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㊦ ように(1) ←

→ ㊦ ように言う

㊦ ように (2)

Auxiliary Adjective (な)

An adverbial form of ようだ As; like

Key Sentences

(ksa). 私が言うように書いて下さい。

Please write it down as I tell you.

(ksb). 今日は春になったように暖かい・暖かいです。

Today is as warm as if it had become spring.

(ksc). ドロシーは日本人のように日本語を話す・話します。

Dorothy speaks Japanese like a Japanese.


(i){V/Adjective い} informal ように  
  {話す /話した}ように As someone talks/talked; as if someone (had) talked
  {高い /高かった}ように As something is/was expensive; as if something were/had been expensive
(ii)Adjective な stem {だった}ように  
  {静か/静かだった}ように As something is/was quiet; as if something were/had been quiet
(iii)Noun {だった}ように  
  {先生/先生だった}ように Like a teacher/as someone was a teacher; as if someone were/had been a teacher


(a). 前に話したように私は来月会社を辞めます。

As I told you before, I'm going to quit the company next month.

(b). 上田さんのように走れますか。

Can you run like Mr. Ueda?

(c). 若い時のようには元気がなくなった。

I don't feel as strong as I used to when I was young.

(d). 土井さんはいつものように朝六時に起きた。

As usual Mr. Doi got up at six in the morning.

(e). 兄がスポーツが上手なように弟も上手だ。

Just like the older brother, the younger brother is also good at sports.

(f). 猫が可愛いように犬も可愛い。

Dogs are cute, just like cats.


1. ように1 expresses purpose but ように2 doesn't; it expresses similarity, especially in appearance.

(⇨ ように1)

2. ように2 can express a counterfactual situation as in Key Sentence (B). The adverb まるで 'just' is often used to emphasize counterfactuality. Examples follow:

㊦ ように(1) ←

→ ㊦ ように言う