼ同じ長さになっている。

In Japan the four seasons are of approximately equal length, in such a way that spring is from March through May, summer from June through August, autumn from September through November, and winter from December through February.

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Intermediate Page 471

㊥ と同時に

Compound Particle/Conjunction

A phrase which is used to express the idea that someone does something or something takes place at the same time as another action or event, or that someone or something is in two states simultaneously. At the same time (as); at the time; when; as; while as well as~
【Related Expression: と共に; 途端(に)】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼は大学卒業と同時に銀行に就職した。

He got a job at a bank at the time of (literally: at the same time as) his graduation from college.

(ksb). 部屋に入ると同時に電話が鳴った。

The telephone rang (literally: at the same time) as I entered the room.

(ksc). 彼はこの会社の社長であると同時に大株主でもある。

He is the president of this company and, at the same time, a big stockholder.


(i)Noun と同時に
到着と同時に At the same time as someone’s arrival
(ii)Vinformal nonpast と同時に
着くと同時に At the same time as someone arrives
(iii){Adjective な stem/Noun}である と同時に{Adjective な stem/Noun}である
便利であると同時に経済的である Something is economical as well as convenient
フットボールの選手であると同時に野球の選手である Someone is a baseball player as well as a football player


(a). 彼女は結婚と同時に会社を辞めた。

She quit her company at the time of (literally: at the same time as) her marriage.

(b). 銃声と同時に警官の一人が倒れた。

We heard the shot and saw one of the policemen fall. (literally: One of the policemen fell at the same time as the sound of a gun.)

(c). 新しい単語の学習と同時に文法の復習も忘れてはならない。

You mustn't forget grammar review as well as new vocabulary study.

(d). 私はルースと同時に日本語の勉強を始めた。

I started my Japanese study when (literally: at the same time as) Ruth did.

(e). 電車が止まってドアが開くと同時に客がなだれ込んだ。

The train came to a halt and as the doors opened the passengers rushed into the train (literally: the passengers rushed into the train at the same time as the doors opened).

(f). 新社長は就任すると同時に社名を変更した。

The new president changed the company's name when (literally: at the same time as) he assumed the presidency.

(g). 外国語を勉強する時は、文法を理解すると同時に文型の口頭練習もしなければならない。

When you study a foreign language, while you learn (literally: understand) grammar, you must also practice sentence patterns orally.

(h). この新しい装置は安全であると同時に効率がいい。

This new equipment is safe and, at the same time, its performance is good.

(i). 森鷗外は医者であると同時に小説家でもあった。

Mori Ogai was a novelist as well as a doctor.

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Intermediate Page 474

㊥ と言っても


A phrase which is used to clarify a statement in the preceding discourse which might be misleading. Although~ say/said that~; even though~ say/said that~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私には子供がいます。子供と言ってももう大学生ですが。

I have a child. Well, although I said, "child," he is already a college student (literally: he is already a college student, though).

(ksb). A:毎日お忙しいんでしょうね。B:いえ、忙しいと言っても週末は休んでいますから。

A: You are busy every day, aren't you? B: No, although people may say that I'm busy, I do not work on weekends, so . . .


(i)Noun と言っても
先生と言っても Although (I) say, “teacher”
(ii){V/Adjective(い/な)/Noun+Copula}informal と言っても
{行く/行った}と言っても Although (I) say that someone {will go/went}
{安い/安かった}と言っても Although (I) say that it is/was cheap
{静か/静かだった}と言っても Although (I) say that it is/was quiet
{病気だ/病気だった}と言っても Although (I) say that someone is/was ill


(a). もう三月だ。しかし、三月と言ってもこの辺はまだ寒い。

It's already March. But even though I say, "March," it is still cold around here.

(b). 山崎先生はまだお若いです。勿論、若いと言っても五十代ですが。

Professor Yamazaki is still young. Of course, even though I said, "young," he is in his fifties (literally: he is in his fifties, though)

(c). 仕事が見つかりました。と言ってもパートなんですが。

I've found a job. Well, although I said, "job", it is part-time (literally: it is a part-time job, though).

(d). A: 韓国語をご存じなんでしょう?B:いや、知っていると言っても二年勉強しただけですから大したことはありません。

A: You know Korean, right? B: No, even though people say that I know it, my knowledge is limited because I studied it only two years.

(e). A:辻村さんが手伝ってくれるそうですよ。B: でも、手伝ってれると言ってもせいぜい二、三時間でしょう。

A: I heard that Mr. Tsujimura will help us. B: But, even though he says that he will help us, it will probably be for a couple of hours at most.

(f). A: あの子は強いですよ。B: いや、強いと言ってもたかが小学生ですよ。

A: That boy is strong, you know. B: Well, even though you say he is strong, he is only an elementary school kid.

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Intermediate Page 478

㊥ という風に


A phrase which expresses a manner or a way in which someone does something. In such a way that; in such a fashion to suggest/show (etc.) that; as if to say/show (etc.) that
【Related Expression: と言うように】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼はどうしようもないという風に首を振った。

He shook his head as if to say that there was no way out.

(ksb). 私は河村さんは来られないという風に聞いている。

I have been informed that Mr. Kawamura cannot come. (literally: I have been informed in such a way that I understand that Mr. Kawamura cannot come.)

(ksc). 浩司は鰻、友子は天ぷら、という風にめいめいが自分の好きなものを注文した。

Each of them ordered the (different) things they liked- Hiroshi, eel, Tomoko, tempura, and so on.


(i)Sinformal という風に
困ったという風に頭を抱えた Someone held his head in such a fashion as to suggest that he didn’t know what to do
(ii)XはA; YはB という風に
月曜日はピアノ、という風に火曜日はダンス良子は毎日レッスンがある Yoshiko has a lesson every day –piano on Monday, dance on Tuesday, and so on


(a). 彼はもう我慢が出来ないという風に荒々しく立ち上がった。

He stood up in a violent manner showing that he could no longer bear it.

(b). 彼女はもうこれ以上聞きたくないという風に両手で耳を被った。

She covered her ears as if to say that she didn't want to listen to it any more.

(c). 社長には、特に問題はなかったという風に言っておいて下さい。

Please tell the president that (literally: tell it to the president in such a way to convey that) there were no particular problems with it.

(d). この物語は今の社会を風刺しているという風には考えられませんか。

Can't we think that (literally: think in such a way that) this story mocks contemporary society?

(e). そういうことは規則に反するから出来ないという風に説明しておいけばいい。

You can explain that (literally: explain it in a way to mean that) we cannot do things like that because they are against the rules.

(f). 去年はボストン、今年はニューヨークという風に、この協会の大会は毎年東部の大都市で開かれている。

This association's convention is held in a big city on the East Coast every year: last year Boston; this year New York; and so on.

(g). ジョンはケートと、マイクはシンディーと、という風にみんながパートナーを見つけてペアになった。

Everybody found a partner and paired up- John with Kate, Mike with Cindy, and so on.

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Intermediate Page 480

㊥ ということは


A phrase which changes a sentence into a topic noun clause. That; the fact that
【Related Expression: こと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼がこの集まりに来ないということは考えられない。

It is unthinkable that he won't come to this meeting.

(ksb). 手紙が戻って来たということは彼女はもうこの住所にはいないということだ。

The fact that the letter came back means that she no longer lives at this address.

(ksc). 彼が真面目に日本語を勉強していないということは本気で日本で仕事をする気がないのだ。

The fact that he is not studying Japanese seriously means that he is not serious about working in Japan.


Sinformal ということは
返事がないということは The fact that there is no reply


(a). これだけ丁寧に説明すれば、分からないということはあり得ない。

If we explain it this thoroughly, it is impossible that they won't understand it.

(b). 空がこんなに赤いということは何かよくないことが起こる前兆かもしれない。

This red sky (literally: That the sky is this red) might be an omen that something bad will happen.

(c). 彼が金を貸してくれたということは私は彼に信用されているということだ。

The fact that he lent me money means that I am trusted by him.

(d). 言うことを聞かないということは体罰を与えるしかないということだ。

The fact that he doesn't listen to us means that there is no alternative but to punish him physically.

(e). 私がこれだけ言っても分からないということはどういうことなんでしょう。

What does it mean that he doesn't understand me even though I have talked to him such a lot?

(f). 彼女がパーティーをするということは試験に通ったのだ。

That she is having a party must be because she passed the exam.

(g). 彼が毎日授業に来ているということは勉強を続けることにしたのだろう。

The fact that he is attending the class every day probably means that he has decided to continue studying.

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Intermediate Page 484

㊥ というのに


A conjunction to indicate that an action/state takes place quite contrary to one's expectation. But; although; in spite of the fact that~
【Related Expression: のに】

Key Sentences

(ks). 四月だというのに、まだ肌寒い。

It is April, but still chilly (literally: cold on the skin).


Sinformal というのに
いい天気だというのに Although it is a fine day
人が来るというのに Although someone is coming
無駄だというのに Although it is a waste
危ないというのに Although it is dangerous


(a). 明後日はロンドンへ行かなければならないといのに、まだ何も準備していないんですよ。

Although I have to go to London the day after tomorrow, I haven't prepared anything yet, you know.

(b). 彼は母親が危篤だというのに、映画を見に行った。

He went to see a movie in spite of the fact that his mother is in a critical condition.

(c). 年末でとても忙しいというのに、うちの人は一体どこへ行ったのだろう。

It's the end of the year, and we are very busy, but where in the world did my husband go?

(d). 小学四年生だというのに、あの子はもう中学の数学をやっている。

The child is a fourth grader, but he is already studying junior high school math.

(e). 先生がわざわざ本を貸して下さったというのに、読んでいないの?

Your teacher kindly loaned a book to you, but you haven't read it?

(f). 学生は貧乏だというのに、結構いい車を乗り回しているね。

Students are said to be poor, but they are driving around in pretty good cars, aren't they?

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Intermediate Page 487

㊥ というのは~ことだ


A structure which is used to interpreting, explaining, or defining a word, a phrase, or a sentence. Mean; the meaning of~ is; what~ means is
【Related Expression: と言うことは】

Key Sentences

(ksa). パソコンというのはパーソナル・コンピュータのことだ

Pasokon means personal computer.

(ksb). 過労死というのは働き過ぎがもとで死ぬ(という)ことだ

Karoushi means to die from overwork.

(ksc). 「足が出る」というのは出費が予定していたより多くなる(という)ことだ

Ashi ga deru (literally: a foot sticks out) means that an expense exceeds the amount budgeted.

(ksd). 「猿も木から落ちる」というのは上手な人でも時には失敗することがあるということだ

Saru mo ki kara ochiru (literally: even monkeys fall from trees) means that even a skilful person sometimes makes a mistake.


(i)Noun/Adjective な stem というのは
マンションというのは What manshon means is~
独創的というのは Dokusouteki means~
(ii){VP/AP/Sentence}informal というのは
「首を切る」というのは What kubi wo kiru (literally to cut one’s head off) means is~
「溺れる者はわらをもつかむ」というのは What oboreru mono wa wara wo mo tukamu (literally a drowning person cluthes even at a straw) means is~
買取のアパートのことだ ~means an apartment for purchase
(iv)Verb/Adjective ことだ The same as the relative clause formation rules
(何かをするのが)易しいことだ ~means ‘easy to do something’
(何かが)大好きなことだ ~means ‘to like someone a lot’
(何かが上手に)なることだ ~mean ‘to become skilful in something’
(v){VP/AP/Sentence}informal ということだ
細かい所ばかりを見て全体を見ないということだ ~means that one sees only details and does not see the whole


(a). マイカーというのは個人が持っている車のことだ

Maikaa (literally: my car) means a car owned by an individual.

(b). 裏口入学というのは試験を受けないで学校に入ることだ

Uraguchi-nyuugaku (literally: entering school through the back door) means to enter a school without taking an entrance exam.

(c). 「口が軽い」というのは人に言ってはいけないことをすぐ言ってしまう(という)ことだ

Kuchi ga karui (literally: one's mouth is light) means easily telling others things one shouldn't.

(d). 「頭を絞る」というのはいいアイディアを出そうとして一生懸命考える(という)ことだ

Atama wo shiboru (literally: squeeze one's head) means to think hard to get good ideas.

(e). 「猫の額のような」というのは場所がとても狭い(という)ことだ

Neko no hitai no youna (literally: like a cat's forehead) means that a place is very small (as in a very small yard).

(f). 「花より団子」というのは綺麗なものより食べられる団子の方がいい、外観より実質の方を取るということだ

Hana yori dango (literally: dumplings rather than blossoms) means that edible dumplings are better than pretty but inedible blossoms; i.e., one should take substance over appearance.

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Intermediate Page 492

㊥ と言うと


A phrase which is used when something which someone has mentioned causes an involuntary response. When~ mention; if~ say that~; when~ say that~; when it comes to
【Related Expression: と言えば】

Key Sentences

(ksa). サンフランシスコと言うと、あのケーブルカーを思い出す。

When you mention San Francisco, I remember those cable cars.

(ksb). 日本語を話すと言うと聞こえはいいんですが、実は簡単な挨拶が出来るだけなんです。

It sounds impressive when I say that I can speak Japanese, but the fact is that all I can do is exchange simple greetings.


(i)Noun と言うと
長崎と言うと When it comes to Nagasaki
(ii)Sinformal と言うと
家を買ったと言うと If I say that I’ve bought a house


(a). パリと言うと、誰でも真っ先にあのエッフェル塔を思い浮かべるだろう。

When someone mentions Paris, the (literally: that) Eiffel Tower is the first thing likely to come to everyone's mind.

(b). 柔道と言うと、毎日練習した学生時代を思い出す。

When it comes to judo, I remember my school days when I used to practice it every day.

(c). 漫画と言うと馬鹿にする人もあるが、あれはあれで面白いのだ。

Some people ridicule comics (literally: Some people despise you when you mention comics), but comics are interesting in their own way.

(d). 東大卒と言うと偉そうに聞こえるが、私は勉強なんか全然しない劣等生だったんです。

It sounds great when I say that I am a graduate of the University of Tokyo, but I was (in fact) a poor student who didn't study at all.

(e). 会社を辞めたと言うと体裁がいいんですが、彼は本当は辞めさせられたんですよ。

It sounds good when he says that he quit his company, but the truth of the matter is that he was fired (literally: was made to quit).

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Intermediate Page 495

㊥ というより(は)


A phrase that is used to indicate more accurate characterisation of someone or something. Rather than; more~ than~

Key Sentences

(ksa). 今年の夏は涼しいというよりは寒かった。

This summer was cold rather than cool.

(ksb). カーラは臆病というより(は)むしろ用心深い。

Kara is cautious rather than timid.

(ksc). 本田さんは教育者というより(は)むしろ学者に近い。

Mr. Honda is more of a scholar than an educator.

(ksd). あの人は酒を飲むというより(は)むしろ酒に飲まれていると言った方がいい。

One should say that sake drinks him rather than he drinks sake.


(i)Adjective い informal というより()、(むしろ)Adjective い/な
涼しいというより()、(むしろ)寒い Cold rather than cool
(ii)Adjective な stem というより()、(むしろ)Adjective い/な
奇麗というより()、(むしろ)可愛い Cute rather than pretty
(iii)Noun というより()、(むしろ)Noun
青いというより()、(むしろ)紫 Purple rather than blue
(iv)Vinformal というより()、(むしろ)Verb
食べるというより()、(むしろ)飲み込んでいる Someone is swallowing rather than eating


(a). 私にはこの音楽は楽しというよりは、むしろ喧しい。

To me this music is noisy rather than enjoyable.

(b). あの人は丁寧というよりは、慇懃無礼だ。

He is politely insolent rather than polite.

(c). 彼の説明は簡潔というよりは、むしろ不十分だと言うべきだ。

We should say that his explanation is insufficient rather than concise.

(d). 父は、父親というよりは、むしろいい友達という感じでした。

I felt that my father was a good friend rather than a father.

(e). 彼は大学教授というよりは、ビジネスマンだ。

He is a businessman rather than a college professor.

(f). 私は教師ですが、教えているというよりは、勉強させてもらっています。

I'm a teacher, but I am learning (literally: I have the privilege of being allowed to study) rather than teaching.

(g). あの母親は子供を愛しているというよりは、むしろ、甘やかしている。

That mother is pampering her child rather than loving him.

(h). 彼と話していると、会話をしているというよりは、一方的に話を聞かされているといった感じだ。

When I talk with him I feel that unilaterally I am forced to listen to his talk rather than being engaged in conversation.

(i). 私が呼んだというより、むしろ彼女の方が押しかけて来たんです。

It's more of a case of her having invited herself than me having invited her.

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Intermediate Page 498

㊥ とかで


A conjunction that is used to give an uncertain reason for something. For some reason like~; saying something like~; because~ or something like that
【Related Expression: から; ので】

Key Sentences

(ks). 高木さんは大阪に出張するとかでパーティーに来なかった。

Mr. Takagi didn't show up at the party, saying something like he was going to make a business trip to Osaka.


Sinformal とかで
日本へ行くとかで Saying something like someone is going to Japan
学校がつまらないとかで Saying something like the school is boring


(a). 友人の竹田は大学の授業が面白くないとかで大学を辞めてしまった。

My friend Takeda quit college, saying something like the college classes weren't interesting.

(b). ミリアムは日米関係に興味があるとかで、大学で国際関係論を専攻した。

Miriam majored in international relations saying something like she was interested in Japan-US relations.

(c). エンジンに故障があったとかで、飛行機の出発が五時間も遅れた。

The flight departure was five hours late for some reason like there was engine trouble.

(d). 受講生が少なかったとかで、四年生の日本語のクラスは取りやめになった。

The 4th-year Japanese class has been cancelled for some reason like the enrolment was low.

(e). 田村は殺人現場に居合わせたとかで、警察に逮捕された。

Tamura was arrested by the police allegedly because he happened to be at the scene of the murder or something like that.

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Intermediate Page 500

㊥ ところ

Noun (used in writing and formal speech only)

A dependent noun which is used to express the idea that when someone did something, something took place as the result. When; then
【Related Expression: たら】

Key Sentences

(ks). 先生に相談したところ、ぜひ大学院に行くよう進められた。

When I consulted with my teacher, he strongly advised me to go to graduate school.


Vinformal past ところ
使ったところ When someone used (it)


(a). 部長に頼んでみたところ、喜んで引き受けてくれた。

When I asked my boss (literally: department chief), he was glad to do it.

(b). 友達に話したところ、しばらく考えさせて欲しいと言った。

When I told one of my friends (about that), he said he would like to think (literally: would like me to let him think) (about it) for a while.

(c). これまでに書いた論文を本にしたとろこ、意外によく売れた。

When I published a book of the papers that I had written (literally: till this time), it sold unexpectedly well.

(d). 人に勧められてヨガを始めたところ、非常に効果があることが分かった。

I started yoga because someone recommended it; then, I realised it had a great effect.

(e). 冗談のつもりで言ったところ、思わぬ結果になって驚いている。

I'm surprised that what I said as a joke had unexpected consequences' (literally: that when I said it as a joke, it brought about an unexpected result).

(f). その仕事に興味のある旨、手紙を出したところ、すぐに面接をしたいとの返事があった。

When I wrote to them saying that I was interested in the job, I got a letter immediately saying they wanted to interview me.

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Intermediate Page 503

㊥ ところが


A conjunction which is used to present what in fact happened or what is in fact the case when something else was/is expected. However; but
【Related Expression: だが; けれど(も); しかし; それが】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本式の部屋に泊まりたいと思って旅館を予約した。ところが、通された部屋は洋式だった。

I wanted to stay in a Japanese-style room and made a reservation at an inn. However, the room I was shown to was a Western-style one.

(ksb). A:彼女にプロポーズしたんだろう?どうだった?B:ところが、駄目だったんだ。

A: You proposed to her, right? What happened? B: It didn't work out. (literally: It was no good.)


(a). 私の娘はアメリカにいる時綺麗な英語を話していた。ところが、日本へ帰って一年もたたないうちにきれいに忘れてしまった。

My daughter was speaking beautiful English when she was in America. However, she forgot it completely within a year (literally: even before one year elapsed) after we came back to Japan.

(b). 日本から来た有名な先生の講演があるというので行ってみた。ところが、その先生は英語が下手で何を言っているのか全然分からなかった。

Because I heard that there was going to be a lecture by a famous professor from Japan, I went (to listen to it). However, his English was so bad that I didn't understand what he was saying at all.

(c). 先生は私達に遅刻してはいけないと何度も言った。ところが、次の日、時間通りに行ってみると先生はまだ来ていなかった。

Our teacher repeatedly told us that we mustn't be late for his class. However, when I went to his class on time the next day, he was not yet there.

(d). アメリカへ来ればいくらでも仕事はあると言われた。ところが、来てみるとアメリカは不況でどこにも仕事はなかった。

I was told that if I came to America, there would be a lot of jobs. However, when I came, there were no jobs anywhere because of the depression.

(e). アメリカでは鋸は押して切る。ところが、日本では引いて切る。

In America you push a saw in order to cut; however, in Japan you pull one to cut.

(f). A: 今晩のパーティー、君も来てくれるね。B: ところが、あいにく行けないの。

A: [male speech] You can come to tonight's party, too, can't you? B: [female speech] No, I'm afraid I can't.

(g). A: 彼女は結婚しているんでしょう?B:そう見えるでしょう?ところが、まだ独身なんですって。

A: [female or polite male speech] (She is married, isn't she? B: [female speech] She looks like it, doesn't she? But I heard that she's still single.

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Intermediate Page 507

㊥ とも

Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

A conjunction in written Japanese that is used to express a concession. No matter~ may be; even if; at~ -est
【Related Expression: ても; たって】

Key Sentences

(ksa). よく勉強したから、試験にどんな問題が出ようとも大丈夫だ。

Since I studied hard I feel confident no matter what problem shows up on the test.

(ksb). いかに家事が忙しく・かろうとも母は文句一つ言わなかった。

No matter how busy she was with housekeeping, my mother never uttered a single complaint.

(ksc). どんなに健康であろうとも、一年に一回は健康診断を受けるべきだ。

No matter how healthy you are, you should have a check-up once a year.

(ksd). このプロジェクトは遅くとも来年の四月には完了するだろう。

At the latest, this project will be complete in April of next year.


(i)Wh-word+Vvol とも
どこへ行こうとも No matter where someone may go
何を食べようとも No matter what someone may eat
何があるうとも No matter what may happen
(ii)Wh-word+Adjective い stem {く/かろう}とも
{いかに/どんなに}難し{く/かろう}とも No matter how difficult something may be
(iii)Wh-word+Adjective な stem であろうとも
{いかに/どんなに}好きであろうとも No matter how much someone likes something
(iv)Adjective い stem くとも
くとも At the earliest


(a). 父は何が起きようともいつも平然としている。

My father is always very calm no matter what is impending.

(b). 私は世界のどこに住もうとも一向に構わない。

I do not care at all where in the world I live.

(c). 万一失敗しようとも、簡単に諦めてはいけない。

Even if by any chance you fail you shouldn't give up easily.

(d). いかに頭がよ{く/かろう}とも、努力しなければいい仕事は出来ない。

No matter how bright you may be, you cannot do a good job unless you make an effort.

(e). どんなに品物が安{く/かろう}とも、質が悪ければ金を捨てることになる。

No matter how cheap merchandise may be, if the quality is poor, you will end up throwing away money.

(f). 金が十分な{く/かろう}とも、生活を楽しむことは出来るはずだ。

Even without enough money we should be able to enjoy life.

(g). どんなに運動が好きであろうとも、運動のやり過ぎはかえって悪い。

No matter how much one may like exercise, too much of it is bad.

(h). この手紙はあなたがいくら読みたくとも読ませるわけにはいかない。

I cannot let you read this letter, no matter how much you want to read it.

(i). 僕は少なくとも、一年に三回は海外出張をしています。

I make business trips abroad at least three times a year.

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Intermediate Page 511

㊥ となる

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase which expresses the idea that someone or something becomes something. Become

Key Sentences

(ks). 吉田さんが初代の委員長となった

Mr. Yoshida has become the first committee chairman.


Noun となる
必修科目となる Become a compulsory subject


(a). その土地は結局国の所有物となった

That land eventually become state property.

(b). 戦後義務教育は九年間となった

After the war, (the period of) compulsory education was changed to (literally: became) nine years.

(c). 彼らの結婚は悲劇的な結果となった

Their marriage ended in tragedy (literally: became a tragic result).

(d). 彼は証拠不十分で無罪となった

For lack of evidence, he was found (literally: became) innocent.

(e). その試合は雨のため中止となった

The game was cancelled (literally: became a cancellation) due to rain.

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Intermediate Page 512

㊥ となると


A phrase which expresses the idea "when it comes to" or "if it is true that". When it comes to; if it is true that~; if it is the case that~; if it turns out that~
【Related Expression: とすると】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私は機械のこととなると何も分からない。

When it comes to mechanical things, I don't understand anything.

(ksb). 彼が手伝ってくれないとなると誰かほかの人を頼むしかない。

If it's true that he is not going to help us, we'll have no alternative but to ask someone else.


(i)Noun となると
映画となると When it comes to movies
(ii)Sinformal となると Exception: XがNounとなると
彼が来るとなると If it is true that he is coming
彼女が病気となると If it is the case that she is ill


(a). 勉はギャンブルとなると人が変わってしまう。

When it comes to gambling, Tsutomu becomes another person.

(b). 日本語が出来る科学者となると数がかなり限られてくる。

When it comes to scientists who can speak Japanese, the number is quite limited.

(c). 何でも仕事となると楽なものはない。

Nothing is easy (literally: There is nothing easy) when it comes to work.

(d). 彼が参加できないとなるとこのプロジェクトは考え直さなければならない。

If it turns out that he cannot participate (in this project), we'll have to reconsider it.

(e). 秘密が漏れたとなるとこの計画は変更しなければならない。

If it is true that the secret (of this plan) has leaked, we must change it.

(f). 彼が新しい社長になるとなると経営方針がかなり変わるだろう。

If he turns out to be the new president, the management policy will probably be considerably different.

(g). この仕事は簡単そうに見えるが、一人でするとなると結構大変だ。

This job looks easy, but if (it is the case that) you do it by yourself, it will be quite tough.

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Intermediate Page 514

㊥ 通り(に)


A dependent noun which expresses the idea that someone does something or something takes place in the same way as something else. (in) the same way as; (in) the way; as
【Related Expression: ように】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 説明書の通り(に)やったが、うまくいかなかった。

I did it as the manual shows (literally: in the same way as the manual), but it didn't work.

(ksb). 私の言う通り(に)体を動かして下さい。

Please move your body as I tell you to (literally: in the same way as I tell you).

(ksc). 思った通り彼が一番先に来ていた。

As I expected (literally: thought), he was the first to come.

(ksd). 結果はやはり予想した通りだった。

The result was just as I expected, after all.


(i)Noun の通り(に)  
計画の通り(に) The same way as the plan
(ii)Vinformal 通り(に)  
見た通り(に) The way someone saw something
(iii)Demonstrative Adjective 通り(に)  
この通り(に) The same way as this; this way


(a). この地図の通り(に)行けば間違いなく行けます。

If you go as this map shows (literally: in the same way as this map), you can get there without fail.

(b). 私はただ言われた通り(に)やっているだけです。

I'm just doing as I'm told (literally: in the way I'm told).

(c). ここに書いてある通り(に)すれば誰にでも出来ます。

If you follow what is (literally: do it in the way) written here, anyone can do it.

(d). 予想した通り誰も宿題をやってこなかった。

As I expected, no one did their homework.

(e). 心配していた通りペンキが足りなくなった。

As I feared, I ran out of paint.

(f). 内容はこの間説明した通りです。

The content is the same as I explained to you the other day.

(g). これは私が考えていた通りのデザインです。

This is the same design as the one I have thought about.

(h). A:これは何語か分かりますか。B: アラビア語です。A: はい、その通りです。

A: Do you know what language this is? B: It's Arabic. A: That's right (literally: the same as you said).

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Intermediate Page 518

㊥ とする (1)


A phrase indicating that someone assumes something. Assume that; regard~ as; let; suppose
【Related Expression: にする; となると】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 温度は一定(だ)とする

We assume that the temperature is constant.

(ksb). 一日に五百マイル運転できるとすれば・すると、何日で着きますか。

Assuming that we can drive 500 miles a day, how many days will it take to get there?

(ksc). 温暖化現象がこのまま続いたとしよう

Suppose the greenhouse effect continued on like this.


(i)Noun1 は Noun2 (だ)とする
一ドルは百三十円(だ)とする We assume that one dollar is 130 yen
(ii)Sinformal nonpast とする
山田さんが来られないとする(ちょっと困る) If we assume that Mr. Yamada cannot come, (we are at a bit of a loss)
日本へ行くとすれば(いつ行ったらいいだろう) Assuming that we go to Japan, (I wonder what would be the best time)
(iii)Sinformal past とする
百万円もらったとしよう Suppose you received ¥1,000,000
あと百日の命だと言われたとする Let’s suppose that you were told you only had 100 days left to live


(a). 今、空気抵抗は無視出来るものとする

Now let's assume that we can ignore air resistance.

(b). 男性の女性に対するこのような行為は性的いやがらせであるとする

Let's assume such behaviour by men towards women is regarded as a sexual harassment.

(c). 西洋では日本のいわゆる私小説は小説ではないとされる

In the West the Japanese so-called 'I' novels are not regarded as novels.

(d). 私はアメリカを第二の故郷とすることに違和感を覚えない。

I don't feel uneasy regarding America as my second home country.

(e). 夏の九週間集中日本語講座の単位は六単位とする

We let the units of the 9-week intensive Japanese course in summer count for 6 units.

(f). 利息は年3.5%とする

Let the interest rate be 3.5 % annually.

(g). 日本経済がこのまま下降線をたどるとすると、日本語ブームもやがては終わるかもしてない。

If we assume that the Japanese economy keeps going down as it is now, the Japanese language boom may eventually come to an end.

(h). 日本が集団主義的な国だとすれば、欧米は、やはり、個人主義的な国と言えるだろう。

If we assume that Japan is a country of groups, then Europe and the States can be said to be countries of individualism.

(i). 為替レートを一ドル百円とすれば、この家はいくらになりますか。

Assuming that the exchange rate is one dollar to 100 yen, how much will this house amount to?

(j). X+Y=20で、Xが8だとすれば、Yは12になる。

If we assume that X = 8 in X + Y = 20, Y will be 12.

(k). 一男を養子とすることには依存はない。

I have no objection to regarding Kazuo as our adopted son.

(l). 大陸の中国が完全に資本主義社会になったとしよう。中国は何年後に経済大国になるであろうか。

Suppose that continental China became a completely capitalized society. How long do you think it would take for the country to become an economic giant?

(m). ニューヨークの物価指数を100としよう

Let New York's price index be 100.

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Intermediate Page 523

㊥ とする(2)


To have a sensory or psychological experience. Feel~; look~

Key Sentences

(ks). あの人はちょっとしたことでかっとする

That person flares up at the slightest provocation.


Sound Symbolism とする
つるっとする Someone feels something slippery
ほっとする Someone feels relieved


(a). あの男の人は目がギョロリとしている。

He has goggling eyes.

(b). 姉は足がすらっとしている

My older sister has slender legs.

(c). 今日の天気はからっとしていて、気持ちがいい。

It is nice and dry today.

(d). 昔の恋人を東京駅で見かけて、はっとした

I was taken aback when I saw my old girlfriend at Tokyo station.

(e). ジョンは遅刻して先生に叱られたのに、けろっとしていた。

John was scolded by his teacher when he came in late, but he didn't show any sense of wrong doing.

(f). 日本語の試験が思ったよりよく出来たのでほっとした

I felt relieved because I did better in a Japanese test than I expected.

(g). 部長は部下に反対された時、むっとした

The department chief looked offended when he was opposed by his subordinate.

(h). 難しいと思っていた日本語の試験が易しかったのでほっとした

The Japanese test which I thought would be difficult turned out to be easy, and I felt relieved.

(i). 休みの日は何もしないで、ぼうっとしているのが好きです。

On my days off I like to do nothing and to be completely laid back.

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Intermediate Page 525

㊥ 途端(に)


A noun/adverb which expresses the idea that 'something occurred the moment someone did something or something took place'. The moment; just as; as soon as; then
【Related Expression: と同時に】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 先生の顔を見た途端(に)宿題があったことを思い出した。

The moment I saw my teacher, I remembered that there was a homework assignment.

(ksb). ドアを開けたら、途端にカレーの匂いがした。

The moment I opened the door, I smelled curry.


(i)Vinformal past 途端()
座った途端() The moment someone sat down
(ii)Vinformal pastら 途端に
食べたら、途端に The moment someone ate something


(a). 部屋に入った途端(に)電話が鳴った。

Just as I entered my room, the telephone rang.

(b). その日本の写真を見た途端(に)家族に会いたくなった。

I wanted to see my family the moment I saw that Japanese photograph.

(c). 彼女は私の顔を見た途端(に)泣き出した。

As soon as she saw me, she started to cry.

(d). コンセントを差し込んだら、途端に家中の電気が消えた。

The moment I put the plug in, all the lights went out in the house.

(e). その牛乳を飲んだら、途端に腹が痛み出した。

As soon as I drank the milk, my stomach started to ache.

(f). 助かったと思った。その途端(に)、力が抜けて気を失ってしまった。

I thought I was saved; then (literally: at that moment), my strength was gone and I lost consciousness.

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Intermediate Page 528

㊥ とうとう


An adverb that is used to express the eventual arrival of an expected situation. Finally; at (long) last; eventually; in the end; after all
【Related Expression: やっと; ついに】

Key Sentences

(ks). 朝から降りそうだった雨がとうとう降り出した。

It's been threatening to rain since the morning and finally it started to rain. (literally: The rain which threatened to fall from the morning finally started to fall.)


(a). 弟は医者の忠告を聞かないで煙草を吸い続け、とうとう肺がんになってしまった。

My younger brother didn't take his doctor's advice and kept smoking until he finally got lung cancer.

(b). 日本語の先生が余りにも厳しかったから、その学生はとうとう日本語が嫌いになってしまった。

Because his Japanese instructor was so strict the student eventually came to hate the Japanese language.

(c). その数学の問題は何時間かけても解けなかったので、とうとう諦めてしまった。

I wasn't able to solve the mathematical problem after spending many hours on it, so I finally gave up.

(d). ビルは妻との関係がだんだん悪化し、とうとう別れてしまった。

Bill's relationship with his wife gradually deteriorated and they eventually separated.

(e). この会社で働くのもとうとう今日が最後となった。

At long last this is the last day I work at this company.

(f). 十五年も飼っていた猫がとうとう老衰で死んでしまった。

The cat we had kept for 15 years finally died of old age.

(g). とうとう博士論文を書いてしまった。

At long last I finished writing a Ph.D. dissertation.

(h). 私達の結婚の日がとうとうやって来た。

Our wedding day has finally come.

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Intermediate Page 532

㊥ と共に

Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

A phrase which is used to express the idea that A and B share a common property or do the same thing together, that two things take place at the same time, or that someone or something possesses two properties. As well as; with; along with; at the same time; when, as; while
【Related Expression: に従って; にともなって; につれて; と同時に; と一緒に; と並んで; と同じく】

Key Sentences

(ksa). スタインベックはへミングウィイと共にアメリカの代表的作家の一人だ。

Steinbeck, as well as Hemingway, is a writer representative of American writers.

(ksb). 私は職場の同僚達と共にそのデモに参加した。

I took part in the demonstration with my office colleagues.

(ksc). 病気が回復すると共に食欲も出てきた。

As I'm recovering from my illness, my appetite is coming back.

(ksd). 彼は科学者であると共に哲学者でもあった。

He was a philosopher as well as a scientist.


(i)Noun と共に
山田先生と共に As well as Mr. Yamada; with Mr. Yamada
退職と共に At the same time as one’s retirement
気候の変化と共に With the climate change; as the climate changes
(ii)Vinformal nonpast と共に
景気が回復すると共に As business recovers
(iii){Noun/Adjective な stem} であると共に
医者であると共に As well as being a doctor
経済的であると共に As well as being economical
(iv)Adjective い informal nonpast と共に
興味深いと共に As well as being interested


(a). 原子力は石油と共に重要なエネルギー源だ。

Atomic energy, as well as petroleum, is an important energy source.

(b). 轟音と共にジェット機が飛び去った。

A jet flew off with a roaring sound.

(c). 武士階級は封建制と共に滅びだ。

The samurai class died with the feudal system.

(d). 終戦と共に激しいインフレが人々を襲った。

Severe inflation hit people when the war ended (literally: with the end of the war).

(e). 景気の回復と共に失業率が下がってきた。

As business is recovering (literally: With the recovery of business), the unemployment rate is coming down.

(f). 年をとると共に耳が遠くなってきた。

As I get older, I am losing my hearing.

(g). 調査が進むと共に新しい事実が次々に明らかになっていった。

As the investigation progressed, one new fact after another was revealed.

(h). 文法を復習すると共に漢字の勉強も忘れてはならない。

While you review grammar, you must not forget to study kanji.

(i). 現在のエネルギー利用技術を改良すると共に新しいエネルギー源を探すことが急務である。

It is urgent that we improve current energy utilization technology while looking for a new energy source.

(j). その提案は建設的であると共に革命的であった。

The discovery was revolutionary as well as constructive.

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Intermediate Page 536

㊥ とは限らない


A phrase which expresses the idea "not necessarily". Not always; not necessarily

Key Sentences

(ksa). 体の弱い人が早く死ぬとは限らない

Frail people do not necessarily die young.

(ksb). 高い物がいつも・必ずしも安い物よりいいとは限らない

Expensive things are not always/ necessarily better than inexpensive ones.

(ksc). 日本に長く住んでいるから(と言って)日本語が上手だとは限らない

It is not necessarily the case that people are good at Japanese because they have lived in Japan a long time.

(ksd). 日本に行っても日本語が上手になるとは限らない

You will not necessarily become good at Japanese even if you go to Japan.

(kse). お金があれば幸福になれるとは限らない

You will not (literally: cannot) necessarily be happy if you have money.


Sinformal とは限らない
よくなるとは限らない Someone will not necessarily get well


(a). 漫画が子供の教育にとって有害だとは限らない

Comics are not necessarily harmful to children's education.

(b). 日本人の使う日本語がいつも正しいとは限らない

The Japanese used by Japanese people is not always correct.

(c). スポーツ選手が必ずしも健康だとは限らない

Athletes are not necessarily healthy.

(d). 技術の進歩が必ずしも我々に繁栄をもたらすとは限らない

Progress in technology does not necessarily bring us prosperity.

(e). 先生がそう言ったからと言ってそれが正しいとは限らない

It is not necessarily correct just because the teacher said so.

(f). 薬を飲んだからと言ってよくなるとは限らない

You do not necessarily get better because you take medicine.

(g). 頭がよくても人生に成功するとは限らない

You do not necessarily succeed in your life even if you are smart.

(h). 実力があっても失業しないとは限らない

It is not necessarily true that you won't lose your job even if you have ability.

(i). 悪い家庭環境に育てば必ず悪い子供になるとは限らない

It is not necessarily true that children become bad if they grow up in a bad family environment.

(j). 時間が沢山あればいい論文が書けるとは限らない

It is not necessarily true that you can write a good paper if you have a lot of time.

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Intermediate Page 538

㊥ つまり


An adverb that is used to summarise or rephrase what has been mentioned/stated in the preceding context. That is (to say); namely; in short; to sum up; in other words; after all; that means
【Related Expression: 結局; すなわち; ようするに】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ベルリンの壁が崩れた。これはつまり、民主化の嵐が始まったということだ。

The Berlin Wall fell apart. This means that the storm of democratization has started.

(ksb). 私の母の弟、つまり、叔父が最近離婚した。

My mother's younger brother, that is to say, my uncle, has recently divorced.


(i)Sentence 1 (Sentence2…) つまり Sentence Noun
金がない。つまり、貧乏なんです。 I don’t have money. In other words, I’m poor
(ii)Noun Phrase つまり Noun/Noun Phrase
母の姉の子供、つまり、私のいとこ The child of my mother’s older sister, my cousin, that is


(a). アメリカに一年間一人で出張するんです。つまり、単身赴任ということですよ。

I'm going without my family to work for the company in America for one year. In other words, I'm becoming a tanshin-funin worker.

(b). 運動をした後は気分がよくなりませんね。つまり、運動でストレスがなくなるということなんですよ。

You feel good after exercise, right? That means, stress is eliminated by exercise.

(c). A:部長、このプロジェクトは出来ますか。B: そうだね。いいプロジェクトだと思うけど、予算がどうもねえ。A:つまり、出来ないということですね。

A: Chief, can we do this project? B: Well, I think it's a fine project, but you know how the budget is. A: In short, we cannot do it, right?

(d). 日本の父親は子供がまだ寝ている時に家を出て、子供達が寝てから家に帰って来る。つまり、父親不在ということだ。

Japanese fathers leave home while their children are still asleep and come home after they have gone to sleep. This is, in short, an absence of fathers.

(e). A:彼女、僕が会いに行っても、あまり話してくれないんですよ。B: それは、つまり、君のことが嫌いなんだよ。

A: I go to see her, but she doesn't talk much to me, you know. B: That means, she doesn't like you.

(f). 産業化のために自然が破壊されること、つまり、環境破壊は人類の問題だ。

The destruction of nature by industrialization, that is to say, environmental destruction, is a problem of mankind.

(g). 私の母の妹の、娘、つまり、私のいとこが来週バンコクから来ます。

The daughter of my younger sister, my cousin, that is, is coming from Bangkok next week.

(h). 女性を女性だからといって差別すること、つまり、性差別の問題はどこへ行ってもある。

To discriminate against a woman simply because she is a woman, in short, sexual discrimination, exists no matter where you go.

(i). つまり、誰も悪くないということだ。

Nobody is to blame, after all.

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Intermediate Page 542

㊥ つつ

Auxiliary/Conjunction (used in writing and formal speech only)

(1) an auxiliary which expresses an action in progress; (2) a conjunction which is used to present two concurrent actions. -ing; while; although
【Related Expression: いる; ながら】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 台風が九州接近しつつある。

A typhoon is approaching Kyushu.

(ksb). 彼女は夫の無罪を信じつつ息を引き取った。

She died believing that her husband was innocent.

(ksc). 煙草は体によくないと分かりつつなかなか辞められない。

Although I know that smoking is harmful to my health, I just cannot quit.


Vます つつ
思いつつ While thinking


(a). 新しい本社ビルが完成しつつある。

The new headquarters building is drawing to completion.

(b). オリンピックの施設が出来つつある。

The Olympic facilities are being completed.

(c). この大学は現在キャンプスの移転を検討しつつある。

This university is considering moving its campus now.

(d). 甘い物を食べると太ると分かりつつ、つい手が出てします。

Although I know that eating sweets makes me gain more weight, I unintentionally reach out for them.

(e). 悪いことと知りつつ、友達に嘘をついてしまった。

Knowing that it was a bad thing, I told my friend a lie.

(f). 早く論文を書かなければいけないと思いつつ、今日もテレビを見てしまった。

Although I was thinking that I had to write the paper soon, I watched TV today, too.

(g). 私は父の無事を祈りつつ病院に急いだ。

I hurried to the hospital hoping that my father was all right.

(h). 彼は最後まで自分の学説が正しいことを主張しつつこの世を去った。

He died while insisting until the last moment that his theory was correct.

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Intermediate Page 547

㊥ (の)上で

Compound Particle

A compound particle that is used to express a preparatory action for a relatively important action. Upon~; after~
【Related Expression: てから】

Key Sentences

(ksa). よく考えた上で御返事いたします。

I will reply upon careful consideration.

(ksb). 話し合いの上で結論を出したいと思います。

I would like to draw a conclusion after discussion.


(i)Vinformal past 上で  
読んだ上で Upon reading
研究した上で Upon conducting research
(ii)Noun の上で  
調査の上で After investigating
討議の上で After discussion


(a). よく問題を話し合った上で決めたらどうでしょうか。

Why don't we decide after discussing the matter?

(b). 実験をした上で、理論の正しさを証明しなければならない。

We have to prove the correctness of the theory after conducting an experiment.

(c). 日本文学のスミス先生と相談した上で、修士論文の題目を決めました。

I decided the topic of my M.A. thesis after consulting with Japanese literature Professor Smith.

(d). 彼女とはお見合いをして、一年間交際した上で、結婚に踏み切りました。

I decided to get married after meeting her through an arranged match and dating her for one year.

(e). 日本の生活は高くつくと知った上で、日本へ留学した。

I went to Japan to study, knowing that life is expensive there.

(f). 十冊ぐらい本を読んだ上で、学期末のレポートを書き上げた。

I finished writing my term paper after having read about 10 books.

(g). 面談の上で、採否を決めます。

After an interview we will decide whether or not to approve the adoption.

(h). 二人は協議の上で離婚した。

The two got divorced after reaching an agreement.

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Intermediate Page 551

㊥ 上(に)


A conjunction which introduces an additional, emphatic statement. As well; in addition; besides; furthermore; moreover; not only~ but also
【Related Expression: ばかりで(は)なく~も; ばかりか~(さえ); だけで(は)なく~も; その上】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この映画は話の筋が面白い上(に)配役がいい。

Besides the fact that this movie has an interesting storyline, the cast is good.

(ksb). 彼は仕事を見つけてくれた上(に)お金まで貸してくれた。

Not only did he find me a job, he even lent me some money.

(ksc). 彼女はフランス語が専門の上(に)パリにしばらく住んでいたから、フランス語かペラペラだ。

She is fluent in French because she majored in French and, in addition, she lived in Paris for a while.


Sentence () The same as relative clause connection rules


(a). 吉岡さんは奥さんに離婚された上(に)仕事まで失った。

Not only was Mr. Yoshioka divorced by his wife, he also (literally: even) lost his job.

(b). 私は年をとっている上(に)特に技能もないので、なかなか仕事が見つからない。

Because I am not only old but also have no special skills, it is hard to find a job.

(c). この車は故障が少ない上(に)燃費がいいので、よく売れている。

This car sells well because (besides the fact that) it seldom needs repairs (literally: seldom has trouble) and furthermore it gets good mileage.

(d). 私のアパートは狭い上(に)家具が沢山あるので、お客さんが来た時、寝てもらう場所がない。

Besides being small, my apartment has a lot of furniture, so there is no space for guests to sleep when they come.

(e). 私のアパートは通勤に便利な上(に)家賃が安い。

My apartment is convenient for commuting to work and, furthermore, the rent is inexpensive.

(f). 田中先生は教え方が上手な上(に)学生の面倒をよく見るから、とても人気がある。

Ms. Tanaka is very popular because she is good not only at teaching but also at taking care of her students.

(g). 彼はスピード違反で捕まった時、無免許の上(に)酒に酔っていた。

When he was caught for speeding, he had no driver's license (i.e., he was not licensed) and, moreover, he was drunk.

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Intermediate Page 553

㊥ 得る (うる・える)

Auxiliary Verb (Group 2) (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary verb that expresses possibility. Can; possible; -able
【Related Expression: ことが出来る; られる】

Key Sentences

(ks). 二十一世紀に日本語は国際語になり得ると思う。

I think it's possible for the Japanese language to become an international language in the 21st century.


Vます うるえる
起こり{うるえる} Can happen
あり{うるえる} Can exist


(a). 株の変動はいつでも起こり得る

The fluctuation of stocks can happen any time.

(b). ほとんどの癌は予防し得る

The majority of cancers are preventable.

(c). 一度に記憶し得る単語の数は限られている。

The number of vocabulary items one can memorize at one time is limited.

(d). 運動をすることによって健康を維持し得る

By doing exercise one can maintain one's health.

(e). 日本語の基礎はだいたい二年間で学び得る

One can learn the basics of Japanese in roughly two years.

(f). 日本の経済が不況になることだって十分にあり得る

It is quite possible that the Japanese economy will go into a slump.


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Intermediate Page 556

㊥ Vmasu


A continuative form of a verb which means "V and...". And; -ing
【Related Expression: Verb て Form】

Key Sentences

(ksa). ジョンは日本で生まれ、十歳まで日本の学校で勉強した。

John was born in Japan and studied at a Japanese school until he was ten.

(ksb). 父は銀行に勤め、母はうちの近くでブティックを開いている。

My father works for a bank and my mother has a boutique near my house.


(a). みんながお金を出し合い、京子の出産祝いを買った。

Everybody contributed some money and bought a present for Kyoko's new baby.

(b). 海老は殻をむき、サラダ油で軽く炒めます。

As for shrimp, you take their shells off and fry them lightly in salad oil.

(c). 日本では一週間前から梅雨に入り、毎日鬱陶しい日が続いています。

In Japan we've been in the rainy season for a week (literally: since a week ago) and had gloomy days every day.

(d). 本校の五十周年を記念し、祝賀パーティーを開きます。

Commemorating this school's fiftieth anniversary, we are going to have a celebration party.

(e). 長男は医者になり、次男は弁護士になった。

My first son became a doctor and my second, a lawyer.

(f). 男が荷車の前の綱を引っ張り、女が後ろを押した。

The man pulled the strap in front of the cart and the woman pushed it from behind.

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Intermediate Page 561

㊥ Vmasu as a Noun


Vます used as a regular noun.

Key Sentences

(ksa). 彼はまだ若いから、考えが浅い。

Because he is still young, his thoughts are shallow.

(ksb). 日本語は、話すのは比較的易しいが、読み書きは難しい。

It is relatively easy to speak Japanese, but reading and writing are hard.


(a). 終わりがよければ、全体よくなる。

If the end is alright, all becomes good.

(b). 遊びのない生活はつまらない。

Life without play is boring.

(c). お金の貸し借りはしない方がいい。

It is better not to borrow or lend money.

(d). 東京ディズニーランドに車で行って来たが、行き帰りに五時間以上もかかった。

We went to Tokyo Disneyland but it took more than five hours to get there and back.

(e). 人生は勝ち負けの連続だ。

Life is a series of wins and losses.

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Intermediate Page 564

㊥ は


A particle which emphatically affirms or negates the proposition represented by the preceding verbal and other related elements. [emphatic] {do/does/did} V; will V; {am/are/is/was/were} Adjective/Noun; (not) V/Adjective/Noun
【Related Expression: ことは】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 行きしますが、何も手伝えませんよ。

I am going (there) but I cannot help you, all right?

(ksb). 疲れているが、まだ休みたくない。

I am tired but I don't want to take a break yet.

(ksc). あの男には説明しても分かりしない。

That guy would not understand even if you explained it to him.

(ksd). あのズボンは安くあるが、ちょっと時代遅れた。

Those pants are cheap but they are a little too old-fashioned.

(kse). この本は内容を考えれば決して高くない。

This book is not expensive at all when you consider its content.


(i)Vます {する(が)/しない}
話し{する(が)/しない} Someone will tell (but)/will not tell
(ii)Vて {いる(が)/ いない} {みる(が)/みない}, etc.
食べて{いる(が)/ いない} Someone is eating (but)/is not eating
(iii)Adjective い stem くは{ある (が)/ ない}
面白くは{ある (が)/ ない} Something is interesting (but)/is not interesting
(iv)Adjective な stem/Noun では{ある (が)/ ない}
便利では{ある (が)/ ない} Something is convenient (but)/is not convenient
学生では{ある (が)/ ない} Someone is a student (but)/is not a student


(a). 酒は飲みするが、それほど好きではない。

I do drink but don't like it very much.

(b). 彼は日本語を読めするが、話せしない。

He can read Japanese but cannot speak it.

(c). 彼女はベッドに横になっているが、目は開いている。

She is lying in bed but her eyes are open.

(d). 試験を受けてみるが、通る自信は全然ない。

I will take the exam (and see what will happen), but I have no confidence that I will pass it.

(e). 彼は何を言っても聞きしない。

He does not listen, no matter what we tell him.

(f). この花瓶は高くあるが、それだけの値打ちある。

This vase is expensive but it is valuable to that extent.

(g). この問題はよく考えれば難しくないはずだ。

If you think carefully, this problem should not be difficult.

(h). あの男は優秀であったが、不正なことをしたので、首になった。

He was smart but he was fired because he did something illegal.

(i). 日本人ではあるが、あまり日本語を話せない。

He is Japanese but cannot speak Japanese well.

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Intermediate Page 568

㊥ は言うまでもなく

Adverbial Phrase (used in writing and formal speech only)

An adverbial phrase that conveys the meaning of 'not to speak of something/someone'. Not to speak of; let alone; not to mention; to say nothing of
【Related Expression: ばかりで(は)なく~(も); は言うに及ばず; はもちろん】

Key Sentences

(ks). 大統領の職務は頭脳は言うまでもなく、体力も要求される。

The duty of the presidency requires physical strength, not to mention brains.


Noun は言うまでもなく
スポーツは言うまでもなく Not to speak of sports


(a). 日本は土地は言うまでもなく、家も非常に高い。

In Japan houses are very expensive, not to mention land.

(b). この大学は教育内容は言うまでもなく、設備も抜群に優れている。

This university excels in facilities, to say nothing of educational programs.

(c). 彼は平日は言うまでもなく、週末や祭日も仕事をしている。

He is working even on weekends and holidays, not to speak of weekdays.

(d). ジュリアンは菜食主義者なので、牛肉は言うまでもなく、魚も鶏肉も食べない。

Julian is a vegetarian, so he doesn't eat fish or chicken, let alone beef.

(e). あの学生は漢字は言うまでもなく、平仮名、片仮名さえ知らない。

That student doesn't know even hiragana and katakana, let alone kanji.

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Intermediate Page 570

㊥ わけだ


A phrase which presents a fact or truth known to the hearer as an introduction to a following statement, or which gives emphasis to a fact or truth which the hearer might not know. As you know; the fact is that~; the truth of the matter is that~
【Related Expression: のだ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 福田先生の死で私達はリーダーを失ってしまったわけですが、今後は私達自身でこの会を発展させていかなければなりません。

As you know, we lost our leader with Professor Fukuda's death. From now on we have to advance this group by ourselves.

(ksb). 戦争は大きな犠牲を伴うわけで、我々は何としてもこれを避けなければならない。

War is accompanied by great sacrifice, as you know, and we have to avoid it at any cost.

(ksc). 今でこそ地球が丸いことは子供でも知っているが、コロンブス以前は誰もが地球は平らだと思っていたわけだ

Today, even children know that the earth is round, but the truth of the matter is that before Columbus everybody thought that it was flat.


(i){V/Adjective い} わけだ
{話す/話した}わけだ Someone will talk/talked, as you know
{高い/高かった}わけだ Something is/was expensive, as you know
(ii)Adjective な stem {だった}わけだ
{静か/静かだった}わけだ Something is/was quite, as you know
(iii)Noun {であるだった (or であった)}わけだ
彼の責任{であるだった (or であった)}わけだ Something is/was his responsibility, as you know


(a). 残念ながら今回の交渉はこういう結果になってしまったわけですが、これからも交渉は続けていくつもりです。

Unfortunately, the negotiation this time, as you know, ended up with a result like this, but we are planning to keep negotiating from now on, too.

(b). 我々は多くの技術を日常生活に取り入れてきたわけだが、それからがすべて我々に幸福をもたらしたかどうかは疑問である。

We have incorporated a lot of technology into our everyday life, as you know, but whether or not all of it has brought us happiness is questionable.

(c). 私は動物のコミュ二ケージョンを研究しているわけですが、この研究から色々面白いことが分かります。

I've been doing research on animal communication, as you know, and various interesting facts have become known from this research.

(d). 何事をするにも基本がしっかり出来ているかどうかが進歩の鍵となるわけで、外国語学習についても同じことが言えるわけです

As you know, whatever you do, whether or not you have built a firm foundation for that is a key to your progress, and in fact, you can say the same thing about foreign language study.

(e). 赤ん坊は自分ではものを言わないが、話しかけられている時に言葉を学習しているわけだ

Babies, themselves, do not talk, but the truth of the matter is that they are learning language when they are spoken to.

(f). 我々は今コンピュータを取り上げられるとたちどころに困ってしまうけれども、今から十年程前はコンピュータなしでやっていたわけです

We would be in trouble immediately if computers were taken away from us now, but the fact is that we were getting by without them a decade ago.

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Intermediate Page 574

㊥ わけではない


A phrase which is used to deny what is implied in the previous or following statement. It does not mean that~; I don't mean that~; it is not that~; it is not true that~; it is not the case that

Key Sentences

(ksa). この問題を解決するのは非常に難しい。しかし、不可能(だ)というわけではない

It is very difficult to solve this problem. But that does not mean that it is impossible (to solve).

(ksb). 君の考えに反対するわけではないが、そのやり方でうまくいくだろうか。

I don't mean to oppose your idea, but I wonder if things will go well using that approach.

(ksc). 結果さえよければいいというわけではない

Obtaining a good result is not enough. (literally: It is not that it is all right if just the result is good.)


(i){V/Adjective い}informal (という)わけではない
{分かる/分かった}(という)わけではない It does mean that someone understands/understood something
{悪い/悪かった}(という)わけではない It does not mean that someone is/was bad
(ii)Adjective な stem {だった}わけではない
{駄目/駄目だった}わけではない It does not mean that something is/was no good
(iii)Adjective な stem {だった}というわけではない
{駄目/駄目だった}というわけではない It does not mean that something is/was no good
(iv)Noun だったわけではない
失敗だったわけではない It does not mean that something was a failure
(v)Noun {()/だった}というわけではない
{失敗()/だった}というわけではない It does not mean that something is/was a failure


(a). 私は最近あまり沢山食べないが、食欲がないわけではない

I do not eat much these days, but it doesn't mean that I have no appetite.

(b). この二、三年本を書いていないが、スランプというわけではない

I haven't written a book for the last few years, but it doesn't mean that I am in a slump.

(c). このプロジェクトは資金不足のため中止されることになった。しかし、今までしてきたことが全く無駄になるわけではない

It's been decided that this project is going to be stopped because of a lack of funds. However, it doesn't mean that what we have done up to now is going to be a total waste.

(d). いくら日本語が出来ないと言っても全然話せないわけではない

Although I say that I cannot speak Japanese, it doesn't mean that I cannot speak it at all.

(e). 君の言うことが分からないわけではないが、やっぱりこの計画は止めた方がいいと思う。

I don't mean that I don't understand what you are saying, but I think you'd better give up this plan after all.

(f). 全然見込みがないわけではないが、あまり期待はしない方がいいでしょう。

I don't mean that there is no hope, but you'd better not expect too much.

(g). あの人が嫌いだというわけではないんですが、結婚したいとは思いません。

I don't mean that I don't like him, but I do not want to marry him.

(h). 言われたことだけしていたらそれでいいというわけではない

Doing only what you are told to do is just not enough.

(i). A:この病人は全く助からないんですか。B:いや、そういうわけではありません

A: Can't this patient be saved (literally: at all)? B: No, it is not that he can't be saved.

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Intermediate Page 578

㊥ わけがない


A phrase which negates the existence of a reason to believe that someone does something or is in some state, or that something takes place; or which negates a possibility of someone's doing something or being in some state, or something's taking place. There is no reason why~; it is impossible (for~) to~; cannot
【Related Expression: はずがない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). こんな易しい仕事が君に出来ないわけがない

There is no reason why you cannot do such an easy job.

(ksb). 日本語がそんなに速くマスター出来るわけがない

It is impossible to be able to master Japanese that quickly.


(i){V/Adjective い}informal nonpast わけがない
分かるわけがない It is impossible to understand
面白いわけがない It is impossible to be interesting
(ii){Adjective な} stem なわけがない
奇麗なわけがない It is impossible to something to be clean
(iii)Noun であるわけがない
先生であるわけがない It is impossible for someone to be a teacher


(a). そんなことをしていいわけがない

No one is allowed to do that kind of thing. (literally: There is no reason why it is all right to do such a thing.)

(b). そんなことを言って人が喜ぶわけがない

There is no reason for people to be pleased if you say such a thing to them.

(c). 彼女がそんなひどいことを言うわけがない

There is no reason for her to say such a terrible thing./ It is impossible for her to say such a terrible thing.

(d). 彼はあんなに酔っていて大丈夫なわけがない

Being that drunk, he cannot be all right.

(e). あの店の物がこんなに安いわけがない

Things at that shop cannot be this cheap.

(f). 彼女がこの時間にこんな所にいるわけがない

It is impossible for her to be in such a place at this time (of the day).

(g). 彼がこの学校の卒業生であるわけがない

It is impossible for him to be a graduate of this school.

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Intermediate Page 581

㊥ わけにはいかない


A phrase which is used to indicate that one cannot do something due to an external circumstance. Cannot; cannot but~; cannot help -ing; have no (other) choice but to~
【Related Expression: ことが出来る; なければならない; られない】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 来週は期末試験があるから、今週末は遊んでいるわけにはいかない

There will be final examinations next week, so I cannot fool around this weekend.

(ksb). 親友の結婚式だから、出席しないわけにはいかない

Since it is the wedding of my close friend I have no other choice but to attend it.


(i)Vinformal nonpast わけにはいかない
行くわけにはいかない Someone cannot go
(ii)Vinformal negative nonpast ないわけにはいかない
読まないわけにはいかない Someone has no other choice but to read something


(a). こんな高価な物を頂くわけにはいきません

I have no reason to receive such an expensive gift.

(b). 私のような若い者がそんな会議に出席するわけにはいきません

A young person like me cannot attend such a meeting.

(c). まだ定職もないんだから、結婚するわけにはいかないんですよ。

I don't have a regular job, so I cannot get married.

(d). これから運転しなければなりませんから、酒を飲むわけにはいきません

I have to drive from now, so I cannot drink.

(e). まだ仕事が残っているので、帰るわけにはいきません

I still have work to do, so I cannot go home.

(f). これは秘密なので、話すわけにはいきません

This is a secret, so I cannot talk about it.

(g). この論文は重要だから、読まないわけにはいかない

This paper is important, so I have no choice but to read it.

(h). 上司の命令なのだから、報告書を書かないわけにはいかない

It is my boss's order, so I cannot avoid writing this report.

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Intermediate Page 584

㊥ やる (1)

Verb (Group 1)

To cause something/someone to move to a place or to do/eat/drink something. Send; give; do; play; operate; eat; drink
【Related Expression: する】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 貧乏な家庭は子供を大学にやれない

Poor families cannot send their children to college.

(ksb). 僕は弟に自転車をやるつもりだ。

I intend to give a bike to my younger brother.

(ksc). 午後、テニスをやりませんか。

Won't you play tennis this afternoon?

(ksd). 今アメリカで日本語の教師をやっています

I'm now (literally: doing) a Japanese instructor in the U.S.

(kse). 三船敏郎のやる役は正義感の強い男だ。

The role played by Toshiro Mifune is a male with a strong sense of justice.

(ksf). 先月まで煙草をやっていました

I was smoking up until last month.


(i)someone が someone を place にやる
私が息子を外国にやる I will send my son to a foreign country
(ii)someone が someone に something をやる
僕が妹に人形をやる I will give my younger sister a doll
(iii)someone が something をやる
友達が弁護士をやる My friend is (literally doing) a lawyer


(a). 息子を郵便局にやって、切手を買って来させた。

I sent my son to the post office and had him buy stamps.

(b). 猫にこのえさをやってね。

Give this food to the cat, OK?

(c). 宿題をやりましたか。

Did you do your homework?

(d). チェスをやろうか。

Shall we play chess?

(e). 来月クラス会をやります

We will have (literally: do) a class reunion next month.

(f). ちょっと遅れるから、先に(食事を)やっていて下さい。

I'm coming in a bit late, so please start eating without me.

(g). 私は酒も煙草もやりません

I neither drink nor smoke.

(h). 私は去年から生け花をやっています

I have been learning flower arrangement since last year.

(i). 僕は小さい時色々な病気をやりました

When I was a kid I suffered from various diseases

(j). 友達がジャズ喫茶をやっている

My friend is running a jazz cafe.

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Intermediate Page 589

㊥ やる (2)

Auxiliary Verb (Group 1)

An auxiliary verb which expresses the idea that someone does something undesirable to someone else when he/she knows his/her action will cause hardship or trouble. (knowing that it will cause someone trouble/difficulty)
【Related Expression: くれる; もらう】

Key Sentences

(ks). 私は正をからかってやった

I teased Tadashi.


Vて やる
いじめてやる (I) will bully someone


(a). ルームメートが部屋を全然掃除しないので、文句を言ってやった

Because my roommate never cleans our room, I complained (to her about it).

(b). 彼にあまり腹が立ったので、怒鳴り付けてやった

I was so mad at him that I shouted at him.

(c). 会社の付けで飲んでやった

I had drinks at my company's expense.

(d). 浩はテレビゲームばかりしてちっとも勉強しないんですよ。一度叱ってやって下さい。

[From a wife to her husband] Hiroshi always plays video games (literally: TV games) and doesn't study at all. Will you talk to him (literally: tell him off) about it (literally: once)?

(e). 言うことを聞かなかったら少し脅してやれ

If he doesn't listen, threaten him a little.

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Intermediate Page 591

㊥ やっと


An adverb to indicate that something desirable has been finally achieved or will be eventually achieved though with great difficulty. Finally; at last; barely
【Related Expression: かろうじて; なんとか; とうとう; ようやく】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 日本史の期末レポートやっと書き終えた。

I finally finished writing my Japanese history term paper.

(ksb). この道は車がやっと一台通れるくらいの狭さです。

This street is so narrow that one car can barely go through.

(ksc). 私の日本語の力では挨拶をするのがやっとです。

My Japanese language ability is barely enough to make greetings.

(ksd). やっとのことで、家が買えた。

At long last, I could buy a house.


(i)やっと Vinformal
やっと {会える/会えた} I am/was finally able to meet him
(ii)やっと Vinformal
やっと {乗れる/乗れた} Can/could barely ride
(iii)Vinformal nonpast のがやっと {だ/だった}
そう言うのがやっと {だ/だった} Somone can/could barely say so
(iv) やっとのことでV
やっとのことで {着く/着いた} At long last, someone gets/got there


(a). 半年の長い冬が終わって、やっと暖かい春になった。

The long winter that lasted for half a year has ended and finally the warm spring is here.

(b). 日本で一年間日本語を勉強したら、やっと、日本語が通じるようになった。

After I studied Japanese for a year in Japan, I finally reached the point where I could make myself understood in Japanese.

(c). あの二人はずいぶん間付き合っていたが、やっと結婚したようだね。

The couple have been together for a very long time, but it seems that they finally got married.

(d). 長い間の夢だった海外旅行にやっと行けそうだ。

It seems that finally I can travel abroad which was a dream I cherished for a long time.

(e). 家から駅まで走って、やっと、七時半の電車に間に合った。

I ran to the station from my house, and I just caught the 7:30 train.

(f). 家族四人がやっと住めるような小さいアパートに入った。

We moved into a small apartment which can barely accommodate a family of four.

(g). 父は腰を痛めているので、家の周りを散歩するのがやっとです。

My father is suffering from pain in the lower back, and he can barely walk around the house.

(h). やっとのことので、富士山の頂上に着いた。

With the greatest effort, we reached the top of Mt. Fuji.

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Intermediate Page 595

㊥ よう (1)


A noun forming suffix which means a way (of doing something). A/the way to; a/the way of -ing; the way (someone does something)
【Related Expression: 方】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この作文は直しようがない。

There is no way to correct this composition.

(ksb). この成績じゃ・では救いようがない。

There is no way to save (him) with this grade.

(ksc). こんなに壊れてしまっては直しようがない。

We cannot fix it now that it is broken to this extent.

(ksd). みんなで同時に攻めて来たら防ぎようがない。

There is no way to defend ourselves if all of them attack us at the same time.


Vます よう
書きよう A way to write


(a). それ以外に考えようがない。

There is no other way to think (about it).

(b). 日本語があんなに下手じゃどうしようもない。

There is no hope to do with such poor Japanese. (literally: There is no way even to do if his Japanese is that poor.)

(c). 漢字が読めないんじゃ(=のでは)仕事のさせようがない。

There is no way to have him work if he cannot read kanji.

(d). こんなに学生が多くては教えようがない。

There is no way to teach if there are this many students.

(e). そんな聞き方をされたら答えようがない。

I cannot answer if you ask (literally: I am asked) that way.

(f). 私に謝ってもらってもしようがない。

There is no point apologizing to me (literally: even if you apologize to me).

(g). ほかにやりようはないのだろうか。

Isn't there any other way to do it, I wonder?

(h). 見つからないのは探しようが悪いんだよ。

It's because your way of searching (for it) is wrong that you cannot find it.

(i). 読みようによってはこの手紙は遺書ともとれる。

Depending on how you read it, this letter can be taken as a suicide note.

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Intermediate Page 599

㊥ よう (2)

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary verb that expresses the writer's conjecture about some potentiality or his certainty about a given state of affairs. Probably; likely; must be; should; ought; naturally
【Related Expression: だろう; でしょう】

Key Sentences

(ksa). この程度の文章なら日本語の一年生でも読めよう

Even the first year students of Japanese (probably) can read a passage of this level.

(ksb). こんな寒い日にオーバーも着ないで歩き回れば、風邪も引こう

If you walk around without wearing an overcoat on such a cold day, it is a matter of course that you will catch a cold.

(ksc). この政治的問題を解決するのは容易であろう

It is probably/must be easy to solve this political problem


(i)Vvolitional V: non-controllable verb
書けよう Someome (probably) can write something
出来よう Someone (probably) can do something
(ii)Noun+particle V: non-controllable verb
目も覚めよう It is natural that one wakes up
日本語が分かろう Someone probably understands Japanese
(iii)Adjective な stem であろう
便利であろう Something is probably/must be convenient


(a). この問題については色々政治的解決が考えられよう

Regarding this problem, all sorts of political solutions can (probably) be considered.

(b). このピアノソナタだったら子供にも弾けよう

Even a child should be able to play this piano sonata.

(c). この報告書は来週の金曜日までには書けよう

We should be able to write this report by next Friday.

(d). あのタワーに上れば、町全体がよく見えよう

If you go up that tower, you should be able to see the entire city.

(e). 米ソ関係の改善で、世界の平和は維持出来よう

With the improvement of U.S.-Russia relations, it is likely that world peace can be maintained.

(f). あんなにひどいことをされたら、腹も立とう

If you are treated as badly as that you naturally get mad.

(g). あれだけむちゃくちゃに働けば、病気にもなろう

If you work as crazy as that, you will naturally get ill.

(h). この辺りでは夜の一人歩きは危険であろう

In this neighbourhood it is probably/must be dangerous to walk alone at night.

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Intermediate Page 602

㊥ より


An adverb which forms the comparative of an adjective or an adverb to mean 'more~ than now or than otherwise'. More~ (than now; than something at present; than otherwise)
【Related Expression: もっと】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私達はいつも、よりよいサービスの提供に努めています。

We are always trying to offer better services.

(ksb). 外国語は新しい技術を利用すればより効果的に教えることが出来る。

We can teach foreign languages more effectively if we utilize new technology.

(ksc). 子供達に自分で考えさせる方がより教育的だ。

It is more educational to have children think for themselves.


(i)より Adjective
より面白い More interesting
(ii)より Adverb
より正確に More accurately


(a). 今後もより速い、より大容量の記憶装置の開発が続くだろう。

The development of faster and larger (literally: of a larger capacity) storage devices will continue from now on, too.

(b). 私達はより多くの人々にこの施設を利用してもらいたいと思っています。

We would like more people to use this facility.

(c). この車は車体をより軽くするためにアルミの合金を使っている。

In order to make the body lighter, aluminium alloy is used for this car.

(d). より軽く、より薄く、より小さく」が我が社のモットーだ。

Lighter, thinner, and smaller is our company’s motto.

(e). 原色を使うと、より刺激的になる。

Using original colours would make it more stimulating.

(f). 電話回線を利用すれば、より広い地域のユーザーにこのサービスが提供出来る。

If we utilise telephone lines, we can offer this service to users in a larger region.

(g). 集中管理システムの方がより効率的だろう。

A centralized system would probably be more efficient.

(h). バスで通勤する方がより経済的です。

Commuting to work by bus is more economical.

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Intermediate Page 606

㊥ ざるを得ない

Auxiliary (used in writing and formal speech only)

An auxiliary indicating that there is no other choice but to do something. Cannot help -ing; cannot (help) but; have no choice but to~; have to
【Related Expression: ないわけに(は)いかない; なければならない; しかない】

Key Sentences

(ks). それは高かったが、教科書だったから買わざるを得なかった

It was a textbook so I had no choice but to buy it, although it was expensive.


Vneg ざるを得ない
食べざるを得ない Someone cannot help eating something
行かざるを得ない Someone cannot help going there
Exception せざるを得ない Someone cannot help doing something


(a). 日本へ行けば、日本の習慣に従わざるを得ない

If you go to Japan you cannot help but adapt yourself to Japanese customs.

(b). 上司に飲みに行こうと言われれば、部下は行かざるを得ない

If a subordinate is told by his superior to go out drinking he cannot help going with him.

(c). これだけの人が拳銃で殺されているのだから、拳銃所持をより厳しくコントロールせざるを得ないと思う。

Because this many people have been murdered by guns, I feel that we cannot help but control possession of guns more strictly.

(d). ジョンは一年で日本語がすらすら話せて、新聞が楽に読めるようになったのだから、語学の天才と言わざるを得ない

Since John was able to speak Japanese fluently and read newspapers with ease in one year we cannot help calling him a genius of language learning.

(e). 日本は天然資源の乏しい国だから、経済発展のためには輸出に依存せざるを得ないのである。

Since Japan is a country lacking in natural resources, she cannot help relying on exports.

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Intermediate Page 609

㊥ ぞ

Particle (used in conversation only)

A sentence final particle that emphasises a male speaker's emotion about something in his monologue or his strong desire to draw someone else's attention. I tell you; I'm telling you; you know
【Related Expression: よ】

Key Sentences

(ksa). あれ、財布がどこかへ行ってしまった

Hey, my purse has gone somewhere!

(ksb). 急がないとバスに乗り遅れる

If you don't hurry, you'll be late for the bus, you know.


{V/Adjective い} informal
食べる Hey, someone is going to eat it
食べた Hey, someone ate it
まずい Yuck!
まずかった It was yucky
{Adjective な/Noun} {だ/だった}
元気だ Someone is healthy
元気だった Someone was healthy


(a). 今日はあの子とデートが出来る

Wow! I can date that girl today.

(b). 変だ。女房の顔が猫の顔に見える。

Strange indeed! My wife's face looks like a cat's face.

(c). 今度こそ文部省の奨学金をもらってやる

By God, this time I will get the Education Ministry's Scholarship.

(d). 今日の日本語の試験はうまくいった

Thank God, today's Japanese exam went well!

(e). 今日は寒いから、オーバーを着て行った方がいい

It's cold today, so you'd better go out with an overcoat on.

(f). このケーキ、食べないなら、俺が食べちゃう

If you don't eat this cake, I will.

(g). 同じ間違いをもう一度したら、許さない

If you make the same mistake again, I'm not going to forgive you.

(h). おい、この酒、熱くない

Hey, this sake isn't hot enough!

(i). 予告もなしに来るなんて失礼だ

It's rude of you to come here without any advance notice. Do you know that?


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