
ホーム文法DoJG main menu中級編 → Intermediate Page 333

㊥ を通して ←

→ ㊥ っぽい

㊥ っぱなし


An auxiliary which expresses the idea that someone or something keeps doing something, or someone leaves something in an improper state. Keep -ing; have been -ing; leave
【Related Expression: まま; 続けだ; 続ける】

Key Sentences

(ksa). 新幹線が満員で東京から京都までずっと立ちっぱなしだった。

The Shinkansen was so crowded that I stood all the way (literally: kept standing) from Tokyo to Kyoto.

(ksb). 友達にまだお金を借りっぱなしだ。

I borrowed money from a friend of mine and still haven't paid it back.

(ksc). 和彦はラジオをかけっぱなしでどこかへ行ってしまった。

Kazuhiko went out, leaving his radio on.


Vます っぱなし
座りっぱなし (volitional) have been sitting
つけっぱなし (volitional) leave something on


(a). ブラジルのバレーボール・チームは今日まで勝ちっぱなしだ。

Brazil's volleyball team hasn't lost a game up to now. (literally: Brazil's volleyball team has been winning up to today.)

(b). 今日は朝から電話が鳴りっぱなしだ。

The telephone has been ringing since this morning (literally: since morning today).

(c). 朝からしゃべりっぱなしで喉が痛い。

I have been talking since this morning and my throat is sore.

(d). 車のヘッドライトを一晩中つけっぱなしだったのでバッテリーが上がってしまった。

Because I left my car headlights on all night, the battery died.

(e). 光子は水を出しっぱなしで友達と電話で話している。

Mitsuko is talking with her friend on the phone while leaving the water running.

(f). 茂はやかんをコンロにかけっぱなしにして出て行った。

Shigeru went out somewhere leaving a kettle on the stove.

(g). 開けっぱなしの窓から蚊が沢山入ってきた。

Many mosquitoes came in through the window which was left open.

Note image

㊥ を通して ←

→ ㊥ っぽい